MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1803: Broken Enchantment

The blood rose smiled bitterly, and sure enough, the cheapness of others is not so combative.

She had guessed since Li Yao made them a world-class boss through the Crypt Lord, especially when she asked the Crypt Lord to express her gratitude, but the other party actually refused. This has shown a signal.

I came over to thank him, and the other party directly explained his thoughts and attitude, saying that Li Yao had nothing to do with him. This was correct.

But this is obviously a kind of trade. If someone gives you the first kill of the world boss and drops prizes, don't you give me back?

Although it seems that there is no compulsion, in fact she must take over this task.

As a mercenary group, credibility is the most important, especially for helping others to kill bosses. Without a good credibility, would other employers look for you?

If you take other people's world-class bosses, you won't do anything if they ask you to do things. If it is spread out, it will be ugly.

So she can only smile in her heart, so she can only take on no matter what task.

The temptation of a world-class boss is really too great, not only as simple as the boss itself, but also can greatly increase her strength, for her, and for her mercenary group.

But having said that, would it be easy for Li Yao to play this twist, and pay the price of a world-class boss to complete a task.

In other words, can the task that can embarrass Li Yao be simple? So she promised that she was ready to pay the price of the equipment dropped by destroying the group.

"What task the great **** wants us to accomplish, we naturally go all out, but I don’t understand that even without you, the Xinghuo team is much better than our mercenary group. Why let us do it, it’s not afraid Difficulty, I'm just afraid of delaying the mission of the Great God." Blood Rose added: "Compared with this mission, it has a certain key role in winning this battle. It is too important and it is under great pressure."

Li Yao nodded: "It's good for Rose Girl to call me a prairie fire. The Great God is too unfamiliar. The mission is critical and critical. Let’s say it’s not critical. If it goes smoothly, this line is not needed. It’s just a preparedness. That’s all. As for the Xinghuo team, you should know that as the commander-in-chief, I actually don’t have NPCs to follow, and I’m not allowed to follow them, so everyone in the team has their own tasks. It’s impossible to walk away for this, so I thought Find a strong team."

"Then you will suffer, just one mission. The two super guild bosses are there. Although they don't know the real situation, they want to come to cooperate more deeply. The two guilds are not short of manpower." Blood Rose.

Li Yao suddenly looked at the blood rose and laughed.

"I'm not right?" Blood Rose was puzzled.

Li Yao stopped smiling and said seriously: "I just didn't expect that on the battlefield, the blood rose with heroic appearance and evil charm, iron and blood, is actually a problem baby. Since you are curious, I will answer you, the reason is very simple In terms of playing bosses, your team is better. And their two guilds also have their own tasks."

Setsuna Fanghua said, "Rose, anyway, you took the first kill and got a powerful pet. No matter what the task is, Liaoyuan said in advance. No matter success or failure, as long as you go."

"Well, it's the first time that I have approached the Liaoyuan so close, I don't know what to say." Blood Rose smiled bitterly.

"Hey, look, I said Rose is your little girl, believe it now." Instant Fanghua laughed.

"Sister Fanghua, you are making fun of me again, the technique of the Great God Liaoyuan, as long as those who really want to improve will not see who will study and who will not learn, it's just that some people don't want to admit it." Blood Rose said seriously.

"That's true."

"You guys can pull it down, sarcasm me in disguise, technology is exchanged with each other, everyone researched it out, I am nothing more than a researcher and learner." Li Yao smiled bitterly, there are things that can't be said, even if they say it, who can believe it.

Everyone regarded him as humble, and the sky and the sky even said: "Look, this is the realm of high compulsory standards, I will be convinced."

Li Yao helplessly shook his head: "Talk to business, your team can still continue the task, but when you need to start, you must come back as soon as possible."

"Okay, I see, it's the same sentence, go all out." said the blood rose.

Everyone nodded and looked towards the front battlefield. At this moment, the ogre who had encircled and suppressed the city had reached the end, and there were nine trebuchet positions attacking the enchantment on the battlefield, which exceeded expectations.

After another period of time, a crack appeared in the barrier, and it became extremely illusory, and it was shattered in the unwilling eyes of the ogre.

Oh oh oh!

The bleak horns sounded from outside and inside the city respectively, and countless ogres quickly controlled the trebuchets.

Outside the city, countless air forces lifted into the air, and then under the **** of countless players' army, more construction machinery stepped forward.

The super-large trebuchet is being quickly assembled successfully. This trebuchet can throw incendiary bombs on long-distance city walls, and it can overdraft huge explosive bombs.

In addition, there are artillery, siege vehicles, and more and more construction machinery have been put into the battlefield over time

"Innocent guy, relying on these is like breaking a city wall." The ogre commander was full of disdain.

The ogre warlock shook his head slightly: "It should be used to increase the damage. Liaoyuan cannot be ignorant. With these short-term impossible to break through the city wall, his trump card is still the air warship. Prepare, the hard battle begins, let They see, our great ogre not only has a strong combat power, but also has unparalleled endurance."

The long-range machines of the two sides first confronted each other, causing ultra-long-range killing and injury to each other's troops.

Then there is a contest between the air force. The ogre air force used to ride is relatively small, each of which is a powerful and robust mutant two-headed Chimera. Instead, it is a hunter’s pet and a lot of domesticated birds of prey. The level of trump card cannot be underestimated.

Said it was fighting, but it was actually being slaughtered unilaterally by the Ogre Air Force.

The ground army, the ladder of the ancient gods that never appeared in the player army is very common, but the main city of the ogre is too tall, the wall is extremely strong, and the strong ogre on it.

The battle lasted for more than an hour, and no player could occupy the city for more than a minute.

Li Yao still sent a large number of worker bees to constantly carry the corpses, the various military buildings in the space were in continuous operation, and a large number of Zerg soldiers were produced.

For two hours, three hours, and four hours, the battle between the two sides has completely turned into a fever.

The player’s army as a whole is far worse than the opponent, and the opponent has the advantage of the wall. Basically, the player loses eight or nine, or even ten soldiers, to kill an elite ogre.

Moreover, the big head of killing is the construction machinery of super long distance.

"Boss, the staff has exploded." The newcomer Muzi kept flashing to Li Yao and said...

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