MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1790: 1 all ready

This battle made Li Yao's name reverberate through the world of ancient gods, whether from the perspective of the player or the NPC, through this battle, Li Yao completely established his position.

In terms of NPCs, Li Yao became the warlord and the commander of the legion. Many new generations still have ideas, but Li Yao lonely enters a main city, in front of the most elite army, the strongest team and a half The face of God destroyed the main city again.

It greatly inspired the hearts of the dark camp, and at the same time made everyone realize his power.

After all, in the face of so many powerhouses, even if they were given a warship like them, it would be difficult for them to retreat.

As for the players, no matter what, there are still many people who doubt Li Yao's personal skills and strength.

But in this main city incident, their own reason for doubt is untenable, how can they let others recognize your strength, and irrefutable, is to do things that others can't do and accomplish what others have ever thought of achievement.

If the previous things, they can all be blown out, they are all speculated by the Huaxia Administrative Region, and live to say that these are all official lies to encourage players to expand technical production, and now these reasons are no longer valid.

When Li Yao's Withered Sun returned to the sky above the fortress, countless fireworks lifted into the sky, and the splendid evolution of the sky brightened the night sky.

They are not only celebrating Li Yao, but also celebrating themselves, because at this moment they have sufficient confidence in whether they can occupy a major city.

This means that the rewards they reap will be unparalleled. They have already laid down many cities. Many guilds have achieved their goals and obtained the tax share of the city. Some guilds have even obtained the share of more than two cities. .

If they were not in the main force, this would have to be done at a considerable price, but now they have achieved corresponding benefits all the way.

The situation now is very different from a few days ago. Now more guilds want to join the main force through various means.

Even some guilds united together to find the big guys of the camp, but the big guys replied to them with a word.

"This time the battle will all be decided by the new warlord. There is no need to find them, and it is useless to find them."

Why didn't the big guys understand their thoughts? They didn't choose the main force to divide the troops because they felt that the main force was very dangerous and could not get benefits, and they didn't want to attack the dangerous main city. In other words, just thinking about your own benefits and not wanting to contribute to the camp.

Just ask, such people, how can the leaders of the camp help them speak.

The next day, continue to attack the cities outside the lizardmen. This kind of attack is actually a looting and has no value in occupying.

After all, this is the last map of the lizardmen, and it is also the bottom line of the lizardmen. If you still occupy here and don't give the lizardmen a way to survive, then the lizardmen will probably really desperately.

This was also something the camp didn't want to see. The offensive went smoothly. In a blink of an eye, three days passed. The main force surrounded the map and swept the outer cities.

On the one hand, the day when Li Yao attacked the main city made the players more enthusiastic, and one after another they summoned elite troops that they had previously refused to summon to participate in the battle. Many players no longer wait and see at all. On the other hand, the lizardmen were afraid that Li Yao would take two warships to attack the main city.

Therefore, the lizardmen moved all their main forces back to the main city and then sent a large number of elite troops to defend the new dam.

They are fully prepared to wait for the main force to hit the door. In their view, these peripheral lands will be quickly retaken as long as the war is won. If the main city is gone, then these places will naturally not be kept.

It can be said that Li Yao's goal has been completely achieved. Now, except for a few people who know the inside story, almost everyone believes that the main city Li Yao attacked is the main city of the lizard people.

The lizardmen lost their face last time and began to break their jars, so they even went to the chaotic camp shamelessly to ask for help, and other races sent some trump cards.

Just laugh at the lizardmen, if it really makes the lizardmen lost the main city, then the chaotic camp will be ashamed.

"Why haven't you attacked the main city? Today I got the information that even the reinforcements of the ogres have arrived in the lizard-men's main city." Haikuotian said, "The lizard-men are completely shameless. Faced with the attack of our recruits, it is still Seek help."

"They have lost face long ago, there is nothing to say. I am also curious, why didn't you attack earlier, and I didn't see you make other preparations. It seems to be a big deal, but I always feel that something is wrong."

After all, Shi Na Fanghua and the others were on the battleship, and they knew a lot about Li Yao's actions, but they knew that Li Yao had hardly appeared in the past three days, and they said it was a preparation plan.

In fact, he obviously did three days of engineering in the captain's room, and even one day was not on the battleship.

Li Yao looked at a city that was about to be captured and said: "Pillaging is my goal, and this is never the main target of crime."

"What you mean is that this main city is not the real target, as expected." Instant Fanghua knew it, but there was no surprise.

The sea and the sky also said: "It turned out to be like this. I'm still wondering why I haven't seen anyone at the core of Xinghuo except Sister Li. Anyway, I don't believe in other people's sayings that I want to go one more way. How important it is to capture the main city. , How big the benefits are, how can those petty profits compare."

"Then what is your purpose of attacking the lizardman's main city?" Susuna Fanghua asked.

"The other two roads are just paving the way, prepare. You have to understand that harassing a main city and taking a main city are completely two concepts. Don't look at my prestige over the main city a few days ago, but I really want to take it The tragic degree of the next main city is beyond your imagination." Li Yao said seriously.

"Really?" The sea and the sky were also inspired by the battle two days ago, especially the blasting of the dam was done by him and Setsuna Fanghua.

"Don't be afraid to tell you, I have prepared more than 10 million trump cards, they can all sacrifice, you can do it yourself." Li Yao said.

The two took a deep breath, and the sky stammered: "Ten million, return the trump card army, are you kidding?"

"You'll know then." Li Yao shook his head.

The battle below was over, Li Jia and Xiao Yudi and the others teleported to the ship and ran to the deck excitedly.

"Brother, why don't you participate in the war? If you shoot, we will save a lot of trouble. We should have taken this place long ago." Li Jia asked.

"These cities cannot be occupied. We are mainly looting, and they are all destroyed. What is the purpose of our attack. Okay, let's clean up below. The real war is about to begin."...

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