MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1780: Sacrifice again

Li Yao looked at it for a while, feeling bored, the black dragon queen clapped her hands, and several black dragon's maids slowly appeared, lifting tables and chairs.

The lungs of the dragon head are exploded. They are now fighting on three sides. The suicide dragonmen on the ground contain the troops on the ground. The most elite Lizardmen armies contain the opponent’s air force, and they are the Dry Sun, which is mainly destroyed by cover from both sides. .

Although the other two groups are strong, there are too many people on the other side, and there is no successful sneak attack, it is impossible to hold on for too long.

Now it was the other two paths that had reached the goal, but their path had a problem, and they couldn't destroy the enchantment of Withering Sun at all, so what a shit.

In particular, Li Yao brazenly tasted food and wine in front of him, coupled with the noble and elegant black dragon queen serving, just like watching a clown performance, making the dragon head's eyes even more terrifying.

After another while, Li yawned boredly: "I said you can't do it. It's been half an hour for this big night. I'm not in the mood to play such a boring trick with you."

"Liaoyuan, don't be proud, when you cry." The dragon head was very angry.

"Okay, I want to try, hurry up." Li Yao smiled.

"Nima, can you do it, how long will it take?" The dragon head shouted at the shivering lizard people.

The lead caster smiled bitterly: "My lord, it will take at least a day, but our mana can't support it."


The dragon head roared with red eyes: "Abandon this plan and execute plan B. Today, the Withered Sun will crash anyway."

"My lord, this is a last resort method. If it is used in reality, we will not be able to..." The headed spellcaster's expression changed.

"Let’s talk nonsense. I said that execution will be executed. Don’t you understand that as long as the aerial fortress is destroyed, the crisis in the main city will naturally be lifted. There is no way to transport too much force by relying on a fortress. If you want to contact the crisis, you must Do it, don’t take any luck."

Li Yao took a sip of the wine, turned his head and said to the Dragon Empress: "I bet on a copper plate. His so-called Plan B is to summon their dragon demigod projection or body descend."

"I also bet on a copper plate. He summons their hybrid ancestor." The Black Dragon Queen also said with a smile.

Li Yao shrugged: "Well, it's boring, this bet can't be played."

"It's really that their civilization is too primitive. How do the small plane turtles know the vastness of this world? In their hearts, their so-called mixed-breed ancestors are invincible. Naturally powerful spells or all are around that The so-called ancestor proceeded."

The black dragon dragon queen dismissed: "It's just a **** demigod achieved by absorbing faith, and most of them are evil gods. In ancient times, this kind of **** would be destroyed in only three days."

"I said it's really good for you to be like this. Wouldn't the guy who didn't look at the dragon head want to kill you." The sky was speechless.

"Pay attention to the image, don't forget that this wretched guy is live broadcast. I watched the live broadcast room and it broke ten million, all of your little fans." Sai Na Fanghua.

"Ahem, it just dropped, it's my cousin." Li Yao said solemnly.

The two suddenly rolled their eyes.

The sea and the sky said helplessly: "It doesn't matter, your little girls say that you are real. No matter what you are, you will have a monkey with you. I said, you are not as handsome as I am, and you are besieged. ."

"Damn it, I'll see how you cry." When the dragon head saw several people talking and laughing, he was like a clown, and his eyes were breathing fire: "Sacrifice and call."

The Black Dragon Dragon Empress chuckled, "Look, I said they are just so good at this point. If they don't work, they will sacrifice and summon, something."

"There's no way, we just have to look at it, don't let us down to the level of soil buns." Li Yao sighed.

"With my flesh and blood, with my soul, willing to sacrifice to the great ancestor, I pray that you will come to punish sinful mortals."

Following the spell of the lead caster, his body burned, and then most of the caster's body in the sky burned. In a moment, it turned into fly ash, and the soul floated out. Then these souls burned, and soon Dissipated in the world.

But a void crack appeared, an evil and violent breath came out of the crack, and a huge figure could be seen in the crack.

"Ignorant mortals, since you have sacrificed your sacrifices and summoned me, then I will come to smooth out the sins in this world, and it is not a violation of the contracts of other gods."


A huge and violent giant dragon man with wings did not wait for the cracks in the space to fully unfold before reopening the cracks in the space and appeared in front of the Withered Sun.

The black dragon demigod has a huge body, and his eyes scanned the surrounding indifferently.

"Great Dragon God, please help us destroy this protect your most loyal believer's city." The soul of the spellcaster headed by this has been extremely dim. After this sentence is finished, his soul is also It completely dissipated and turned into a little bit of soul energy to be absorbed by the black dragon demigod.


The Black Dragon Dragon Empress couldn’t help laughing: “Dragon God, hehe, it’s a big tone. You should go to **** and dad dare not call himself a dragon god. You are a **** with the blood of lowly lizards. Dare to call yourself the Dragon God, are you sure you haven't been laughed off by other gods."

The black dragon demigod immediately became angry and stared at the black dragon queen. It can be said that the Black Dragon Queen told his sore spots. He was called the Dragon God for ten thousand years and was worshipped by the lizard people.

As a result, he was ridiculed by many gods after the planes merged. Even the other demigods in the chaotic camp felt that he was arrogant and dared to call him a dragon god. This was to dig his own grave in advance. That is to say, the black dragon people think that the demigod is so awesome, for the dragon clan, the demigod is a fart.

But at any rate, it is also a demigod. His appearance immediately increased the combat effectiveness of the lizard people to a level. His presence is a super buff.

"Who are you, you are actually blaspheming, you are blasphemy, you should die." The cold light in the eyes of the black dragon half-god stared at the black dragon queen.

"Presumptuously, a dragon man doesn't even recognize the dragon queen, and dare to speak wildly. You are dying and don't kneel down." Heilong, the maid of the black dragon queen, sneered coldly.

"Dragon Queen, you are..." The black dragon dragon's complexion changed wildly. You know, according to the rules, as long as the dragon prince heirs, no matter who heirs, if he believes that his parents are always the dragon king and dragon queen, he will naturally follow the rules of the dragon clan. Should respectfully kneel down on the ground to call the mother queen.

But who he is, has never returned to the dragon clan, he is the supreme dragon god, let him kneel on a dragon queen who is inferior to him, it is a joke...

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