Killing a world-class leader seems inconceivable, but in fact it is inevitable.

Li Yao was too prepared. With three top-level world-class dragon queens, it was too easy to deal with a junior world-class leader.

In addition, he stepped into the ambush ring even when he had mental arithmetic and was not wronged at all.

It didn't take much time to kill the death knight leader, but it took a little effort to occupy the battleship.

Although the remaining participating forces were not much, the opponent persisted for half an hour under the resistance of the Lich Organization.

The lich who took the lead was killed and the resistance ended, and most of the leaders were put to death.

The chaos on the ship obviously caused a sensation, but the people below could only watch and couldn’t help at all. The Centaur had no air force and could only dispatch some aerial pets summoned by the Centaur hunter, but they could only help. To harassment.

The blue dragon dragon queen's frost metal dragon above the two hundred camp level will kill them with no resistance.

Half an hour later, it could only be activated in the angry gaze of countless death knights and skeleton warriors, quickly galloping away, and the flagpole raised the banner of the dark camp.

The sky fortress can be said to have been swaggering. When passing by the tauren camp, the two-legged dragon army was dispatched, and I saw Li Yao.

The leader here gave Li Yao a letter and told Li Yao that this was a letter personally sent by the dark camp warchief. He hoped that Li Yao would implement it as soon as possible.

Li Yao took the envelope, inside it was a letter paper glowing with magic light. After unfolding, there was no text, but a ghost of a warchief appeared.

"The letter is sent to all parts of the camp. I hope that the garrison chiefs will notify Liaoyuan or the Liaoyuan general when you see the letter, please come to the main city of Orima immediately."

Li Yao closed the letter, but he was not surprised. He probably knew the Warchief's intention to find him, and there was some unexpected emotion in Mi.

"This great chief is okay, if this kind of thing happened, the master first thought of you, this is for us to give our lives to the dark camp." The black dragon queen laughed.

Li Yao shook his head: "Normally, the three major camps have suffered such a big loss, how can it be possible if they don’t find the place. Moreover, my conditions are also the most suitable. The task of finding the place will definitely fall on me. But it also shows that the three major camps are still the same. The situation has not been saved, but now the top guilds are basically at their full level, and the battle will probably start soon."

The Blue Dragon said indifferently: "The war between mortals is the most boring. It's just a small city. So much land is controlled by the devil and won't be taken back. I make trouble for this all day long."

Li Yao shook his head: "Where is this a matter of a few cities? There are more cities in the three camps. There are dozens of cities, and there are only a dozen of them in one camp, and many of them are still small cities, and there are not enough resources. But This is no longer a question of how many resources, but the chaotic camp has touched the bottom line of the three major camps, and it is still taking advantage of the time when the three major camps are unable to separate. If the three major camps have not experienced a war, the soldiers are generally war-weary, it is estimated that we do not need us Take action and directly level the chaotic camp."

The Black Dragon Queen also said: "What the master said is reasonable, but just to find the place, the faction can directly issue ordinary faction missions, or a word from your mentor, now that the warchief summons you, I think this warchief or The faction decision-makers not only want to take back the city, the master should prepare for a big battle."

"Now almost all the guilds are basically Tier 6. It is just when they are ready to go. No matter what war, recruits will not be afraid of it. It depends on how much the decision-makers have." Li Yao When there is no idea, the faction tells him how to beat him.

Finding him so solemnly this time obviously requires him to take the lead, and he won't suffer anyway.

The speed of the battleship was much faster than the speed of the Dragon Queen. At noon, Li Yao's battleship appeared outside Orimaa's city.

The loud horn resounded through the main city. When it reached the head of the city, countless two-footed flying dragons had completely surrounded the warship, and the head of the city was shining with light from the magic circle.

"Is the general Liaoyuan on the ship?" an orc said on the two-legged dragon.

"Exactly." Li Yao appeared on the deck.

"Sorry, this ship cannot enter the floating port for the time being, and can only be suspended outside the city." The Orc General said apologetically.

"Understand, after all, there are still undead who have just been captured. I also grab the guards, please." Li Yao said politely.

The dragon queens are all on the boat, so naturally there will be no problems, and these are just to reassure the orc general.

"Yes, General Liaoyuan, the Chief Chief has requested. All the Chieftains arrived this morning." The Orc General said.

"Please lead the army." Li Yao politely said.

"Please." The general sent a two-footed flying dragon to the side of the spaceship.

Under the leadership of the Orc General, Li Yao passed through the Valley of Strength and came to the Valley of Wisdom.

The warchief advocates wisdom. In his opinion, wisdom is more important than It is also the wisdom of the warchief that formed the dark camp and can fight against the new and powerful bright camp.

The Great Chief’s Chamber is a huge building, the center of the dark camp power, and a square outside.

There were crowds of people on the square, there were many tables and chairs, Li Yao saw countless players below the table pushing cups and changing cups, the number at least thousands.

"This is." Li Yao asked curiously.

The Orc General explained: "General Liaoyuan didn't know anything about it. This time the warchief not only summoned the big leaders, but also the leader of the recruit guild."

Li Yao nodded, this time he really wanted to make a big move.

The Korkaron guards at the entrance of the Assembly Hall were guarded strictly, and Li Yao landed.

At the entrance of the assembly hall, a tauren suddenly shouted: "General Liaoyuan, the commander of the High Elf Withered Sun, is here, and the Chief Chief has requested to enter the hall for discussion."

Li Yao nodded. Originally, he saw a few acquaintances and wanted to sit together, but when he heard this, he suddenly changed his direction.

In fact, Li Yao's arrival has attracted attention a long time ago. There are many people who know him, and even those who don't know him already know who Li Yao is.

It's not easy to be able to make air mounts here.

Countless guards of Kor'kron saluted, and Li Yao returned the salute, and entered the council chamber on the way that guards of Kor'kron let go.

The guild leaders outside were all fried, but they knew exactly who they were inside. They were the top and second leaders of all races. They had been sitting for a long time, but no one could get in.

There are also many super guild presidents who wanted to get in with their general tokens, but Kukalong ignored them. After a few steps, the weapons were aimed.

It's fine if everyone can't go in. Everyone is waiting. As a result, Li Yao was invited in as soon as he came. There was an uproar. Many people were unbalanced and calm...

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