MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1785: Angry

The black dragon demigod can cause serious consequences if he loses his mind. As a strong demigod, there are not many things that can make him lose his mind.

The reason why he was distracted was because Li Yao was too poisonous and went straight to the point.

He doesn't care if Li Yao destroys his city, it's a big deal to rebuild it, he doesn't care no matter how many lizardmen Li Yao slaughters, only people will be able to multiply soon.

But Li Yao is now aiming at his beliefs. As a guy who has become a demigod by virtue of his beliefs, beliefs are too important for him.

Knowing that Li Yao's malicious intentions, coupled with the fact that he had just killed one of his most loyal believers, caused a momentary distraction.

On the ground, with the continuous impact of the water waves, even the pyramid that had not fallen even when it descended on the plane collapsed, as if the sky and the earth were cracked.

In fact, with the collapse of this pyramid, the beliefs of many lizard people also collapsed in an instant. Is this their invincible dragon god, who was played between applause by a new soldier driving a battleship.

The Ace Air Force rushed forward, but was crushed. All the elders of the strongest parliamentary group were dispatched, and one died.

The Dragon God had been making shots from beginning to end, but he was helpless against the battleship, and he was still shot down by his own people.

The supreme sacred place in their hearts also collapsed, and it was undoubtedly the end of the world for the lizard people.

The three lizardmen elders who had just taken the shot looked at their hands in disbelief. They couldn't believe it. They were clearly aimed at the battleship, so why suddenly they aimed at their Dragon God.

"Yes, it's a pity that it's a bit weaker."

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

They were stranded in the air and were locked by the Magic Crystal Cannon. In an instant, dozens of Magic Crystal Cannons fired, and the three were taken care of by dozens of Magic Crystal Cannon shells.

With the trembling explosion, the three world-class leaders also screamed and fell.

"Unfortunately, the magic crystal cannon is powerful, but it is too scattered, otherwise the three of them will be dead." Li Yao sighed.

"Master, you are too greedy, you are proud enough to have this kind of record." The Black Dragon Queen is very satisfied: "Look at me destroying a few pyramids for my master, but I won't have too much energy."

"Enough, our plan has been successful, the goal is achieved, and the rest is earned." Li Yao said indifferently.

In fact, just as the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen said, Li Yao was proud to have achieved such a record. A warship went deep alone, facing a demigod and ten world-class powerhouses, it could actually hit the opponent's air force, It caused a demigod to sweep the ground and was injured, killed a world-class leader, and wounded three severely. This kind of combat power is really terrifying.

The leaders of several camps were completely shocked. If the other camps did not believe that Li Yao had the ability to take down a main city before, the current situation had subverted their perceptions.

Many camp leaders realized Li Yao’s threat for the first time. With the blessing of warships, a camp-level person can actually play with nearly ten world-level and a demi-god level between applause. It is simply appalling. .

Even the big guys of the dark camp are all dull at the moment, looking at the scenes in the picture in a daze.

After a long time, the warchief sighed: "Although it was my proposal to let Liaoyuan lead the recruits to attack the main city, I didn't expect that Liaoyuan would be so competitive. This is still a false attack against the main city. If he faces a real opponent, he What other means are hidden? I really look forward to it."

The chief of the Darkspear Troll sighed: "The key is that this battleship is too strong. This shield is simply invincible. It is an incomparable war machine. We went to visit not long ago. Although we thought we overestimated the battleship, we only discovered that now, We still underestimated the role and power of warships."

The high elf regent smiled like a flower: "In fact, the original battleship did not have this power. It was through the enchantment of our race and the magic net node constructed by the blue dragon queen, plus enough energy supply to make the battleship so powerful."

"Just scream, this is the Withering Sun, which belongs to the Withering Sun Legion, which means that your High Elf Kingdom has a battleship, so you are naturally happy." Chief Tauren said sourly.

The High Elf Regent laughed. He was indeed very satisfied. As Chief Bullhead said, although this is not his ship and cannot be his ship, it belongs to the Withering Sun Legion in the final analysis. Belongs to their High Elf Kingdom.

"Aren't our high elves belong to the dark camp, it's all the same. I envy the general and own a ship directly. I didn't really envy it at first, but now I am jealous." The high elves regent hurriedly shifted his attention.

The queen glared at her former deputy. This guy actually shifted firepower. Don't think about it, the Withering Sun is so strong, the Queen is definitely not bad.

The warchief coughed and said: "Queen, I remember you said that you want your ship to be in the camp..."

Before the warchief finished speaking, the queen interrupted: " But the warchief is very handsome and refused. I also thought about it. The warchief was right. It’s not in my hands. Does the faction have the same hands?"

The warchief is speechless, how can this be said, the queen has said so, can you still grab it?

In fact, just as they thought, the air battleship was nothing more than a transport air battleship in their view, and it was much safer, nothing more.

But now it is so terrible after the transformation and installation of the enchantment, and the value has increased too much than before. They are now very curious about how Li Yao will retreat from the ground. After suffering such a big loss, the black dragon demigod will definitely not let it go.

At this moment, this battle has already attracted much attention, and the anchor has long been here for live broadcast. This battle has been seen by countless people.

At this moment, too many players in the dark camp have regretted their intestines. In their opinion, attacking the main city is simply a death. No matter how good the reward is, it is useless.

But now that I see this scene, although I still feel hopeless, I can already see hope. In the face of super rewards, the risk is naturally worthwhile.

As for the guild that participated in the main force, seeing this scene naturally increased confidence, and suddenly felt that Li Yao's promise was not a blank check, but a real possibility.


A roar that seemed to shatter the world came from the ruins, and then there was a boom, accompanied by a sky full of rubble black dragon demigods rising from the ruins. At this moment, the black dragon was like a burning torch, enveloped in deep purple. Flames, evil spirits soaring, and raging anger.

The black dragon demigod can even hear the ridicule of other gods or demigods that only the demigod level can hear. It is really shameful. The last time he lost a thigh can be said to be an accident, but now his body descends, he is still caught The faction-level scum is pitted, how can he be willing to...

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