MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1799: challenge

Li Yao looked at the battlefield and sneered: "It's really naive for a single unit to make a surprise attack on the integrated military formation."

In his opinion, the type of cavalry that wants an advantage over the opponent is the light cavalry, such as the centaur, without any armor, running fast, and dragging the enemy to death by kite tactics.

The tauren was almost annihilated by such a game, which shows the terrible tactics.

Either they are heavy-armored cavalry, like a can of iron, wearing heavy armor, and a powerful mount that will crush the opponent in one fell swoop.

The ogre’s ace cavalry seems to be very strong, but it is indeed very strong. It is also equipped with super powerful Kodo beasts who are good at carrying weight and endurance. They can be so huge that they can even trample and release some of the power of lightning.

But these ogres are too unbelievable. They don’t have much armor on them. They are not without heavy armor. They are just too lazy. They think that their strong physique can defeat everything without armor. If they are in heavy armor, they will not break through Li Yao. The Zerg army formation, at least those Zerglings had little effect on them.

But now, on the one hand, they couldn't break through the army formation, and they had to withstand the blows of Zerglings and Steel Needles. From the beginning of the battle to the present, the two armies faced each other, and more ogres died than the other.

"It doesn't hurt to speak while standing. We used the legion scroll to barely withstand the other's elite. Facing the ace cavalry is also a comprehensive army formation, and it has not been broken." Haikuotian smiled bitterly.

Li Yao shook his head: "It still shows that your front-row tanks are not powerful. If the tanks can't block the impact of the opponent, it is like spawning monsters in a team. Tanks can't hold back hatred. Naturally, output and healing will be hurt, and output and healing will naturally be greatly reduced. Up."

Setsuna Fanghua said enviously: "Then you can sell us some of your ace tanks."

Li Yao touched his nose: "It's not that I'm stingy. If I can buy and sell, I will make a fortune with this unit. Okay, on the one hand, you basically have no way to control a lot. On the other hand, the units I produce will even be given to you. Control is still on my side, will you buy it?"

The two are speechless. If this is the case, I am afraid that only the members of Xinghuo will redeem it. I am afraid that the others will not. Without the ultimate control, it is really too much of a threat. When they fall in battle, the legion will directly collapse.

The ogres and the great warlocks on the wall were also gloomy, and he seemed to understand Li Yao's confidence.

Li Yao’s confidence is not the so-called sky fortress, but the actual strength. He has grown to have his own trump card army. If the number is large enough, then Li Yao can indeed become a boss of the party. Of course, thinking of the other party's summons. Is the Zerg Ace Army, will the number be small?

"Liaoyuan Rat, are you still hiding behind and dare not fight with me?" The cavalry general rushed from left to right, and he killed a piece of insects in succession, but whether it was Thunder Beast or Destroyer, they topped each other. He also rushed into the body for a short period of time and was blocked.

Naturally, he was also the key care object for steel needles and zebra worms, with a lot of steel needles inserted in his body, as well as the wounds brought by the zebras.

Suddenly, the cavalry general's mount tilted, and the cavalry general was thrown out, his Kodo beast screamed, and half of his body fell into the pit.

Underground insects kept attacking the weak defense of the Kodomon's abdomen, and the blood was flowing so hard that it could not survive.

"Jumping beam clown, I said, you are not qualified to play against my great master." The crypt lord bit the struggling Kodo by the neck, and the blood poured into his body.

The scarred body of the Crypt Lord suddenly became alive, as if he were alive, and his aura gradually became stronger.

"Hahaha, it is actually Wang Pin who has many bloodlines. This is a big tonic. Very good. Resurrect and fight for me."

The Kodo beast that fell on the ground had no glamorous eyes gleaming with the light of ice, and his body was gradually covered with a layer of frost, and part of his body was shrunk, like a corpse with blood drained, but he stood up and turned around and began to attack. A former companion.

"Damn bug, I want you to die." The ogre cavalry leader was furious, and when he landed, he began to use the windmill.

Following the violent weapon storm, one by one the insects were torn into pieces, and a **** blank appeared around him.

"Good opportunity, stop him." said a dozen players flying at low altitude.

They are an elite player squad that has taken over the enemy's leader-level and above. They are not good at army fighting and command, but they have a strong team that specializes in hunting bosses.

This cavalry general is obviously a junior world-class, and they looked at their hearts and wanted to try if they could win it.

In fact, with Li Yao's continuous hunting of world-class bosses, countless people are itchy.

If no one can kill, it's fine, but since someone can kill, they are naturally unwilling and feel that they can do it too. Even if it is not as good as Li Yao, and one person cannot do it, then a regiment is worse than you alone.

"Unexpectedly, this team has joined the main force, it seems that they all want to get benefits." Haikuotian said.

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: "Anyway, they are all to die, but they are famous?"

Instant Fanghua smiled bitterly: "You Sparks are strong, so naturally you won't contact them. But many guilds don't have the strength to kill too powerful bosses and but they found that they were let go and were not reconciled. So they appeared. The mercenary team, this blood rose mercenary group is one of the best. They don't have a guild, they specialize in helping individuals or guilds kill bosses to earn commissions and take part of the equipment dropped by the bosses."

Li Yao suddenly ignored such a group of people. Indeed, the ancient gods world boss is too difficult to kill, whether it is a guild or an individual, he found the boss, unable to kill and reconciled, this kind of mercenary is very trustworthy, negotiated conditions, and never breached the contract.

In fact, it is also the latest way to earn gold coins, composed of masters who are stronger than the gold group.

Li Yao's thoughts moved. He wanted to fight with the opposing general and stopped in shape. He turned his head with a sneer, started to make up for the emptiness here, and started hunting the ogres.

"If you want to leave, pass me first."


A tall tauren warrior jumped from a high altitude and jumped directly, intercepting the ogre general.


Seeing that it was a recruit, the cavalry general grinned and rushed over like a tank.

"Set of shields."

Suddenly, SM's Earth Shield and priest's Power Word·Shield fell on the warrior's body at the same time. The defense also rushed forward quickly, with the shield in front of him.


The two sides collided fiercely, the ogre cavalry general stunned, and the tauren warrior flew out directly, the shield on his body was shattered, and his blood volume dropped by more than half.

Everyone was scared. Is this random impact attack so high? The healing beam kept falling on his body, and two remotely blocked his body, but they were also taken to fly out, and the three hit one together. The body of the saboteur stopped.

"I can't help myself." The cavalry general sneered...

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