MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1798: Debut

"I can't stop it." Sister Li said: "This interception mission is all the elite cavalry of the Super Guild. It still can't stop the ogre's charge. Even our side also has Kodo cavalry."

"How long will it take to break the barrier?" Li Yao asked the Blue Dragon Queen.

The blue dragon dragon queen said: "If you can maintain more than six positions, half an hour."

"This is already the opposing ace cavalry. Just now, there was a cavalry team from our guild, and one charge was scattered." Haikuotian said.

"Well, the ogres are huge, and there are not many mounts for them to ride. Each cavalry is very precious. Naturally, it is the opponent's ace soldier to ride." A gleam of light flashed in Li Yao's eyes: "I wanted to be late. They consume them, and they didn't expect to use the method of pressing the bottom of the box at the beginning. The ogres are really anxious, but fortunately, let my cannon fodder ace army take them down."

"Cannon fodder trump card?" Instant Fanghua wondered.

"The production consumption is low, the offensive power trump card, and the super crispy skin. Naturally, it can only be a suicide-consuming force." Li Yao nodded forward: "Look."

Following Li Yao's words, the ogre cavalry was about to charge to the next trebuchet position. The ground in front of the position trembles suddenly, and then one by one the zebra jumped out of the ground.

Kodo beast can adapt to many terrains, but it is the most unsuitable for terrain with pits. Deep pits appear on the ground, which has fatal damage to Kodo.

But these cavalry are very superb. They make a straight turn in Mercedes-Benz and want to go around. The whole process is very smooth, there is not much communication, and it is really beautiful.

But what the Zerglings need is this moment too. A large number of Zerglings leaped high, drew a beautiful arc in the sky, and their pointed claws fell with a hint of light.

In an instant, the two sides started a fierce fight. It was still the same. Zerglings attacked sharply, naturally a little weak against super heavy armor, but it was very useful in the face of almost no armor covering the ogre.

Zergling's attack is too sharp, whether it is fangs or sharp claws can bring extreme wounds on the opponent's body.

Everyone saw the Zerglings jumping over like moths to the fire. As long as they could jump on the mount, they could always kill an ogre, but they were also too fragile. Without resistance, the body will separate if directly cut.

However, the vitality of the Zerg is too strong, even if it is divided into two, the Zerg can still struggle for several seconds.

Many ogres thought that they killed the zerglings, and ended up being bitten or sharply wounded by their claws.

The war between the two sides was so tragic that the scalp of the person watching was numb. The Zergling was really a self-killing attack, other soldiers could not do this, and his life was very cherished.

Unlike the Zergs, as long as they command an order, they will not care about their life and death at all. This is also a very terrifying place for the Zergs, and it is also Li Yao's confidence to attack the main city with more than 10 million troops.

Li Yao is not demanding. If his own bugs are exchanged for one, or even three for one, the opponent will definitely collapse and be afraid. Of course, he refers to the trump card army. Other armies are meaningless. That is the business of other players. If they even this Can't handle it, then Li Yao has nothing to say.

Even though the ogres on the walls are so fierce and fearless to die, they are still a lot worse than the Zerg. The ultimate will of the ogres is to eat, it is good food, not not afraid of death.

They looked so discolored, in their opinion, their elite army can crush the recruits infinitely, and the trump card army is not what they want.

It was like this at the beginning, but these bugs appeared. Although the bugs suffered more casualties than the ogres, they were their trump card army and their most elite cavalry.

A wave of jumping offensive not only had a chance to kill them, but even contained the cavalry attack.

Seeing the howling ogre cavalry and the frightened Kodo beast, and looking at the silent, silent Zerglings, all the ogres gave birth to a very bad feeling of palpitations.

Even the great warlock's eyes didn't look good. He looked at Li Yao who was still standing on the top of the mountain and the flag flying behind him. It also had a bad feeling. Is this the other party's confidence?

The great warlock's expression moved. He had a foreboding in his heart that the enchantment might not be able to be kept, and eventually he would have to test the strength of the army, so he wanted to test it out: "Send my order, send another cavalry to attack the opponent's handsome flag, and take the opponent's leader. Chopped."

"Yes." The opposing commander was stunned and said, "Should I send cavalry generals?"

"Let him bring the most elite cavalry to kill. Although the recruits can be resurrected, killing the opponent together will still affect their morale tenderly and severely." The Grand Warlock said.

The city gate opened again, and an extremely strong ogre headed out. Behind him was a 100,000 cavalry slowly lined up, and then rushed to the hillside frantically.

"Sure enough, they came to It seems that they have given up the barrier." Li Yao sneered: "Then fight."

The ground trembled, countless zergs drilled out of the ground, plus ten portals under the hillside, the seemingly empty Shuaiqi hillside was immediately protected by countless zergs, and hundreds of thousands of zergs protected the top of the mountain.

"Fuck me, I was shocked. I thought you weren't prepared, so you've been in ambush a long time ago." Haikuotian wiped out his sweat: "I thought I was going to run away."

"I'm not a fool, just let this person and the staff, and how can these players block it." Li Yao smiled.

"Liaoyuan kid, this general cavalry commander Kakam, dare to come out and fight me." Before the huge cavalry commander Kakam arrived, the huge shouts spread all over the battlefield.

"You are not qualified enough, let's pass through my defense first before challenging the great master." The Crypt Lord mocked, surrounded by a group of bleeding spiders and beetles.

Countless thunder beasts and saboteurs, together with the densely packed Zerglings waiting for opportunities, waited for their cavalry to rush over.

Shuangfei was getting closer and closer, and the ogre cavalry and Li Yao's bug army collided with each other.

However, the next scene surprised everyone. The opposing cavalry didn't pierce the Zerg line, but hit the motorcycle on the wall, and the cavalry's charge stopped abruptly.

Although the insects at the front were beheaded, their bodies were still held back by the insects at the back. The Thunder Beast and the Destroyer were already huge in size, and their strength was amazing. The formation that they linked together was simply unbreakable.

It is simply not something they can break through.

Brush up!

On the contrary, a large number of steel needles made the ogres and Kodo beasts scream repeatedly, unable to penetrate the front line, and the advantage of the cavalry would be more than half lost.

Then came the jumps of Zerglings in the center and behind the formation...

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