MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1757: Seize

The death knight general's nose was crooked: "Are you a pig, or you think I am a pig, you can't find a good reason."

"My lord..." The Lich was about to cry, and he was also very wronged. There was obviously no problem. The magic net was cramping. What's my business.

"Everyone is on standby, waiting to be teleported." The death knight general took out the crystal, and for a moment he was teleported to the ship.

This is a crystal that can be teleported to the captain's room, allowing him to return to his ship from anywhere.

However, when the light disappeared, he opened his eyes and saw a man sitting grandiosely on his throne, two very beautiful women beside the throne, and another beauty shrouded in thunder and lightning was chanting a spell .

With the spell, a layer of light flickered, and a layer of obscure runes flashed across all parts of the captain's room.

"The barrier has been fully activated, and the battle here will not destroy the structure here."

The death knight looked at the young man sitting on the throne with a gloomy face and said, "Who are you?"

Li Yao said with a faint smile: "It doesn't matter who I am, and you don't need to know. I'm just here to discuss one thing with you."

The death knight general sneered: "I don't even dare to say who I am, there is nothing to discuss."

"Yes, there is nothing to discuss. I have anything to say with a dead person. Anyway, if you die, this ship will naturally become mine." Li Yao drank the wine in the glass: "Well, let's do it. ."

"Die me."

The death knight commander heard Li Yao's words and knew that he was dead for a lifetime, and he understood in a moment that the reason for the inability to transmit was with these people, and he saw the seal just now, knowing that if he didn't kill his opponent, his life would be That's it for the explanation.

The death knight's body directly shrouded a magical shield, raised the rune sword, and a ghoul, also the world leader, crawled out of the void.

This was his combat partner, and he himself was Li Yao who rushed to the throne by the ghoul.

"This way is nowhere."

The mechanical clone spouted flames from its feet, and rushed out like a cannonball under the blast of flames. The big sword in his hand slashed towards the death knight and blocked the death knight's path.

"Huh, overwhelming."

A trace of contempt flashed in the death knight's eyes. Seeing that the mechanical clone was only a camp level, he didn't believe that the opponent could harm him.


However, the next moment, General Death Knight's complexion changed, and the two swords collided together, and he felt a powerful force coming.

The death knight general's body flew out directly, and banged against the wall of the captain's room at the rear with a bang. It was said that it was a wall, but in fact it was an enchantment, and the flashing runes blocked the wall.

And the ghoul just crawled out of the void, the blue dragon queen's eyes flashed, and the ghoul's bleating became a small sheep moving back and forth on the ground.

Li Yao said: "After the experiment, it can shock the world-class leader and kill it."

Although the death knight didn't take much damage, for Li Yao, this kind of strength was enough, and he still didn't activate the power of the dragon father.

"Damn, what kind of monster are you?" The death knight raised his hand when two plagues landed on the mechanical clone.

"I am a mechanical body, and your plague is ineffective to me." The mechanical body stepped forward.

Li Yao and the mechanical avatar raised their arms at the same time, the crossbow trembling, and two crossbow arrows shining with purple and black light nailed to the death knight general's shadow.

The death knight just hit the shield and shattered, and then felt that he was nailed and could not move.

Thundercloud storm!

Ice and snow dance!

Flame pulse!

The three dragon queens shot almost at the same time, first with the flame pulse.

A flame sprayed from the general clamor of the death knight, wrapping the death knight into the sky, and then countless ice blades appeared from the void, falling like snowflakes on the death knight's body.

When the death knight wanted to make any action to deal with it, it was frozen and couldn't move at all.

Then endless lightning raged with the whirlwind, crackling and falling on the frozen death knight.

The ice shattered, and the scorched death knight fell to the ground like a dead fish. Before he could struggle, the great sword of the mechanical clone had already fallen.

The death knight's head and neck separated, flew out, and rolled to the throne where Li Yao was.

It was originally a necromantic creature, the soul fire was not extinguished, the soul flame of the head was beating, but the mouth could not make any sound.

"I understand, you hate it." Li Yao stood up from the throne, crouched beside his head, and said faintly: "To blame, you can only blame you for owning a coveted aerial fortress. Nothing, it’s just that you are so sassy that you swaggered into our dark camp and tried to collude with the do you really think our camp has no one."

Li Yao said that the touch of darkness spread on his arm, directly wrapping the death knight's head. He still has some blood, but with a head, he can only say that he is still alive, but he can't do anything.

A wave of power came from the touch of darkness, and the death knight died and gave Li Yao two blessings, one is high-level plague immunity, the other is a partnership contract, which lasts for one month.

Needless to say, high-level plague immunity means that you won’t be harmed by ordinary plagues. The partner contract is the passive ability of the death knight to strengthen the ghoul. It becomes Li Yao’s side. Strengthening his pet can increase it by 15%, lasting. It's also a month, quite a powerful skill.

The mechanical clone is to collect the spoils, and two of the dark gold items are used for melee combat, just for the mechanical clone to use.

Among them is a mysterious ice sword, a rune sword used by the death knight. It has a high attack and a special effect with a icy whirlwind. When it is launched, the entire body is covered by the whirlwind, and the enemy is frozen after a few seconds. Then there was a Qianjun Slash and a special effect to increase melee damage, which was stronger than Li Yao's hand. The mechanical clone was replaced directly.

The other is a metal mask, which is a helmet. The special effect can activate the cold dragon's breath, and the mechanical clone is also replaced.

At the same time, the announcement of the first kill of the world-class death knight general also echoed in the game, and the players were already numb. They had no fluctuations in the perversion of Li Yao.

At most, I sighed and killed another, so it would be great for me to kill one.

Li Yao opened the portal of the void, and the bones under his control came out of the portal, followed by two hundred dark rangers.

There is no leader, the dragons in the void fortress have no leader, and the trump card army has been teleported down, it can't stop Li Yao from controlling the sky fortress...

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