MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1800: Shocking

The blood rose's complexion changed, she really did not expect that the cavalry commander without the mount was still so powerful.

As a boss led by cavalry, without the mount, the combat effectiveness will be lost too much, which is why they dare to take action.

Facing a powerful world-class leader, since Li Yao started to kill the world-class, the so-called mercenary group that hunted bosses, they began to try, but none of them succeeded, every time they were destroyed very miserably.

This time they wandered for a long time, accepting the task of hunting the powerful leader, and spotted the boss, but did not make a move. They waited until the mount was killed by the Crypt Lord before gritting their teeth.

As a result, I didn't expect that even without the mount, this boss is still so powerful.

"Iron Tower, transform." The Blood Rose snorted coldly, and at the same time a red skeleton appeared in his hand, and then suddenly raised it: "Tell!"

Following the short and obscure spell, the skeleton glowed strangely.


The fighter who was knocked into the air suddenly shook the two teammates apart, and the teammates quickly left his side. With a savage roar full of metallic texture, his figure quickly grew bigger, and then he became a mecha-like little giant covered in technology.


At the same time, the scarlet scarlet formation was at the foot of the cavalry commander's provincial hall, and the chaotic blood evaporated. The cavalry commander was suddenly corroded by the blood, his body became stagnant, and his attributes were suddenly weakened by 10%.

Brush up!

Twenty-five people fell around the cavalry commander. According to the close combat, they were divided into two levels and scattered and surrounded at a distance.

"This team is really good, a **** necromancer, this is a rare and very rare profession, and there is also a Titan Steel War, which is very strong."

Li Yao noticed here, the team's overall position is very routine and disciplined.

Moreover, the Bloody Necromancer and Titan Iron War are both very powerful professions, and they are as rare as his Dark Rangers. I am afraid that there are no more than ten Dark Rangers, and the same goes for Blood and Iron.

The **** necromancer controls the blood, is good at controlling, weakening, painful, tormenting, sacrifice, weird and unpredictable, and very rare, most of them don't understand, and they don't know how to deal with it.

Not only good at fighting, but also capable of super long-range media curse, weakening, etc., even Li Yao is unwilling to provoke such a profession.

Titan Steel War is a steel guard, like a large mecha, full of steel thorns, very hard, and very, very hard. Of course, facing control occupations, such as ice law, is relatively weak.

But this does not hinder the strength and popularity of this profession. Compared with mountain warfare, the time of the steel warrior's transformation is free and unlimited. You can switch the form according to the place and situation. The only thing that is not as good as the mountain warfare is that the strength is slightly insufficient. , The outbreak is also a bit worse than the mountain war.

But in terms of comprehensiveness, the steel war is more popular.

"Roar, I thought it would be great to become an iron lump, you rubbish, really think you have a prairie prairie in your recruits and think everyone can challenge us."

The cavalry commander was furious, his body shook suddenly, and the blood-colored arm that stretched out from the ground shook away, and suddenly jumped.



This time he didn't attack on the steel war, but suddenly landed on the ground in front of the steel war, raising his arm to prepare the cavalry to lead the hard-shaking iron tower and fail.

"No, the tower will get out of the way quickly." The blood rose suddenly felt that the connection between herself and the ground formation was interrupted, and her blood volume suddenly dropped.

But it was too late for her reminder, and another shortcoming of the Iron Warrior was also exposed, that is, slow movement and low agility.

A huge rock spike suddenly appeared on the ground, directly poking at the hip of the tower.


The huge stone pillar spikes suddenly rose to a height of more than 30 yards, like a high-rise building, and the iron tower was directly knocked into the sky and flew out obliquely.

Everyone who saw this scene felt the chrysanthemum tighten and heard the screams of the iron tower to the extreme. Even if the body of steel bears this, it is probably the chrysanthemum's mutilation and his body is injured.

Everyone was stunned. This Nima, this trick is really, too awkward, such a mighty ogre, did not expect such a unique trick.

"Stupid recruit, do you really think my shock is over." The cavalry commander himself was lying on the ground with his hands covering his head.

"Everyone protects themselves." Blood Rose was covered in blood, and others couldn't see her real appearance. Through the faint blood mist, she could see her hazy and graceful figure.

At this moment, the blood mist surrounding her suddenly materialized, turning into layers of blood-colored petals, forming a flower that surrounded her.

The mages allied the refrigerator, and all of them started to protect themselves.

Pop, pop, boom!

The huge stone pillar suddenly exploded into countless small stone thorns crazy splashes, two consecutive stone thorns directly killed the thieves without invincible skills and crispy skin.

Then the stone pillar exploded, and a big pit appeared in the middle. The **** lotus flower of the blood rose was shattered, revealing her slightly cold and beautiful face, but it was also fleeting, and a faint red mist appeared around her.

"It's another beauty." Li Yao's eyes blessed, even with blood fog, he could see almost the same, and he could see clearly when the blood fog dissipated.

"Blood Rose admires you very much, should I introduce you to you?" Instant Fanghua smiled.

Li Yao shook his head: "My own guild can't be seen as beautiful as clouds, and I can take care of other guilds."

Li Yaocai let out a sigh of relief when he felt the murderous gaze disappear from behind.

"Ahem, then introduce me to it." Haikuotian smiled.

Setsuna Fanghua covered her mouth and smiled: "I heard that you took your sister-in-law and Liaoyuan to kill the boss last time. There will be no bedroom for a week. Are you sure I will introduce?"

"Cough cough, forget it, I was joking." Haikuotian smiled dryly.

On the battlefield, Titan Steel Battle stood up, full of pain and ferociousness: "Damn bastard, I'm going to blow you up."

Everyone Khan Khan, looking at the huge steel giant holding his ass, and cooperating with him, it feels a bit weird.

Even his surviving teammates feel a little bit painful. This is really a little bit.

"Okay, beat him." The blood rose helped her forehead and said helplessly: "Others cheer up, we still have a chance."

"A group of ants still want to stop me. Liaoyuan likes to watch the show. Then I will kill all your subordinates and see if you can't make a move." The cavalry leader sneered and jumped again.

Everyone's faces are green, this Nima, still coming?

But they were thinking too much, this time it was a big jump...

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