MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1769: Advanced arms

When others reorganized the army, a large number of Zergs in Li Yao's construction space were produced and then smelted into steel Zergs.

Li Yao has also gone through successive battles, the massive energy units accumulated in the framework space, ever since Li Yao knew that he was going to go through the war, he began to turn his troops in full force when he was in the Arcane Tower.

The steel zerg army has been continuously produced, and because of the integration of Li Yaoqiang's path and the heart of the mother worm and the machine, the two things have been upgraded, and both the zerg and the machine have been upgraded by one level again.

Originally, Li Yao felt that his strength at the present stage was sufficient, and there was no need to show better arms or increase arms again, but this battle was unusual, and preparations for the capture of a main city were not excessive.

This is promoted under the strengthening of the material, and both things have been promoted to level 4. This is their own level. This is because they are improved after making up for their origins. They are also complete forms of strength, rather than being weakened by the player. Kind.

This upgrade will allow Li Yao to produce more elite and advanced trump cards, and can summon two heroes at the hero altar.

The strength of the mechanical heart allows Li Yao to produce more mechanical units, but these units are not decisive, and they are not stronger than the ace bugs, plus the cost is huge, so the mechanical heart of Li Yao mainly focuses on strengthening the bugs.

However, mechanical arms are also very powerful, but they are not easy to manufacture. Li Yao plans to obtain massive resources after occupying the main city.

These days, Li Yao had already sorted out his thoughts, two heroes, one was a huge vacant king insect.

The size of this insect is extremely huge, and the Guyang is only two-thirds the size of him, which shows the huge extent.

Void insects are warship insects of the Zerg race across the starry sky. Because of their strength limitations, Li Yao only summons the faction level, but it is enough. Moreover, his internal law power is huge, and the space is huge.

After the transformation of the enhanced Mechanical Heart Furnace, it became the Iron Void King Worm.

Iron Void King Worm

Grade: Senior faction level (alienation)

Life: 90 million

Armor: Biochemical armor, steel body, insect protection

Specialty: Void Transition, Dimensional Rapidity, Void Expansion, Unbreakable, Void Profound meaning.

Skills: Void Roar, Biochemical Breath, Dimensional Worm Summon, Void Clash.

Li Yao looked at this huge Zerg hero and was very satisfied. The only regret was that Li Yao did not find the information about the Voidworm Lair, otherwise Li Yao would definitely build a powerful Voidworm army.

This hero was simply Li Yao's second sky fortress, and he could still be carried with him, but it was much more convenient than the Dry Sun.

This battle is equivalent to having three aerial fortresses participating in the battle, which is definitely a huge boost.

The biochemical armor is the armor of the void worm itself, like a city wall, the body of steel is the effect of smelting, and the swarm shelter is related to the summoning of the dimension worm, which is a biological enchantment.

Void leap is equivalent to teleportation, but the dimension needs to accelerate to a certain extent.

Indestructible is its own strength and the characteristics obtained by smelting, and it is immune to most damage.

Void expansion is the reason why he can accommodate countless zerg army in his body, which is equivalent to structural space, but it is different.

The profound meaning of the void allows him to master the power of the void, is good at hiding, and is immune to some attacks.

In terms of skills, Void Roar is a sonic-type skill that weakens opponents. You do not need to explain your breath, and spray strong acid.

Void Crash is a collision skill, using one's own size to crush the opponent, Dimension Worm Summoning, is to summon the Dimension Worm to help him protect himself alive and form his own armor, a shield.

The second hero is mechanical. Li Yao chose a great engineer. He is a mechanical life with strong manufacturing capabilities. He is an auxiliary hero and has no combat effectiveness, but he can make the Heart of the Machine display 200% of the original. The efficiency is also the secret killer of Li Yao's attack on the main city to build engineering weapons.

Many units of Mechanical Heart can be built, but because of material and time constraints, Li Yao has no choice but to choose the simplest fighter.

At the beginning, Li Yao could only rely on his own resources to produce. Li Yao planned to prepare 10,000 fighter jets, but was funded by resources from the main city. Li Yao estimated that when he attacked the main city, there would be more than 100,000 fighters that could participate in the battle. . It is definitely an ace air force.

This is the only mechanical unit that has the conditions to produce and can see the effect in a short time. The other is the smelting of the enhanced version of the mechanical heart.

The focus is still on the Zerg. After consideration, Li Yao further strengthened the Zerg army in his hand.

The steel cockroach has gradually been unable to keep up with Li Yao's footsteps. Although the steel cockroach is very strong, it is still somewhat weak to resist the ace army.

Therefore, Li Yao advanced the steel cockroach nest and turned it into the nest of destroyers and thunder beasts respectively. The existing steel cockroaches are constantly evolving into the ace of these two mutant zerg.

Both the Thunder Beast and the Vandals have gone a step further in the defense and recovery of steel cockroaches It has become more difficult to kill. In addition, the Thunder Beast has more powerful melee capabilities, and its combat effectiveness has exploded. , Not just tank troops anymore.

As for the saboteur, it has strengthened its long-range capabilities. In addition to spraying poison bombs and breathing, it can also launch terrorist steel needles with highly poisonous and insect eggs. This steel needle is extremely powerful and can penetrate armor. , Has a strong penetrating power.

In order to make up for the lack of charge ability, Li Yao also built a zombie nest, which is a trump card, but the low cost surprised Li Yao. One energy unit can produce five zombie.

This Zergling attack baptism has a strong bounce ability, more practical than charging, and has sickle forelegs and sharp teeth, which can easily kill weak and weak opponents.

It is a pity that the vitality is not strong, the armor is weak, and it is easy to be killed. Even after being smelted by steel, it is still difficult to change this shortcoming, but the smelting further strengthens their ability to attack wildly, making them even more terrifying.

Li Yao positioned them as an assault force, cheap and efficient.

The powerful jumping ability allows them to jump to nearly a hundred yards in the air, and then span thousands of yards, avoiding fighting with the opponent's vanguard tanks and attacking the opponent's weak points.

And it will have a miraculous effect with the tunnel bug.

In order to further strengthen the air force's capabilities, Li Yao's once again established many new nests to produce brood lords.

Broodlords are flying units like rays, and they are powerful siege units. The alien worms they spit out can siege targets and cause huge damage to buildings.

But like Zerglings, the Broodling Lord has strong attack power, but weak defense power. Although Zergling's feared tank unit is restrained, it has the ability to jump.

But the Brood Lord is different...

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