MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1779: Values

Hearing Li Yao’s words, the lungs of the dragon head would explode. In reality, he is a prince-like figure and one of the heirs of the lizardman chieftain. No matter how high he is, even in the interstellar age, he goes anywhere. They are all regarded as top VIPs, who want wind to get wind and rain to rain.

Last time he installed a big force, but Li Yaoniao didn’t bother him. He slapped his face cleanly and cleanly. Now he still feels hot on his face. This time he spent a lot of money to become such an action again. The leader, he vowed to destroy Li Yao's Withered Sun to repay his hatred last time.

As a result, Li Yao didn't give him any face this time, so he didn't feel annoyed.

"Damn it, Liaoyuan, you will regret it, you don't even know what kind of enemy you have provoked. This time I will definitely destroy your Withered Sun and make you feel bad."

Li Yao said it was a dog barking, which made the dragon head even more angry. If it weren’t for the protective cover, he would just rush to kill Li Yao. Of course, if his eyes could kill, Li Yao would have died a long time ago. Ten thousand times.

"If you can break the magic shield, if you can defeat me and my army, let alone destroy the Withered Sun, it is possible for you to occupy it. Unfortunately, you don't have this strength." Li Yao shook his finger and continued: "And I want to correct your idea once again, that is, even if the Withered Sun is destroyed, I won't be heartbroken."

"Hahaha, what a big joke, don't you feel heartache about destroying your aerial fortress?" The dragon head looked at Li Yao mockingly and waved. Some of the masked lizardmen suddenly took out their special scarlet staff. With obscure spells, blood-colored light beams collided with the mask, and the magic and the mask made a harsh sound, and it was obvious that the other party was beginning to destroy the barrier.

Seeing the black dragon queen, Li Yao nodded slightly, and laughed blankly: "Heartache, definitely heartache, but this kind of heartache is still far away from the heartache. It's like a cat or dog who has been raised for a period of time will have feelings. But I want it. To correct your other thought, it is a very precious and very precious sky fortress in your eyes. It is also like that for me. I can get one or two ships, and naturally I can get three and four ships. For me, it's not me. The question of whether I can get it is a question of whether I am willing."

The dragon head and the lizardman behind him looked ugly. If Li Yao really only had the battleship Kouyang, then it would be fine. They could refute it. You're bragging, you just got a ship with shit. That's it, just wailing in front of them.

But the problem is that Li Yao got the second battleship directly in order to give the queen a gift. Now no one knows. The big guys from the Lizardman camp also sighed, if any of them could give him such a gift, What about making him the warlord of the race.

The first kill of the death knight was also an ironclad proof. They killed a powerful world-class death knight and directly captured an aerial fortress. They couldn't even think of such a sturdy record.

Therefore, they have no power to refute, and there is no way to refute it. The dragon head saw Li Yao standing inside the barrier with his hands on his back. Behind him was the dragon queen surrounded by lightning, and next to him were two players, nothing more.

Watching them destroy the shield, the skeleton warlord was not organized, but retreated to the lower level. This kind of confidence, if he really cared about the battleship, he would have ordered the army on the deck to attack them.

The dragon head felt like a fool at this moment. His plan seemed to hit the enemy's heart, but in fact, others didn't care at all. This feeling almost made him crazy.

But the military goal is set, and he also needs this victory. No matter what Li Yao thinks, as long as he wins, he will have military merit and capital.

"Wait until I destroy your sky fortress, you are telling me that." The dragon head looked gloomy: "Damn it, can't the shield be broken, don't you say that this alien ray is the best way to break the barrier? What is the solution? No enchantment can stop the corrosion of rays. Why is there no effect now."

"General, the magic structure of this shield is too stable, and the node link with the magic net is too close. We can't cut it off. We can't cut the link with the devil. The endurance and strength of the shield will increase several times."

The masked lizard man trembled, but he continued to output mana for the staff. The rays that inspired the staff continued to converge. Hundreds of rays hit together, but the shield only had a little ripple, but the distance The destruction is far away.

"I don't care about this, I just want to know how long it will take to break the shield." The dragon head scolded in anger.

"This, based on the current intensity, at least two days." Lizardman said.


The dragon head almost vomited blood. In two days, your sister, let's not talk about whether people will give you two days, but they don't care, can you output this for two hours continuously?

"A group of soil buns, since they knew that the Blue Dragon Queen was in our ranks, they didn't expect to establish a Demon King node and bundle them together ~ This IQ is really a clumsy trick." The Black Dragon Queen mocked.

On the battleship, in addition to Xinghuo, the other people who can arrange a room in the VIP room are also beautiful and bright in an instant.

They can take a few people to live in the VIP room. Now everyone else is offline, including Li Jia. Naturally, there is also a VIP room. The VIP room second only to Captain Li Yao was given to Li Jia.

Hearing that Li Yao could get three and four ships, Haikuotian and Shina Fanghua talked about Li Yao privately, asking if Li Yao could help them build an aerial fortress in the guild, whether Li Yao wanted credit in reality or games They are willing to exchange for the contents.

Li Yao pulled the two of them into the discussion group and said, "I'm a bluffer, okay? The silly lizard people believe it, and you believe it too."

"Believe, why don't you believe it, didn't you get the second one," said Shi Na Fanghua.

The sky and the sea also said: "Yes, that was too domineering just now. Now your little girls are frantically screening in my live broadcast room. No matter where you are, you have to have monkeys with you. You don’t need to be responsible for raising the children, the carriage fees, and You don’t need to book a hotel."

Li Yao was speechless: "You're not authentic anymore, the dignified boss is broadcasting live."

"Hey, I don't usually open, sometimes I am jokes, this time I'm going to catch your chance." Haikuotian laughed.

Li Yao can't laugh or cry, do you, worth a few billion people, care about this bit of mosquito meat?

"Well, I'll say it again. The second one is really a coincidence. I'm really out of luck in the short term. I don't have the ability to grab it brazenly on the plane of the undead, and I can't get it."

Li Yao said, in fact, there is another reason, because things are rare and expensive. He just gave the queen a gift, and in a blink of an eye he got two more ships, and the value of this aerial fortress was greatly reduced.

Don't say you can't get it now, just get it, Li Yao won't get it in a short time...

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