MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1801: In its own way


The two weapons in the hands of the ogre directly merged into a huge warhammer, which slammed into the sky.

The tower's complexion changed wildly, and once again crossed his hands to block his head.


The warhammer and the arms of the iron tower violently collided, and the earth trembled slightly, and everyone was shocked to see the iron tower's legs plunge into the mud below.

Only the waist was exposed, and everyone saw that the steel arms of the Titan Steel Warrior were actually bent. Even though there was no pain in the steel form, it also affected his ability to move.

"You recruits, even if there are a hundred more, it's just a pile of broken copper and iron, you will die."

The cavalry commander's eyes were very ferocious, and the big hammer in his hand fell again.

In the outbreak just now, three of the treatments in the team died, and only one treatment was left, only a cooked rice treatment was applied, but under the blow just now, he had blood remaining, and he would definitely die after another blow.

"Lotus change!"

The blood rose's hands formed a complicated imprint, and a phantom lotus flower appeared in both hands.


The solid blood-colored lotus flower bloomed above the iron warrior's head, and the petals bloomed as the cavalry commander's warhammer fell.


The gorgeous and beautiful lotus was directly crushed and turned into a bit of brilliance.

But just blocked a hammer, the cavalry commander simply ignored the long-range attacks that came to the body and continued to fall.


This hammer directly killed the iron tower, and everyone changed their colors. Their strongest tank could only withstand two attacks from the other side. How could it be hit?

"There is no chance, withdraw." Blood Rose made a decisive decision, neither for her nor forcing her, but once again understood the gap with the world-class leader.

Everyone immediately used their own means to retreat, without the slightest hesitation, it was obvious that the order for the blood rose had been integrated into the bone marrow and was executed immediately.

"A bunch of scums, if you want to go, others can go. You little girl with delicate skin and tender meat will allow me to toss for a night and then become a delicious breakfast."

With that said, the cavalry commanded the crazy stride Mercedes-Benz thought about the blood rose.

Watching the live broadcast here and people in the distance heard a chill in this scene. This Nima was ruined by an ogre. It is indeed a shadow of ten lifetimes.

Li Yao remembered that in his previous life, a male player was more feminine, and he liked to apply fat and powder, and even dressed up as a female in the game.

Once stunned by a poison dart by an ogre, he was taken back to the cave and breakfast was made the next day. It is said that this player has become extremely masculine since then, and after several years of game time, several years have been like killing cannibals. Demon, tirelessly.

Many new players have been saved from the hands of the ogres. What is more perverted is that they like to castrate the ogres. After obtaining the city of the ogres castrates, they will definitely hunt and kill the first ogres.

Needless to think, it was too much stimulation, otherwise it would not be the case.

It is a man, if it is a woman, it is still a goddess. Li Yao could see the corners of Blood Rose's mouth twitching through the blood mist, and he was obviously disgusted by the words led by the cavalry.

"The Scarlet Road!"

As the blood rose retreated, it continuously sprinkled handfuls of special red powder.

The ground was stained red, and countless skeletons or zombie arms appeared from the ground, constantly tearing at the leader of the cavalry.

But the cavalry commander didn't pay any attention at all. Those who grabbed his arm, without exception, were torn off by him.


A huge scarlet zombie blocked the road led by the cavalry, and this blood zombie was also the leader of the race.

But the cavalry commander directly shredded the blood zombies, without slowing down the speed to approach, Blood Rose.

Jieyin in Blood Rose's hand was about to release the shifting skills, and as a result, the figure stopped and put down Jieyin, but slowly backed away.

"Little guy, you can't run."

The cavalry commander grinned, and the huge walking stick was about to grab the soft waist of the blood rose.


Suddenly, the ground suddenly cracked, and a huge spike rushed out of the ground, directly piercing the ogre's hip.

Then the huge body of the crypt lord rushed out from the ground, it turned out that the spike was his sharp horn.

The cavalry commander uttered a sharp scream, and the blood lord shook his head abruptly to throw the cavalry leader out.

The body of the ogre hasn't landed yet, the crypt lord stomped on the ground, rows of spikes constantly impacted the body of the ogre leader.

Then there were countless steel spikes in the sky, and when the cavalry commander landed, there were two huge holes in his chest and buttocks, blood rushing like death.

And he was covered with spikes, like a hedgehog, and more importantly, his blood volume was already very low.

"Little guy, the master said, now is the best time for **** refining, and he will be dead in a quarter or three." The Crypt Lord did not go up to attack, but said lightly.

Blood Rose was taken aback, very excited, but she still suppressed her excitement: "Thank your master for Thank you personally, I can't represent the master." The Crypt Lord finished. Go straight into the ground.

Without the mount, plus the opponent's carelessness, this allowed the Crypt Lord to use his own trick to almost kill a world-class leader, and with the steel thorns of countless soldiers, he was also very excited. Know that he is nothing but The strength of the peak of the camp.

Players of the Blood Rose Mercenary Group excitedly surrounded the seriously injured and dying cavalry leader, and the flares illuminated the surrounding area to prevent thieves from taking advantage of them.

The Blood Rose chanted an obscure spell and threw out the red skeletons one by one. The five skeletons formed a five-pointed magic circle.

And the center is the cavalry commander, with the spell, the **** light envelops the cavalry commander.

The cavalry commander uttered a scream, his soul floated out, being washed by blood, and his body quickly dissolved into a tall skeleton.

Then what turned **** was the human soul turned into a **** flame, which suddenly merged into the head of the ogre skeleton.

The tall ogre bones bowed on one knee and saluted the blood rose.

"Congratulations, boss, this time being stronger is not just a grade."

"It's a pity, this ritual will make the boss drop a rank, otherwise the boss will also have a world-class leader as a pet, and become the second player to have a world-class pet."

"You can be content, high-level camp-level pets that can be summoned for a long time. Can you find three in the entire world of ancient gods? The boss technology was originally grabbed, and now it is definitely the top player."

His group members were full of excited discussions.

The blood rose smiled, the blood color solidified into a ray of light and turned into a finger-big skeleton falling on the shoulder, filling the blood-colored zombie that just died...

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