MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1770: The Great War

Although the Brood Lord is strong against ground attacks, it has basically no resistance to air units, and even the weakest air unit can defeat the Brood Lord.

However, Li Yao's air force is already strong enough, and the Brood Lord is already a powerful auxiliary unit that can destroy buildings.

Li Yao's air force is quite powerful. Flying dragons, griffins, and fighter jets are all units that can smash any air force head-on, especially the evolution of female insects, which has further improved their capabilities and turned them into trump cards.

In particular, there are two hundred iron and frost dragons, which can be hunted by lawbreakers who can break the law, and those who can assassinate.

Let Li Yao have an absolute advantage in air combat.

It can be said that the fusion of Zerg and steel gave Li Yao's army a full-scale army of air combat, ground combat, and even underground combat.

Li Yao's plan was to use war to support the war. In addition to deceiving the enemy, the biggest role of the beginning of the battle was to continue to accumulate energy units. Now there are many energy units, but the strength of the troops to capture the main city is much lower.

Li Yao's ultimate idealized state is that his private forces must break through the ten million mark, so that he can be certain. The final battle for the main city is bound to be extremely fierce, and ten thousand may not be enough.

Li Yao's ideal state is that when he arrives at the main city of ogres, the saboteurs and the thunder beasts each reach 4 million figures, so that they have some confidence to face the ogre army that is unparalleled on the ground.

The ogres are unparalleled on the ground, they are more violent and powerful than the tauren orcs, and they are simply humanoid tanks.

And the ogre ground legion is well equipped. The melee profession uses fist gloves, barbaric warriors and polearms to fight wildly.

The long-range warlock troops are strong, plus the hunter troops, and there are a few shamans.

They have strong vitality and combat effectiveness. The advanced ogres have double heads and their combat effectiveness is even more explosive.

Even among the many alien races, it is the top five fighting race, extremely domineering.

Li Yao's ground troops don't talk about defeating the opponent, but at least they cannot be defeated by the opponent.

Moreover, taking advantage of the weakness of the ogre air force to make a fuss is also the reason why Li Yao vigorously strengthened the air force.

In the air force, the number of griffins was fixed, Xiaoman returned to the clan and brought back tens of thousands of griffins, making up a hundred thousand griffin army.

This 100,000 Griffin Legion Li Yao is ready to match his dark ranger to enhance his combat effectiveness.

The steel frost dragon has not changed, two hundred heads.

Seeing that the Blue Dragon Queen had guards, the Black Dragon Queen was unwilling to find her own son recently and forcibly brought eight hundred black dragons.

These black dragons are not as powerful as ice dragons, but there are enough in number, and the two add up to one thousand, and they can only be used as special forces.

The main force in the air is the flying dragon, and Li Yao plans to be the two million flying dragon.

In the end, if there is more power, it is to produce enough hunters and lawbreakers. There are hundreds of thousands of special Zerg parasites, which consume less energy and have strong plasticity.

As for the other special forces, Li Yao conquered them if their numbers were small and could not grow.

For example, hundreds of thousands of skeleton warriors, hundreds of thousands of hatred, two hundred thousand banshees, one hundred thousand crypt lords, two hundred thousand death knight army, one hundred thousand dark rangers.

It is no longer appropriate for these powers to stay in the Withering Sun Legion, and the ghost land is beginning to come back to life.

These forces are sufficient to deal with the battle between players, but they cannot be used as the main force in the battle of the main city, but can only be used as a surprise.

Hundreds of thousands of Skeleton Warlords acted as a standing Withered Sun protection force, and hated Li Yao and prepared to distribute it to others in the guild.

The Crypt Lord can lead the destroyer and the Thunder Beast, they are similar, and their attack methods do not conflict.

The banshee became Li Yao's private mage group. One hundred thousand dark rangers can be equipped with griffons and become his guards. The Guards of the Withering Sun Legion cannot protect him this time.

The two hundred thousand death knight is a hole card, which can be used only at critical times.

Of course, this is Li Yao's idealized state, and now he has less than five million troops.

He needs time, and this vigorous battle is the time he has accumulated.

In the morning of another day, countless people gathered outside the Undercity.

In fact, since last night, those powerful ones who don't want to follow the main guild have started a war.

The three major camps have started counterattacking wars against the chaotic camps since yesterday, and the battles have continued. Now you can see the flames of war by going to a neutral map.

However, the various races of the chaotic camp are well prepared, and the players of the chaotic race have long been supplied by the camp, and they have taken the city, and their strength has expanded greatly.

Not only siege warfare, the sturdy chaotic camp alien players even took the initiative to intercept players from the three major camps at key intersections.

Up to now, the war is stalemate.

The three camps desperately compete for the city for the benefits promised by the camp, while the players in the chaotic camp are fighting frantically to preserve their own interests and resources.

The chaotic camp still relies on the city's resources and walls to occupy an absolute advantage.

In one day's battle, the three major camps regained very few cities, and even the city was recaptured by alien players from the chaotic camp, falling into a seesaw battle.

And the main force needs to be reorganized and deployed. Naturally, there is no single guild or several guilds that can fight on the battlefield efficiency, but they are not in a hurry. Since they decide to join the main force, they naturally understand that there is no need to worry about no war.

Now the people in these guilds are curious that which main city Li Yao chose to attack, but because he is close to the Undercity, they think Li Yao should attack the Lizardman’s main city because of the distance from the Undercity. too close.

Li Yao contributed the most when the lizardmen came, and he had hatred with the lizardmen players. In addition, Li Yao was the queen’s inheritor, and the location where they gathered made them naturally think of Li Yao’s offensive goals. Of course, This is what Li Yao wants to see.

When the sun rose, two aerial fortresses slowly appeared in the sight of everyone.

Li Yao stood on the deck of the Withered Sun, looking at the crowd below, and said with the blessing of magic: "Very well, it seems that the elites of the respective guilds are coming. I won't talk nonsense. There are already raging wars elsewhere. We can't sit idle and fight right away."

The next guild leader said loudly: "Why don't you let us go all out, the fifth-level guild can only hold 10,000 elite players, and there are only 5,000 people below the fifth level."

Li Yao nodded: "Because we are not in a hurry to attack the main city directly, our team needs to run and cooperate, and I also need to adapt to dispatch so many legions. More importantly, you can choose to join the main force, no matter what the reason is. In my opinion, this is to give me face and stand on the same front with me. We will all be prosperous, and we will lose everything. Naturally, I will not let everyone suffer, so I decided to win some cities first as the final settlement of military merits against outstanding troops. Reward."


The crowd was in an uproar. Unexpectedly, Li Yao had this plan. He actually wanted to attack some cities as a reward for them. You must know that if you take the occupied cities, they will get a part of the city tax. The cities that take the chaotic camp are Can let the guild participate in city management...

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