The anger of the black dragon demigod rushed to the sky, and the violent anger made people dare not look directly at him. He was the supreme **** of the lizardmen. With his fall and the collapse of his supreme temple, he understood that today was completely planted.

Whether he can kill Li Yao in the end, he can't change the lizard people's view of him. After all, they are just a recruit. It's normal for you to kill a recruit. If you can't kill it, it's even worse.

But no matter what, he sighed in his heart, and he had to kill Li Yao to take a breath.

However, Li Yao still ignored his provocation, still carrying his hands on his back, and said faintly: "Your grandfather has always been there, and there is no ear, so Ni Sun doesn't need to be so loud."

"For a few days, I will kill you and destroy your battleship." The black dragon demigod directly hit the battleship like a purple meteor.

This time the battleship flew farther and farther, and the enchantment rippled, but it was still unbreakable.

The black dragon dragon queen sneered: "You are so smart that you actually know that burning divine nature can cover your bloodline, but you don't understand that the bloodline of black dragon is not covered up if you want to cover it, and even if you burn the source of divine nature, your essence No change, you still can't break this barrier."

The black dragon demigod took a deep breath: "You are right, I can't break this barrier, but I can break a space and send some people in. Damn, are you ready?"

"My god, always follow your guidance."

Below is a hideous dragonlike lizardman kneeling on one knee, behind him is a group of players.

Li Yao immediately understood his plan, and Li Yao, who was planning to destroy a few buildings before retreating, immediately regained his spirit: "Very good, this is interesting. If there is no means, I really suspect that you are a fake demigod. Don't let me down, I have prepared wine and food."

Several maids lifted their hands and transported Li Yao and the Black Dragon Queen to the bow. The wine and food were already prepared there. From this position, you could overlook the entire deck. At the same time, ten portals appeared on the deck, and a large number of bugs could be seen dimly.

At the same time, the figure of the black dragon man became bigger and bigger and more illusory.

A mighty force echoed between the heavens and the earth: "In my name, I will give you the power to wait to travel through the void, go."


The ferocious dragons headed on the ground and a large number of players soared into the sky, went to the front of the barrier, merged into the barrier directly, and then rushed to the deck.

The players just landed on the deck and started to summon their own powerful army, but Li Yao also rushed out of a large number of bugs through the portal.

The insects that were originally steel cockroaches have become steel thunder beasts and steel destroyers. They are even larger and extremely ferocious, covered in steel armor like steel monsters, plus smelting fangs and claws. It is extremely hideous.

Many people looked at each other, but they didn't expect that Li Yao would summon a new bug. You don't need to look at it to know that it is much stronger than before.

Everyone knows why teleporting players is the main thing, because players can summon armies, and the number of teleportation is limited, even if the teleportation is all ace army, it will not help.

On the contrary, there is a greater chance of teleporting players. Although players do not have an ace army, there are also many elite troops. It is the wisest choice to choose top Lizardmen players to go up.

"Liaoyuan, you are too arrogant."

Seeing leisurely drinking, the world-class leader sent in to take the lead coldly drinks. Although he is not an elder of the parliamentary group, he is also a high-power general.

Being so ignored by Li Yao made his eyes red.

"What are you." Li Yao glanced at him, but didn't look at him directly.

"Okay, very good, after a while you will kneel in front of me, insulting my god, killing my soldiers, and destroying my homeland for you."

"It's up to you, haha."

Even if he usually doesn't care about ordinary world-class leaders, if the elder of the other party, Li Yao, might be afraid of one or two, a junior world-class leader, he really doesn't care much.

What's more, there is still a dragon queen in a state of enlightenment, and the bloodline control chain dragon demigods can't be completely suppressed, let alone them.

"Liaoyuan, we meet again, this time you have to pay the price." Long Shou sneered.

However, he found that Li Yao didn't even glance at him, let alone talk to him. He obviously felt that he was not up to his grade.


The dragon head roared with red eyes. The army in front had already summoned a lot, and they rushed directly to Li Yao at the bow of the ship.

However, the Li Yao Steel Zerg was also ready to go. With Li Yao snapping his fingers, the saboteur and the Thunder Beast began to look hideous for the first time.

However, what made the lizard people look wild is that the elite army they are proud of hits like a steel wall.

Instead, they were recoiled by the Thunder Beast and the destroyers, which was simply a slaughter.

Just a face-to-face, it's like a basin of cold water buckled on their heads, making them cold all over the waste, a bunch of waste, is this the recruit you cultivated with high hopes? "Heilongren's half-spirited lungs are about to explode, he burns the origin to send those people up. He thought it could turn the tide of the battle, but it turned out to be just another capital that was ridiculed.

The several elders also looked at each other, they no longer dared to approach the battleship. The bloodline control was too terrifying, just like their nemesis.

The black dragon queen can only be allowed to cast volcanoes on the periphery of their city.

The old lizard man yelled: "What are you waiting for? Kill the Liaoyuan and everything is over."

The lizardman general who was startled on the deck suddenly jumped and jumped directly in front of the dragon's head, shook several saboteurs flying, and pointed at Li Yao and shouted: "Liaoyuan suffers death."

"Hit my avatar first before killing me." Li Yao snapped his fingers, and the mechanical avatar intercepted him.

"Look at me tearing you apart." The lizardman general roared wildly, his body glowing with red light, and he rushed directly to the mechanical clone.

The mechanical clone stood silently like this, as if frightened and stupefied. When the opponent's weapon jumped too far above his head to be cut off, the black dragon queen looked at the lizardman general with eyes like eyes.

General Lizardman's weapon froze in midair, then let go of his hands, the weapon unexpectedly dropped.

After seeing this look, the Queen of Dragon continued to focus on Summoning the Volcano, and there would be no Lizardmen buildings.

But his weapon was gone, and his body was still rushing wildly.


Li Yao's arms were shrouded in machinery, and he suddenly punched.


The Lizardman general flew out faster than he rushed.


The mechanical clone stepped on the deck suddenly, dashed forward, and grabbed General Lizardman's arm...

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