MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1791: The mystery revealed

"What, are you going to attack the main city?" Xiao Yudi said excitedly: "I have saved a lot of good troops. I will definitely become the main force by then, and finally I don't have to be so boring."

Setsuna Fanghua smiled bitterly: "It's about to start, but it shouldn't be dealing with lizardmen."

Li Jia was at a loss: "Have you changed your goal again."

Li Yaoyao did not speak, but projected: "Everyone spent half an hour cleaning the battlefield, and at the same time, the leaders of the various guilds went offline to notify the people who would participate in the war, and immediately gathered outside the Undercity, half an hour later, launched a full-scale war. "

The players below were taken aback for a moment, and then also showed an excited smile. This moment has finally come.

What makes them wonder is, shouldn't they gather here? Why are they still going to the Undercity to gather? Will it be too far? Many people can't figure it out, and some people are thinking.

However, Li Yao didn't give them a chance to ask. After speaking, he received the video and went straight back to the captain's room, leaving the deck for the players who were gradually transmitting.

In less than half an hour, the players below had been wiped out, and everything that could be removed was taken away.

"No, move quickly."

The blue dragon queen who was meditating in the captain's room suddenly opened his eyes. He was also transfigured by Titan Strike. The two dragon queens agreed that no one would transfigure one day and follow Li Yao. Today it is the blue dragon dragon queen's turn.

"What's going on." Li Yao frowned.

"It's too late to explain, I feel the huge magical fluctuations and the great crisis, so hurry up," said the blue dragon queen.

Li Yao nodded, and decisively picked up the key, directly letting the warship launch a spatial leap as the warship was in control.

However, Li Yao didn't jump too far. From the high altitude here, he could see the city he had just raided.

Suddenly, a dazzling light appeared in the sky in the distance. In broad daylight, a huge ball of fire fell from the sky and traversed a beautiful trajectory in the sky.

The huge fireball rolled down with a long and dazzling flame tail.

Within a moment, I saw the fireball, or to be more precise, a meteor that fell fiercely in the original city.

Li Yao can clearly analyze the great power of meteors in this lesson, even the players who are discussing intensely on the deck are also attracted by the meteors far away.

In their perspective, a huge mushroom cloud appeared in the extreme distance, and the light that passed through the sky looked dazzling even at a distance of hundreds of thousands of yards, and after a while it was a deafening roar.

In Li Yao’s eyes, he could clearly see that with the falling of the meteor, the entire city was completely destroyed in an instant. With the spread of the shock wave, all the buildings, including the city walls, were as fragile as tofu and were torn to pieces. Ascending, a huge pit appeared.

After the drinking water in the distance calmed down a little bit, it rushed in. I believe it will become a big lake soon.

"The real skyfire meteor is such a big handwriting." Li Yao sneered slightly.

"Brother, you mean, this is magic, not natural disasters?" Li Jia asked curiously.

Li Yao coldly snorted and said, "Natural disasters, how could there be such a coincidence that happened to fall in that place. If it weren't for the dragon queen's reminder, I'm afraid we are all turned to ashes now. This black dragon demigod is really small, and he actually used it. I have seen this kind of tricks."

Everyone took a breath, this is too scary, the magic that destroys a city is really scary.

"What level of magic is this?" Instant Fanghua asked.

The blue dragon dragon queen said disdainfully: "It's just a medium-sized forbidden curse. Give me time and enough energy crystals. I can release a meteor that is ten times more powerful than this. Master, if you are willing to produce materials, I can do it. Release this large forbidden curse in the lizardman's main city, why bother."

Li Yao said helplessly: "Do you think that the gods are all dead? The forbidden curse is not for casual use. I can't bear the anger of those gods. And I am unwilling to pay such a high price. I capture the main city. It’s to become a high lord, it’s to obtain territory and resources, not the ruins you want. You can stop."

Everyone was speechless, and was shocked by the strength and heritage of the Blue Dragon Queen.

"After all, I still can't bear the materials." The Blue Dragon and the Queen of Dragons disdain.

"The key is not profitable, so naturally I can't bear it. My gold coins weren't blown by the wind." Li Yao touched his chin: "But I can gather materials for this kind of small forbidden curse, and I will meet a guild that doesn't open my eyes. They directly bombed the city where they were based, and they can only blame it on natural disasters."

"Fortunately, we and Xinghuo are allies." Haikuotian smiled bitterly, and there was nothing to reason about this abnormality.

If you want to be able to attack even the main city, it is estimated that even the prosperous age will have to be honest. Isn't it like this now ~ It is estimated that it will be more honest in the future.

Such a huge fluctuation naturally caused the perception of various gods.

In fact, the natural gods have always guarded the world. If it was a natural disaster or a meteor from the sky, it would have been discovered and intercepted by the gods.

If the disaster is big enough, the Moon God will take action. So many people think that the Moon God does nothing, but it is actually an illusion, because they can't see how many natural disasters the Moon God has stopped for this world.

This kind of artificial behavior doesn't care about many things. What's more, this is the operation of the black dragon demigod himself, and it is still his own territory, and naturally there is no gods.

But they knew the purpose of the black dragon demigod in an instant, but saw that the Withering Sun and Queen had moved away in advance, completely ignoring the magic, and let him blow up his own city.

Suddenly, many demigods directly mocked the black dragon and demigod with their spirits, causing the black dragon to vomit blood again, but it is fine to do this once, and now it has been discovered. If it continues, then the strong of the dark camp will also use it. He didn't have anything to say about the attack, he could only get sulking. His current temple was smashed by himself, and the city was also in a mess. The black dragon demigod's hatred for Li Yao was simply draining the waters of the world.

Li Yao didn't care about the black dragon and the demigod. He jumped continuously, and the two battleships soon reached the outskirts of the Undercity. At this moment, there were countless toys gathered, and the two battleships would definitely not be able to occupy them, they could only be below.

Li Yao’s projection appeared in the air: "Up to now, I have not kept everyone from you. We have been fighting for several days. In fact, it is a strategy of slamming the east and the west. The lizard people’s main city is not our very right goal. Now everyone thinks that we Where is the attacking side? The mixed camp even sent a large number of troops to which side, and we do not attack that."

Everyone was in an uproar, fighting with them for a long time, it was a fake attack...

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