MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1782: Self-launch

As Li Yao started the dimensional transition, the battleship gradually began to be illusory, and directly rushed into the crack with the speed of the black dragon and demigod impact.

"If you want to run, you can't escape my chase even if you enter the sky today."

The black dragon demigod's spear shook, the crack that had been closed was opened again, and his figure flickered following the battleship.

"Don't defend the fortress. Accidents can be avoided for the time being. Don't fight hard. Our goal is the main city, not to consume them here."

Li Yao's huge voice echoed below, and the crack disappeared completely.

"Look at the live broadcast of the vast sky and the sky, his live broadcast can see the war."

Just when everyone was disappointed that they couldn't watch this kind of battle, someone shouted loudly, that the vast sea and the sky are not unknown people, they are very easy to find, and they soon saw the picture again.

However, the picture that appeared before their eyes shocked everyone, and was also shocked by Li Yao's boldness.

In the picture is a continuous group of pyramid buildings. The buildings are built between mountains and rivers. Towering and brilliant buildings stand tall. The buildings are extremely huge, and each pyramid is like a big mountain.

This is the city of lizard people. The style of the city follows the style of the troll empire. It is huge and majestic, but it also incorporates the characteristics of lizard people. Between the pyramids, there are various rushing rivers, and bridges connect the pyramids.

There are no small individual buildings here, only collective pyramids.

Among them, the two pyramids are like a flock of cranes, like two humps, huge and towering, and the top is like a cloud. These are the lizard people’s political pyramid and the temple of the ancestor.

They are still living in groups, with independent rooms in the pyramids, allowing ordinary lizard people to rest.

The building is huge and strong, and the river below is the favorite environment of lizard people.

Although it is night at this moment, countless torches in the lizardman’s main city illuminate the night sky. Both the lizardman civilians and players are shuttled between the various buildings, the most important thing is the outer pyramid, which continuously transports war materials, day and night. , Obviously preparing for war.

The periphery is like a military fortress, with countless armies gathering, Yan Ran is a situation of waiting for battle at any time.

Oh oh oh!

The desolate horn has sounded, and the army below is frantically preparing. The battleship was discovered as soon as it appeared, and an alarm was issued.

Whether it is an army or a lizardman player seeing the warship shrouded in the sky in the sky, they understand who this is already here.

Countless people are at a loss. Isn't Li Yao at the frontier fortress? Today they are still fighting to complete this task, and it is the opportunity to summon the Dragon God.

The reward for this task is very attractive. The key is that you can see the Dragon God alone. If you can receive a task from a demigod like Dragon God, then you will develop.

It is said that the assault fortress will kill the main force of the dark camp, and it is said that summoning the ancestor Dragon God to destroy the battleship, why suddenly ran here.

At the same time, a pillar of light appeared, and the Pyramid of Discussion was shrouded in the pillar of light. Several old lizardmen with the same dragon head slowly lifted into the air. Yes, they also had a pair of dragon wings, and they were all powerful and world-class.

"Something really dared to invade the main city of the great lizardman. Is this going to provoke a racial fight?" An old lizardman shouted, his voice piercing the sky.

"Your ancestor is eating Xiang Xiang behind me, and you still don't kneel to meet him." Li Yao was also unwilling to show weakness.


The old man hadn't finished speaking yet, the huge figure of the black dragon demigod also appeared with the battleship suddenly, not to mention his own powerful demigod aura, it was derived from the pressure in the blood, the lizard people knew that this was their respect without looking at it. The ancestors were also the gods they believed in.

Hula la la...

Countless lizard people knelt on the ground, even they rarely saw the dragon god, and now they can see how they can not get excited, and can see countless people kneeling on the ground very piously.

The Black Dragon and Dragon Empress sneered: "It's so majestic, hehe, but it's too petty."

"Damn it, now kneel down and meet the enemy." Although the black dragon demigod regards human life like grass, he is indifferent and ruthless, but he understands that the lizardmen here are the foundation for his steady state in the demigod.

The black dragon demigod light flashed, and the figure blocked the front of the battleship. The huge spear turned into a fling, and it slammed on the mask fiercely, knocking the battle back thousands of yards.

Then a intensive rain-like attack fell on the mask.

"The air force, respond to the enemy, your flying leaders will follow me to assist the ancestors in hunting down the enemy, and others will stick to it."

The old lizard man headed up into the sky.

"He is throwing himself into the net, maybe we don't need to destroy the warship, we can capture him, and we will greatly increase our combat power."

The other eight world-class leaders also nodded and rose to the sky, their eyes shining brightly at the battleship that still stood tall even under the storm of the ancestors.

Can defend against demigods ~ ~ how terrible this is. They naturally didn't know that the reason why they were able to defend against the attacks of the demigods was because Li Yao didn't lack the energy stone, otherwise no one would be able to withstand such consumption. Is the attack of the demigod so easy to resist? What a powerful energy barrier that must be.

Secondly, the blue dragon dragon queen built the magic net, connecting the world magic net coverage, so that the strength of the enchantment has been increased many times, otherwise, there will be countless energy stones that cannot be supplied.

On the ground, countless pterodactyls soared into the sky. Above them were lizardmen. They were not easy to use the ace air force. This was absolutely true.

At the same time, the world's top camps have all been attacked and disappeared from a certain main city, and immediately countless spellcasters began to release their magic, and magic light curtains appeared.

Several camps are looking forward to Li Yao's path the most. Seeing if they can witness the miracle, they didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

The same leaders of the dark camp gathered together, and everyone gathered in the council hall at the same time, and a picture appeared.

"Your disciple is really efficient. He has attacked the lizard man city so soon, and he has gone deep alone, and he is very courageous." Chief Tauren said with a smile.

The Dark Queen snorted coldly: "Rugged, chased by a demigod and ran to the enemy's territory."

"Should we run over our main city and let us take action? It is estimated that there will be heavy casualties." The troll chief sighed.

The warchief smiled: "We look at it, you see that there are not many people on the deck. The Liaoyuan Warlord is not a reckless temper. He must have plans and reliance to do so. We watched how he upset the lizardman's main city. That is, if we can occupy one and teach another, our power will be revealed."

Over the main city, Li Yao's eyes flickered: "Black clothes, what is your effect of burning demons?"...

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