MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1787: Ready to retreat

Since the Three-Piece Set of Touch of Darkness was fully activated, coupled with the blessing of the structure, Touch of Darkness is definitely not a pure auxiliary function, but a real powerful equipment that can really greatly enhance combat effectiveness in battle.

Whether it is the ability of the Touch of Darkness to absorb life, or the construction of mechanized increase and blessing, the pure benefit has exceeded Li Yao's ontology.

The blessing of the two-footed structure and the Titan equipment gives Li Yao unparalleled high mobility and powerful explosive speed. The two-handed structure allows him to have more powerful, even without weapons, it bursts like a warhammer. The attack ability, combined with the strength of Li Yaolong's father and other equipment, and various special effects make Li Yao's attack complicated and difficult to resist, even if the opponent is a junior world-class leader.

Although this time by trick, the Dragon Queen directly controlled the opponent to lose the weapon for a short time, but the real damage was caused by Li Yao.

The two fists were like cannon fists, directly knocking the fierce lizardman general into the air, and the two sunken fist marks on the opponent's equipment could be clearly seen, and the opponent was parasitized by insects, fire of life, and seeds of corrosion in an instant.

The lizardman general felt very bad at once, but his figure flying backwards was not stable yet, he saw Li Yao rushing in front of him like a cannonball, grabbing his arm and slamming on the deck.

The deck is extremely strong, and the warship can feel the shock of this moment.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

Li Yao bombarded the Lizardman’s face with a punch, and at the same time detonated the grenade on his arm. With the heavy blow of the punch, a round of grenade exploded on the Lizardman’s face.

The lizardman general was beaten into a dizzy moment, completely confused.

Although the lizardman is a world-class leader, and even though his face is protected by scales, his face is bloody, his nose and mouth are completely deformed, and his blood volume has dropped sharply.


After all, the lizardman general is a world-class leader, and there are still a lot of methods. With the roar of pain and anger, a layer of blood burst out around the lizardman.


The mechanical clone was blasted off this time, and it directly hit a Thunder Beast. The Thunder Beast let out a horrible cry. Li Yao's mechanical clone was almost embedded into the Thunder Beast's body, and the Lei Beast's body was constantly rubbing the deck. Quake back.

The surrounding Thunder Beasts blocked him with their bodies and did not let him move horizontally. The claws and decks of several Thunder Beasts gave off fierce sparks.

"Roar, you, Ghaith, yell, yell, so, there is no magnetism."

The lizardman general finally stood up, but his face was completely inhuman at this moment, his nose was completely collapsed, one eye was closed tightly, there were blood and tears in the corners of his eyes, and the fangs of his mouth had fallen off a lot, and his original appearance was no longer visible Covered by the green blood, it looks particularly miserable, and also particularly hideous.


The mechanical clone was shaken by the world-class leader, losing a lot of blood, but under the Fire of Life, the Seed of Corruption, and his own blood-sucking special effects, the blood had been restored in a moment.

It can be said that as long as he is not killed in a second, his blood recovery ability is absolutely terrifying.

"I don't know what to say, what's the matter?" The mechanical clone rushed out again.

"Damn it." As a weapon-specialized warrior, General Lizardman, without weapons, his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

When Li Yao rushed over, he rushed towards the weapon between the two.

"You can't get it."

Whirlwind charge!

Li Yao's speed was already extremely fast, and he launched a whirlwind charge again, and the speed was even faster to the extreme.


The lizardman general crossed his arms, and the armor of his arms split into a shield.

The two sides collided with a deafening noise, and the two retreated at the same time, shocked by their respective forces.

When he retreated, the dark touch of Li Yao's feet continued to break, counteracting the extreme strength, but at the same time, he separated the tentacles and threw them directly to the rear. Li Yao's body grabbed him and refused to give him at all. Opportunity to regain weapons.

"Without my own weapons, you would still die."

The lizardman general snatched the big sword of a lizardman soldier, and once again stepped forward to fight with the mechanical clone.

Although Li Yao’s overall attributes are far worse than the opponent’s, with his equipment and mechanical body, he can compete with the lizardman generals who are good at strength without using the power of the dragon father. With all kinds of weird abilities, he owns it. Slight advantage.

Li Yao’s melee ability has reached such a level, he cannot technically crush the Lizardman General. You must know that the Lizardman General’s combat skills are very powerful, at least the current melee players can’t match it at all. The huge difference in attributes makes it terrifying for world-class leaders.

The more Li Yao fights, the easier he is. With his strong mental power, he is also constantly learning and absorbing the fighting skills he has seen before. He can form a crush in the face of the players, and it is impossible to achieve such an effect. Now he is facing an extremely skilled close combat. Master of weapons, Li Yao would naturally not let go of this good opportunity to continuously hone his At the same time, the surrounding soldiers also fought, and did not intervene in the battlefield between the leaders.

Said it was a big battle, it was actually crushed by two Zerg species.

Although the insects on the deck cannot burrow into the ground, they have become the ace army Zerg army, which is definitely not comparable to the player's army today.

Perhaps the alien players are technically overwhelming more than one of the earth players, but when it comes to the European style of war, the top earth game definitely overwhelms the alien players, and on the whole it is much better than the alien players.

The lizardmen players found sadly that the offensive they launched was completely crushed, and the army they summoned was not a class at all in the face of terrible bugs.

Although the Zerg wins by numbers, it does not mean that their ace army is not strong, especially Li Yao, who combines the advantages and characteristics of mechanical arms, is definitely a super-class ace army.

For half an hour, the two sides still occupy half of the deck respectively, and they still can't take a step.

The lizard people quickly discovered that it was not that the opponent could not crush them, but that they deliberately did not advance and asked them to summon an army.

Their hunch is not wrong. Their army is elite, and the corpse can get more energy units than ordinary army. For him, the more energy units are naturally the better.

There are not many corpses on the deck, and there are constantly flying worker bees bringing the corpses back to the transformation pool through the portal.

The bottom lizard people thought that the Black Dragon Demigod Project had succeeded, but only those high levels knew the real situation above.

"My god, can you send people up?" another lizardman general asked boldly.

The black dragon demigod looked at the lizardman general with indifferent eyes.

The black dragon demigod is about to explode, a group of stupid people, if I can send people up, as for the other party to be arrogant until now...

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