The people below naturally didn't know that Li Yao did this to kill three birds with one stone, but it was not just for them to get some benefits.

What these guilds did was not just for massive military merits. Everyone knew that if they captured the main city, they would gain massive military merits.

That's why he was willing to give up the temptation to capture the city and get the tax share. Now Li Yao didn't directly attack the main city, but also let them get benefits. Naturally, there is nothing to say.

In this case, many of them will be divided or city official positions. If they win, they can get a lot of military merit. If they lose, they will be divided into the bottom line and they will naturally have a lot of confidence.

"However, the city is limited after all, and not everyone can get it. The quartermaster has listed the regulations. Don't worry about it now. Let's talk on the ship. Don't resist for a while and wait for the transmission."

Following Li Yao's words, the two sky fortresses each dropped a beam of light, and the people covered by the beam of light would be teleported to the sky fortress.

No need to march directly, it couldn't be better.

"Go, the first target mountain tomb city." Li Yao said.

The two warships did not use the dimensional shuttle, but marched by telling.

The two huge warships passed across the sky, which seemed particularly shocking.

Mountain Tomb City is on another map, next to the Plaguelands. This plane fusion appears. There are no intelligent races on this plane. There are only some undead and other creatures, which also maintain a relative balance.

After the planes merged, this place naturally became the territory of the undead, and other races had no choice but to intervene.

Even the lizardmen are also shrinking. This time the players in the chaotic camp are attacking the city, naturally they dare not go directly to the main city control area. This is looking for death.

That’s why I put my mind on the mountain tomb city. The mountain tomb city is a newly constructed city. Good resources have been found here. There is a large mineral deposit and the undead like the undead crystals. They have become the undead. Very important resource city.

It's just that the lizardmen players got the support of the lizardmen, and many guilds united and launched a raid to take the city. Most of the dead here were slaughtered by the defenders.

Li Yao was about to sweep all the way to the lizard-men's main city, and settled on the illusion that he was going to attack the lizard-men's main city.

An hour later, the battleship entered the mountains, and then when crossing the map, it found the peaks on the face. There was only one mountain road leading to the next map.

This kind of map is very common. Each map of the ancient **** world has its own small ecosystem, just like another world.

There was nothing, but the scouts in charge of observing found something interesting.

"My lord, the cliffs on both sides of the mountain road ahead are ambushing heavy soldiers." A dark ranger said after stopping using Hawkeye.

Li Yao nodded: "Interestingly, these alien players have a lot of ideas. They actually thought of an ambush."

Sister Li also smiled and said: "If it is to meet other teams, it is really possible to succeed, but unfortunately, we are above them, but they are worried."

"It's okay, just take them first and hit some famous ones, but they can't be surpassed by the other two teams of the guild. That's not good."

"Well, I'm going to post military rewards too." Sister Li shook her head: "I didn't expect it to start so soon."

"According to my order, the two warships are on alert, select the dense area, and strike at the enemy below." Li Yao said.

"Yes." A banshee teleported directly to the Queen.

The two fast-moving air warships slowed down, and the muzzles on both sides and the gunners on the deck began to calibrate.

At the same time, the general staff headed by Sister Li issued a reward mission. Those with an air force can summon elite air forces to join the battle and destroy the lizardmen guild below.

Hearing this reward, players with air forces have summoned some air forces to join the battle. You must know that the chaotic camp has been arrogant recently.

Those toys that do not have the full level complain about their inadequacy at the full level, making it difficult for them to upgrade, and they have been hunted down by the chaotic camp.

People from the three major camps have long been suffocated. For a while, countless air forces were summoned and lifted into the sky. The formations were reversed in units of guilds, and areas were allocated.

In this gap, the artillery of the two battleships in the sky that can calibrate the lizardmen army on the mountain has also opened fire.

Withered Sun is a magic cannon, while Queen is a barrel of pestilence.

The Withering Sun and the Queen did not hide their whereabouts, and their flying heights were relatively low. Such a huge aerial battleship would not be able to attract attention.

They naturally recognized who this was coming, and knew that Li Yao's goal was the main city. Even though many Lizardman players had guessed Li Yao's goal, they were not sure after all.

They lie in ambush here and have killed two groups of people. They did not expect this wave of disasters.

It's impossible to escape, and it's just a joke to have two air battleships running, only one battle.

But many of them know the power of the battleship, let alone two.

For a time, many people started to and died once. But some people want to fight, and the guilds are not unified.

However, quite a few air forces were summoned by the lizardmen players to prepare to fight the air force.

But they still underestimated the power of the battleship. They just talked through others or circulated the video to the chaotic camp. After all, it was not their own feelings.

The rolling mountains trembled, the light of the explosion rose in groups, and a large number of lizardman players were evaporated by the artillery fire, and patches of white light rose up.

And the barrel of pestilence was even more terrifying. With the explosion of the barrel of pestilence, although there was no sound of cracking the sky, waves of lizardmen fell to the ground as the shock wave spread.

Then these fallen people got up one after another and turned into undead zombies. These undead roared towards players who were not affected by the shock wave.

You know, for the convenience of ambushing, most of them are players, and the summoned army is relatively small. The army is still in its own war space, and many places on the top of the mountain cannot ambush people. The places where people ambush are naturally very dense. For a time, it caused a lot of damage.

"Liaoyuan, I **** Nima."

An extremely angry roar, under the blessing of magic, penetrated the sound of fighting and artillery fire to reach high altitude.

"Despicable and shameless starting a prairie fire, you are looking for death."

Li Yao's eyes were like electricity, and he directly locked on a gorgeously equipped lizard man on the top of the mountain far away.

"It's ridiculous, it's not mean for you to ambush other people here, I kill you upright, where is the mean."

"There is a decent battle, hiding on a battleship is nothing." The lizardman leader's complexion stagnated, but he said sharply.


The answer to him was a gunshot, and a stream of light pierced his forehead directly.

"I didn't hide, you can't reach me, but it's easy for me to kill you." Li Yao said lightly...

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