MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1783: Ruin the foundation

The black dragon queen laughed and said: "The burning demon in blue is to control the magical energy in other people's bodies, and I can control the earth veins more freely. But we all have a common feature, that is, to control the blood that is lower than our own. The guardian power of the clansmen is better than the burning demons. This is the real reason why the dragons are in order."

Suddenly, Li Yao, this is a natural restraint, which comes from blood: "So, after you burn the devil, can you control this demigod?"

The Black Dragon Dragon Empress shook her head slightly: "How can it be that simple? I am not the pinnacle now, and regardless of whether the opponent is a **** demigod, I am a grade lower than him. Although my blood is many times stronger than him, I can only Influence, it can only control one or two in the burning state. As for the other lizardmen and black dragons, the blood is thin, and I can influence two world-class leaders at the same time. Three should be my limit."

"The dragon did not disappoint me. This is enough. Then let's have fun with them." Li Yao took out the key: "Dimensional acceleration·start."

The battleship was suddenly enveloped by a whirlwind, becoming illusory, and its speed suddenly soared many times, but the battleship did not flee, but circled the main city.

"It's useless, you can't escape my chase and attack." The black dragon sneered half-god.

The black dragon demigod's wings stirred up the body and the figure was erratic, and the speed was no slower than when the battleship was accelerating. The long spear in his hand gave up all the tedious tricks, but kept lightning-like points on a place in the enchantment, and that place rippled. At the extreme, cracks continued to appear.

"You're right, it's useless. The strength of this shield can't resist the real demigod for too long, but you are injured and you are not good enough, and the sacrifices for the sacrifice and battle are not enough. Your strength is weakened again, and your strength is now only at the peak of the transcendental sanctification level. It is impossible to break this shield." The black dragon queen sneered: "Also, this speed will naturally not get rid of you, but it is enough to ask other people. Up."

The black dragon demigod was taken aback, and suddenly became a little frustrated. The world-class bosses galloped hard, but the speed was still much worse than the dimensional acceleration, and they could only eat ashes behind the battleship.

"Idiot, scatter, chase, block, surround, and attack." The black dragon demigod roared.

Eight or nine world-class leaders immediately obeyed the order and began to disperse.

"Good, really obedient." Li Yao sneered, his mental power was too strong, and he kept deducing in his mind, wanting to surround the Withered Sun is just a dream, and then his huge shadow is over the main city, looking down The countless lizardmen below: "Thank the countless lizardmen people for coming to watch today’s performance. Now we are performing the second act, the incompetence of the black dragon demigod. Please enjoy it. Through this scene, you will understand your so-called dragon **** and ancestor. It's just a scum, definitely not so invincible, and not as great as you think."

Kaka Kaka...

The magic crystal cannons began to adjust their angles, ready to fire at any time.

Since there is no need to worry about the consumption of mana spar, Li Yao's confidence is too much, and the mana cannon will not be saved.

"Master, can you start." The Black Dragon Queen said excitedly: "I can't wait."

Li Yao nodded: "Okay, the magic crystal cannon fires at will, targeting the opponent's army."

Hearing Li Yao's words, the black dragon dragon queen's body suddenly exploded. The endless flames enveloped her as if she became a flame witch, and her body floated directly. The magma was like hot magma, which made people afraid to look directly. If you look at her eyes as if you saw the dazzling sun.

At the same time, not only the lizard people, but also the world-class lizard people, their bodies became heavy, and the black dragon people's demigod figure also became stagnant.

They felt the pressure from the bloodline at the same time. The lizard people were shocked to discover that they felt a stronger blood pressure than from their ancestors. The strength of the black dragon demigod was reduced by 1%, and the world-class power was even reduced. One-tenth, the lower the strength, the heavier the pressure.

Everyone at the elite level feels breathless, as if they can't help kneeling. On the other hand, ordinary lizards fell directly to the ground.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

A large number of magic crystal cannons fired, and groups of magic cannonballs fell across the beautiful parabola in the sky. Because of the speed, many gunners could not calculate the exact position.

But a small number of shells also caused huge damage to the outer pyramids, causing a lot of damage to the army and players.

For a time, the ground was like **** on earth.

This is still the result of Li Yao not firing at the residential area. If the consequences are directly ignored, the civilians on the other side will suffer heavy casualties.

But this scene alone has caused all the Lizardmen civilians to doubt themselves, doubt their dragon gods, their dragon gods have always been This was the case before, in the small plane. , Their dragon **** is invincible in the world.

But in this vast world, huge problems appeared when they came, and the clan was injured.

Now the ancestors have nothing to do with an air battleship, and their noble council elders, they are so powerful and lofty, but now they have no way with the sky fortress, and they watched the enemy bomb their outermost military. Line of defense.

If the other party turned their guns at them, what would be the result, countless lizardmen looked at a loss.

"Damn, you want to ruin my foundation, little bug, you are looking for death."

The black dragon demigod turned into a stream of light and hit the barrier. The barrier was suddenly dimmed, but he still held up his attack.

"Mongrel, this is the beginning, let you see what is the real guardian power of the earth, what is the true blood of the black dragon clan, the sky is broken!"

The black dragon and dragon queen roared wildly, a wave of extreme strength rippling.


On the ground, the two forefronts, the pyramids equivalent to the opponent's city wall, suddenly cracked, and countless cracks appeared. The lizardman soldiers were at a loss, and the ground trembled crazily.


Two huge magma pillars rushed out from under the pyramids. As the huge magma pillars spewed like a volcanic eruption, the two huge pyramids were torn apart, and endless rubble rushed into the sky with the magma.

Like two flame lotus flowers, two huge mushroom clouds formed, endless water vapor evaporates, and the world changes drastically.

As for the army on the Pyramid, you don't need to think about it to know their fate. All the lizardmen stared at all of this blankly, and their hearts were even more dazed, and their unwavering belief in the dragon **** was shaken.

If it was said that all of them were fanatics, they are not anymore...

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