MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1772: Carnage

After the lizardman guild leader was resurrected, his eyes were red, which was a shame.

"Liaoyuan, you and I..."


There was another shot, and the lizardman president who had just been resurrected fell down again.

"Idiot, I know that lizard people are very arrogant, but I didn't expect to be arrogant to the point of an idiot. I don't know how to dodge if I know I can kill you."

Li Yao said tauntingly, making the players who saw this scene numb their scalp. At this distance, the bullet can't even catch the trajectory.

Although Li Yao's undisturbed arrows are powerful, if the distance is too far and there is defense, as long as the masters have room for dodge, after all, the arrow will have a trajectory no matter how fast it is.

But even though this bullet could see an electric light, it was just seeing it. It was too late to dodge when it saw it. Naturally, they didn't know the characteristics of Titan Strike. It was a real rush, ignoring air resistance.

Not to mention the current players, the mental power of the players in the future will be so general that it is difficult for the demigods to escape.

"Liaoyuan, I must kill you."

This time the leader of the lizardmen was resurrected again. This time he learned how to behave. After being resurrected, he rolled over and blocked by other lizardmen. He thought he was safe and gritted his teeth.


There was still a gunshot, and this time it was not the eyebrow that hit the eyebrows. After all, the opponent had a wall and rolled over by himself, but Li Yao was high in the sky, and they couldn't completely block Li Yao's sight.

"The flash is still too slow. Such a **** operation is embarrassing and provocative. I have to admire your lizard people's way of thinking."

Li Yao's words made the lizard people look ugly to the extreme, like a knife. They ambushed two groups of people, and every time they did everything in their favor, killing the players of the earth.

Every time they mocked their opponents mercilessly, but this time it was turned around, so how could they stand it.


The lizardman leader was resurrected again, but as soon as he took a mouthful, there was a gunshot, and the lizardman fell aggrieved again.

"Jumping beam clown, who gave you the confidence to make you think you could still kill me, you kind of rubbish, you don't even have the qualification to stand in front of me."

After Li Yao finished speaking, he no longer looked at that side, and directly put away the Titan Strike, but put his gaze elsewhere.

Li Yao saw a blind spot in the artillery and blew the whistle. The huge fort that had not been summoned for a long time was summoned.


The turret fell and directly smashed several lizardmen into meatloaf, and then the turret began to fire. On the huge turret there were three arrow towers and three small artillery summoned by Li Yaoneng.

The leader was finally able to stand up and moved quickly under the protection of everyone, his eyes were full of shame and anger.

Even being killed by Li Yao, let alone fighting back, he didn't even have the qualification to live, how could he, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, stand it.

In fact, after the full level, the peak level is not high, and there is not much loss of experience, but as the leader of the coalition army, as a figure of a tyrannical tribe, this makes him more uncomfortable than killing him in reality, especially those around him. His eyes particularly embarrassed him.

After finally reaching a safe place, the lizardman leader gritted his teeth and said: "At any cost, I have fought with Liaoyuan. Launch the magic chain to lock the two warships. Launch the air force that can be launched. Today, I will fight them to the end."

"It's not wise. Facing their battleship, we are on the unfavorable terrain. The other side's plague and magic cannons are too powerful, and the battle can only increase more casualties." Another lizardman president said.

"Yes, it's better to save the vitality and return to the city to stick to it." Another president said.

"I'm at full level, how much experience can I lose, I said, you can't understand what you are saying?" The lizardman leader snorted coldly.

"We are okay, it's a big deal to lose one or two pieces of equipment, but our army..." A guild leader said painstakingly.

"Stop talking, I'm not reconciled if I don't fight for it, and I should know the value of the two air warships. If we can **** it from the prairie fire, hehe." A trace of hatred flashed in the eyes of the lizardman leader, but more greedy.

The other guild leaders smiled bitterly. The question now is that a fiasco is doomed, how many people can be saved, you want to seize other people's battleships, why don't you go to heaven.

Now the army of other players on the earth is moving, and the army of others hasn't shown up yet, how can you seize it?

However, several guild leaders also understood that their leader was to capture the battleship. It was just a reason for the battle. After returning home, he had a miserable defeat. In fact, he was embarrassed today and wanted to recall some face. .

It's just that the price of finding a face this time is a bit too great.

The lizardmen who had been disintegrated began to continuously summon the legions they could summon. At the same time, a large number of chains glowing with blue light rose on the ground, one by one rising from the mountain peak, directly connected to the two aerial fortresses.

"Don't worry about these let them hang up, see how many people they can hang up."

Li Yao sneered. These people are so naive. If you want to control the sky fortress with these so-called chains, it's just a joke.

The power of the sky fortress can even be pulled out by a mountain, not to mention the mere chains.

"I can't control it at all," a lizardman said loudly, "This chain scroll is too precious, don't waste it."

A guild leader’s eyes were gloomy: "Continue to use it. If you can't control it, you will get on board, climb on the battleship, and occupy the battleship."

"Climb the chains and get on me."

Countless lizardmen are climbing the chains frantically, but no one on the battleship cares about them. You can climb thousands of yards of magic chains slowly.

In the final analysis, there are only three or four guilds, not many people, compared with the main force on the two battleships.

Seeing that they still summoned the army to resist, the players on the two battleships were not annoyed, but were very happy. They were worried that military merits were not easy to earn.

After the bombing lasted for half an hour, several hills were almost flattened. There were not many lizardmen on the ground. Only the air force was still fighting.

"There is no need to waste time, go ahead, leave five hundred banshees, and transfer them to the battleship when the battle is over."

The two magic battleships took off, and the chains that were imprisoned on the mountain peaks broke directly. Below the battleships there were a large number of magic chains, and there were many players who climbed up on the chains.

A large number of skeleton warriors and rangers on the ship's gunwale were waiting for them, and without support, they had come up to death.

From beginning to end, the air force summoned by the lizards did not get close to the two warships, and it was naturally impossible to cooperate with them.

And this battle is not even an appetizer, it's just an insignificant embellishment before the battle...

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