MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1808: Reverse

Although the great warlock was not reconciled, he did not dare to go against the will of the gods.

"Junior, you should be grateful for your luck, you should thank the gods for their kindness, my **** is generous, regardless of your offense, we naturally obey. Otherwise, your main force will not stay in armour, and your two warships will also It will be our trophy. Kneel down, thank the gods, and you can go."

Hearing these words, many players hesitated and looked eagerly in the direction of Li Yao.

The whole battlefield was silent now, waiting for Li Yao's decision.

Li Yao still said indifferently, and gently shook his head: "Grand Warlock, you make me very difficult to handle."

"There is nothing wrong with you, you are just a recruit, and no one will underestimate you when you have achieved the current record. Not everyone can let the gods take action." The great warlock said so, but he is already standing in victory. The angle is high.

"Do you really think you won? Obviously you misunderstood what I meant." Li Yao smiled.

The great warlock was taken aback and laughed blankly, the ogres around him even more disdain.

"You can't be mad, well, I want to hear how embarrassed you are."

Li Yao said seriously: "I thought the ogres would kill them all, but now they let me retreat safely and even return the warships. This makes me very difficult. I originally planned to take the main city and suppress your cannibals. Demons, it’s hard for me to do such a thing now."


There was an uproar, and the players were surprised. On the other side of the ogre, there was a big laugh, as if he had heard a big joke.

Even the great warlock couldn't laugh or cry, the ogre and most players still looked at Li Yao, who looked like an idiot.

People are all down the stairs. It's still like this. If you don't pretend to be forced to die, it is not just Li Yao now. It is estimated that they will also be laughed to death.

After a while, the laughter from the ogre side was suppressed, and the ogre great warlock sneered: "It seems that the devil is stunned. If you want to die, why don't we fulfill you, come on, let me See how strong your recruits are."

Li Yao smiled happily: "That's right, how can the war end in a child's play? You have to live until the end, and when I take the main city, I won't kill it all by your words."

There was another burst of laughter from the ogre, and the player's face looked a little ugly.

Li Yao saw the stagnant battle on the battlefield, and said coldly: "Who told you to stop the attack, continue the attack."

The players are hesitant, even the moment Fanghua and the sea are very surprised.

"Brother, don't do it, take advantage of not much loss..."

Li Yao turned his head and looked at the two indifferently: "I don't want to repeat it a second time, I say offense."

The two of them looked stagnant, and when there was no hope, were they really going to die with the main force of the guild. That's right, in their opinion, the attack now is basically a death without a battleship, and the victory of the main city is a foolish dream.

The expressions of the two were uncertain, and the other players were even more so, even before Li Yao's order, some players had begun to recall the army to retreat.

Setsuna Fanghua sighed and said, "We are too greedy to have such extravagant hopes. But now that we have joined the main force and said to obey the command and go all out, we will say we can do it. attack."

The vast sea and the sky also gritted his teeth and said: "How can I say that the war is based on the natural promise of the brothers command. The glorious guild army must not hide the trump card army and continue to attack. Even if the battle is the last person, if there is no command from the coach Fight for me."

The two bosses spoke, and although they were reluctant to give up, they had to fight on.

In the eyes of many players, the two super guilds are simply crazy. This is different from suicide. After this battle, I am afraid that the two super guilds will be greatly injured. Are they afraid that others will come in.

The two guilds continued to rush and the battle continued. Many players also continue to fight. They don't have much hope for victory. In their opinion, victory is almost impossible.

But who are they? They are players. Now the walls are not only ogres, but also ridiculous ogres players. In their opinion, such a hasty ending is simply the biggest insult to them. What will happen in the future? Can raise his head.

If they retreat in this way, they will become the biggest joke, so they must fight on, even if there is no hope of victory.

But some people are wise. Many people who took the task quickly turned down the task, and even many players on the battlefield evacuated themselves.

The fighting people looked tragic, some of the retreating people were ashamed, and some looked mockingly at the players and the army who continued to charge.

Li Yao stayed silent for a long time, and waited until no one on the battlefield quit before he said: "According to my order, all guilds who withdrew from combat and missions will be exempted from all military merits and their status as the main force will be removed. "

The order was issued, and there was an uproar. For those who quit, they were about to retreat, and the main army status was not worth it, but the previous military merits were all cleared, which is simply a bolt from the blue.

There are a bunch of toy dragons in the staff. They dare not go to the headquarters. The fate of the people in front of them is clear.

"Hahaha, Junior Liaoyuan, I thought you were a wise man, but I didn’t expect to be so wise. It’s okay if you don’t retreat, but you have to betray all your relatives. I really looked upon you before." The great warlock shook his head slightly. , The winner is in hand, and his expression comes alive.

The result now is what he needs instead. It did not go against the will of God, was able to kill Li Yao and his army, and resurrect two battleships. He made a lot of money, and his words already carried a hint of pride.

Li Yao mocked and looked at the Grand Warlock: "Stupid old immortal, how can you understand my methods with your wisdom. And you overestimate them. They are just the dregs I eliminated. I still have a living warship. Please enlighten the great warlock."

Everyone was stunned, the third ship, the living warship, and then they stared at the sky blankly.

A terrifying creature larger than the previous two warships combined appeared in the sky. Li Yao finally summoned his own Void King Insect.


A low and long roar suppressed everyone and everyone saw the insects that appeared above the air force's battle roar.

Shock waves that looked like ripples spread in all directions with his roar.

Papa papa papa papa...

The sky was like rain, and the air force of countless mid-level leaders fell to the ground as if drunk and dangling, falling like rain, falling into masses of flesh.

Everyone was shocked by this scene...

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