MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1807: Dead end?

Li Yao's words are indeed a bit too much. In fact, the ogre has changed the stage of ruining hair and drinking blood and entered the civilized class.

It's just that they are still at a relatively low level of civilization. Of course, and more importantly, their dark cuisine is estimated to be very few other than their race.

After all, it has something to do with their tradition. The ogres are so hungry that the dead of their own race will eat them. Their motto is that all living creatures in the world are all food.

So from this level, Li Yao is also right. After all, this concept and thought have been abandoned by a new generation of civilization.

In fact, the trolls of the dark camp used to be similar to the tradition of ogres, but they changed this tradition after joining the dark camp.

As a wise man, the great warlock wanted to integrate into the civilized world, this tradition would inevitably change, and he knew this very well. Now being laughed at by Li Yao, he was naturally very angry.

Especially Li Yao's look of contempt has made countless ogres filled with indignation. If his eyes could kill people, it is estimated that Li Yao had died thousands of times.

"Junior, you will pay a heavy price for your arrogance and ignorance. You will understand that if you don't have a battleship, you will be useless." Another head of the great warlock said coldly: "Boy, you are too naive, true Do you think my city’s large formation can only be used for defense, but thank you for breaking the barrier, but also liberating the magic formation."

The great warlock sneered with a special stone in his hand, and as his mana blended in, the green fel light gleamed.

The spires that formed the barrier in the city also shone faintly, and then each spire shot out a ray, and all the rays converged on the fel control stone that had floated above the great warlock.

"The circle is a guide, imprisoned."

With the majestic words of the Grand Warlock, the Fel Stone suddenly exploded, and the gathered energy suddenly formed a beam of light directly connected to the Withered Sun.

With the connection of the beam of light, the Dry Sun was pushed away directly with the extension of the beam, and it was directly pushed away by a distance of nearly 20,000 yards. At this moment, the Dry Sun has been imprisoned by the magic circle, and cannot go one step further, and this The distance, even the shells fired at high altitude, can't pose too much threat to the city. First of all, the range can't be reached.

Everyone saw the Kuyang rushing from left to right, and as a result, they couldn't get rid of the beam of light formed by the magic circle and couldn't approach the city. The beam of light is like the tarsus's maggot dry sun and cannot be shaken off.

Li Yao put away the control key and nodded with a smile: "Well, that's not bad. Ogre still has some means."

Although Li Yao said lightly, it was definitely a huge blow to the main force, especially to the players, like a bolt from the blue.

The battleship is too strong. With the battleship Li Yao, they can also know the threat of the battleship through the reaction of the ogres.

What's more, the battleship Li Yao has a brilliant future. The reason why they believe that Li Yao can conquer the main city is a very, very important reason.

However, now, a battleship has been exiled to a small dimension by the **** of the raven, and one is restricted by the circle. Although he understands that the opponent cannot take the battleship and cannot destroy the battleship, he also understands that this siege is estimated to be two battleships. It simply lost its effect.

This was definitely a huge blow. Many players who supported Li Yao also began to despair. Although they had earned a lot of military merit this time, they had gained nothing compared to the military merits of taking the main city.

Instead, the morale of the ogres was boosted and cheers, especially now that they are fighting the ogres in the city. In their opinion, the so-called main force is nothing more than this. There is no threat and damage caused by the battleship in the sky. No fart in front of them.

Not to mention ordinary players, even the faces of the sea and the sky and the moment Fanghua have become very ugly.

"Brother, how long will it take for the warship to get out of trouble?" Haikuotian asked hurriedly.

Li Yao told the truth: "It's hard to tell, if you can't take down the main city, it will be very difficult. If the Queen is exiled by the gods, if this is invincible, it will be difficult for the warship to get out of trouble. You can also eliminate the possibility of them participating in the war."

Li Yao's words made the two of them pale. Their two guilds had already invested in their families, and the main force in the battle was their two guilds.

"Is there really no way?" Susuna Fanghua asked.

The Blue Dragon Dragon Queen said indifferently: "If you want to let the Queen either defeat the old Raven, or find a way out. It is the same thing to get the Withered Sun out of trouble, either by expending the energy tolerance limit of the method array, or attacking. Go to the main city and start with the magic circle."

The two looked bitterly at each other, after all, they won the battle, but in the current situation, how can they win without a warship.

Without the support of warships It is not easy for their army to take down the wall, which is why the opponent does not have an ace army to play.

Perhaps Li Yao's Zerg on the frontal battlefield has the power to fight, but they are not good at siege.

"Hahahaha, Junior Liaoyuan, I have to admire you, and now you are still very calm." Seeing that Li Yao was still smiling and not smiling with his hands on his back, the great warlock did not panic because the situation was out of control, and there was a glimmer of appreciation in his eyes: "Courage is good. Jia, it's a pity that you are already powerless. I feel desperate. Your army's courage has been weakened and morale is low. You have no objection to continue to support it."

The voice of the Raven God also spread throughout the battlefield: "I am still the original promise. I know the two dragon queens. For their face, as long as you retreat, I and the ogre clan will treat this matter. It has happened. If you continue, I welcome it, because you can only be the whetstone to hone the elite army of ogres, and you will definitely lose in this war."

At this moment, it is not only the two armies who think so, but the big brothers of the four camps also think so. The chaotic camp is full of mockery, while the big guys in the neutral camp and the light camp have complex eyes. They hope that Li Yao will teach the chaotic camp a lesson, but they don’t want the dark camp to show such a big limelight, and they will make Li Yao a party. Bold.

But the big guys on the dark camp were disappointed and regretted Li Yao. Although they thought that Li Yao had done well enough, the miracle they expected did not appear.

"Is it still a recruit after all, the background?" The queen sighed and stood up slowly.

The warchief was holding a glimmer of hope after he left and said: "Look again, look at Liaoyuan, he still holds the winning ticket. I still have a little confidence in him."

The other big guys shook their heads slightly, they are all to this point, what hope is there...

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