MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1802: Secret plan

On the city wall, the Grand Warlock looked gloomy: "This foolish pig, **** it, he was killed so easily."

The right head of the great warlock sneered: "He was originally a stupid pig with a head, and he barely became a world-class he is already at his peak. The mount was overcast and he didn't know how to retreat, and rushed up stupidly, but the result was the same. The trick was killed, it's not a pity for such a fool to die."

Although the other two-headed ogres are angry, they also think that the commander of the cavalry is too stupid. As the commander of the cavalry, his world-class leader relies on the mount. The mount occupies at least one-third of his combat power, and he is so reckless without the mount. , Naturally, death is not a pity.

Now that I was killed by a camp-level bug, I didn't care if I died, and I also made them embarrassed. How can I not make them angry?

"Retreat, prepare for the wall battle, the barrier is probably not preserved." The ogre great warlock issued an order.

As the longest-lived elder among the ogres, he is known as the star of wisdom among the ogres, the star in the dark, the navigator in the mist, and has countless auras and titles.

His words are the imperial decree among the ogres, and no one has violated it in the slightest. He once took the ogres through the darkest period and led them to glory.

"Damn, I didn't expect these recruits to have this method." The ogre commander slammed a punch on the wall. He was very unwilling. He thought that the enchantment alone could make the ridiculous alliance of recruits retreat, making them uncomfortable. As a result, their proud barrier blocked the opponent for less than two hours.

The great warlock paused his staff: "I repeat, this Liaoyuan is different from the other recruits. He should be regarded as a real opponent, not a recruit. He alone dared to rely on a battleship to stir up the lizardman, even Humiliate the demigod, destroy the foundation of the demigod, and retreat under the eyelids of the demigod. Even the demigod can't stop it. The energy in it is beyond your imagination."

"I still can't believe it." The ogre commander looked tangled.

"Why not me, but the problem is that he has super strong followers around him. If he fights alone, let alone you, even I may not be sure to win. But the advantage is still on our side, our side is strong. There are a lot more players than him, and they have more cards. Liaoyuan is naturally stronger, but one person cannot decide the outcome of a race war. Our ace lion is not comparable to their recruits."

The great warlock hit everyone, and then began to talk about his own advantages and strengthen his confidence.

Li Yao retracted his gaze and said faintly: "This ogre great warlock really has some tricks. I misunderstood him. I thought it was a bad old man who knew how to eat."

"Well, this ogre does have means." Setsuna Fanghua nodded in agreement.

"The eyes are so good that you can see how great the other person is talking." Haikuotian mumbled.

Setsuna Fanghua smiled and said, "Don't think I don't know. You also have eye equipment. You don't have bad eyesight, but you just look at the shape of your mouth and don't know what others are saying."

"Ahem, I changed it." The sea covered it up.

"A liar." Li Yao shook his head slightly: "The other party is going to retire, but how can I make him wishful? Since I dare to send it out, then just stay."

Following Li Yao's words, three portals appeared in the three directions of the ogre cavalry formation, and countless insects poured out and began to intercept the cavalry's back.

"Damn it, I can't retreat, do you want to send someone to rescue?" The ogre commander was furious.

The great warlock sneered: "Send soldiers to save, yes, how many. Liaoyuan just wants us to send people to save. Do you mean let us give up the advantage of the city wall and fight against each other?"

The commander was sweating coldly. If he did this, he would suffer more deaths and injuries, but many ogres couldn't accept it as they watched their people die in battle.

"All raised their heads. This time it's just a small setback. It's not the time to kill them. When they are exhausted from the siege and the army is distracted, we will kill them again, and we will get back thousands of times. That is, where they died. , Let us understand that the enemy’s strength cannot be underestimated."

Seeing everyone, the great warlock bowed his head, hating iron but not steel, and said: "You idiots, don’t you see that these insects can only fight on land and can’t attack cities? Their siege effects are minimal, except for the Liaoyuan army. How could it break our defense."

Everyone suddenly realized what the great warlock meant, didn't they? Even though these insects are powerful and can't attack the city, what use is it.

"Sure enough, is it still being seen." Instant Fanghua shook his head slightly.

Li Yao shrugged: "I never expected the Zerg to attack the city. Otherwise, I would need so many siege machines to do something. My two Route Army prepared these days in order to make up for this defect."

In the distant battlefield, under the encirclement and suppression of the Zerg, even though the Zerg had paid enough casualties, it eventually eliminated the besieged cavalry.

Moreover, the Zerg is exposed, and it is not hidden. It starts to divide troops to eliminate other ogre The cavalry is not an opponent, not to mention other elite troops are constantly being eaten by the Zerg.

In fact, when the barrier cannot be opened, these ogres are doomed to death from the moment they come out. The great warlock understands this, but he will naturally not speak of this cruel reality.

Even if they could break the forbidden pillar, they wouldn't be able to return, and the city gate would never be opened. From beginning to end, the great warlock used these soldiers to test, test the level of the main players, and test the level of Li Yao's personal army.

He had never thought that relying on a barrier to resist all threats was unrealistic, especially after seeing Li Yao raging in the lizardman main city, but he couldn't say this either.

He didn't yell like other ogres, just watch his soldiers gradually being eaten away indifferently. What he pursued from start to finish was the ultimate victory.

"Thanks to the Great God of Liaoyuan for your help, so that my strength can be greatly increased." The Blood Rose said seriously in front of Li Yao, and it is estimated that only Li Yaoneng can be so generous to kill a world-class boss.

Li Yao shook his head: "Your career is strong enough, otherwise such an opportunity will be useless in front of others."

"In short, thank you God." Blood Rose continued: "I Blood Rose never owes favors. In this battle, our mercenary group will inevitably go all out to fight to the death. We took it too."

"Okay, happy." Li Yao said with a smile: "I really have a task with many difficulties, but my mechanical clone will be with you. You will help me complete this task. If nothing else, your military skills are absolutely comparable. The extent of the final military merits of the large guild."...

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