MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1759: a task that can not be done

No matter how unconvinced they were, they couldn't change the facts. The result of forcibly was death, and it also affected the guild, and it had no practical meaning.

Li Yao is quite familiar with this place, but this time it is not in the lobby, but a small conference room with not many people, only the first and second leaders of a few races.

More importantly, there are two virtual scene images in the middle, the big guys from the neutral camp and the big guys from the bright camp. Obviously it is a joint high-level meeting of the three camps, but they don’t want to expand and there is no reality. Meet in here, in this way.

When Li Yao entered, he heard Woking, the leader of the troll, talking.

"I'm not afraid of the leaders of all races laughing. My Darkspear tribe is like a bereavement dog, forced to train in the Lost Isles. As a result, under the threat of Naga, my father died in battle. The priest also launched a coup, and I took part with me. The tribe’s talents are stable under the leadership of the warchief, and have some territory. Perhaps those cities are just insignificant small cities for your other races, but they are very important to us Darkspear. Those in the chaotic camp are mentally handicapped. Suddenly, we cannot tolerate them being so presumptuous in any way."

The king of the werewolf kingdom also said: "My werewolf kingdom is the same. This time it really irritates me. Our werewolf kingdom and the chaotic camp are endless."

The Amazon queen of the neutral camp also said: “I’m not in a city that I’m distressed and lost, but the recruits in these chaotic camps are too much. My Amazons are already few. The neutral continent is plagued by disasters and devastated, and demon catastrophes continue. The population is dying. Those recruits not only occupied the city, but killed all the people who defended the city. I really have to report this grudge, thinking that they have recruits, and saying that the recruits of our three camps are not as good as others."

For a while, the sentiment is exciting, and it will mean nothing anyway, and can't tolerate the chaotic camp.

In fact, the same is true. The three major camps were already full of contradictions, and now there is an additional restless chaotic camp. It's fine to be honest, and it's still so restless. This is provoking the dominance of the three camps.

"Our recruits have grown up too short, unlike them who have trained for many years. But our dark camp also has a mainstay. Those in the chaotic camp can't keep up with it. No, he's here."

The warchief grabbed Li Yao and continued: "Liaoyuan, I must be no stranger to it. Those recruits who gather countless guilds and occupy a city are triumphant. Little did they know that our young general took it by himself. After going to several cities, the city built by myself became a medium-sized city. Not long ago, I became the commander of the Withered Sun Legion, which frustrated the Scourge Legion’s layout in the Ghost Land. The Scourge Legion was hit hard. His personal strength has become a faction level, and he is genuine."

Speaking of Li Yao's record, the leaders of the dark camp are very proud, while the leaders of the other two camps are a bit sour. There is no such a competitive recruit in their camp, and they know more or less about Li Yao.

But I couldn't help being surprised when he heard that Li Yao had become a real camp-level. You know, their recruits are at most high-ranking leaders, or those who have not made up for their origins.

And Li Yao has become a faction-level, can truly be alone, and now when it is obvious that recruits are needed, Li Yao is particularly conspicuous.

"What are you proud of? I don't know if you thought Liaoyuan was your disciple." The king of the bright camp said dissatisfied.

The warchief laughed: "I didn't boast of him, I just wanted to give him a task. Liaoyuan, you must know the situation, I won't be too nonsense. You also understand the attitude of the leader just now. After a few discussions with us, I want to give the chaotic camp a heavy blow, but this person's task is too difficult, I don't know if you dare to take it."

Li Yao did not directly agree, but asked: "I don't know what task the warchief will give me. As long as I can, I will definitely go all out."

The chief laughed: "Cunning little guy, we can still fool you. This time we are not convenient to shoot, so I hope you can win any major city of the chaotic race on behalf of our dark camp, and the major city you win is yours. Call the shots, and you will be made the leader of the camp."

"It's not a pitfall for me." Li Yao's face turned green all of a sudden. Although he had long thought that the camp leader would have to make big moves, he didn't expect such big moves, it was simply shocking.

To win a major city, to say it simply, joking, this appetite is too big.

Not only Li Yao was stunned, but the big guys in the neutral camp and the bright camp were stunned. This mission is simply impossible for the recruits. It is just a joke on them to win a major city. .

At the beginning, the werewolf kingdom was hit hard and its strength dropped sharply. The queen wanted to take down the werewolf's main and the two sides did not win the battle. The background of a race is not a joke.

The same was true for the original plane invasion. The three major camps didn't want to exclude them from the pattern, but they couldn't do it at all. Now letting a recruit and a group of recruits take down a main city is really incredible.

The original blood tribe was won by the power of several camps, and Uldaman was also won by the power of several races.

The archangel said in disbelief: "Warchief, you are right."

The warchief shook his head: "This is the result of a discussion between our leaders. If we don't severely injure a race, these guys will not live well. Only by killing chickens and monkeys can they have a deterrent effect. I also know that this task is difficult, but it is because of the difficulty. , Turning the impossible into possibility, can shock Xiao Xiao. Liaoyuan, in addition to man and troops, materials, and machinery, what do you want, what the camp prepares for you, although our camp is difficult, but several races work together to support you all the way to complete a war It can be done."

After a brief shock, Li Yao came to his senses, took a deep breath and said, "I can't do it with a guild alone."

The queen snorted coldly and said: "You think too much. Just one guild is enough for you. I am afraid that ten will not be enough. This time it is for you to lead enough recruits to participate in the war. You are the leader and commander. Especially. It's the final battle. The world-class and even stronger powers you face will need to be resisted by you."

"Teacher, you value me too much." Li Yao smiled bitterly. Facing the world-class is already at the limit and stronger, kidding.

"You gather three touches of darkness, plus your own path to the strong, it is natural to save your life, plus your partner, it is strong enough." The queen said.

The other leaders also nodded, and Li Yao knew that he had to accept this task if he didn't accept it...

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