In the sky, the air force below the mid-level leader fell like raindrops, and the scene was extremely shocking. The screams of the air force were extremely shocking, and they were about to pierce the eardrum.


The Raven God couldn't help but opened his eyes again, and a crack appeared. The Queen suddenly hit the crack and was about to rush out. The Raven God quickly closed his eyes, and the crack slowly retreated.

Everyone stared blankly at the scene where the sky was shocked to the extreme, and didn't know how to express their mood at the moment.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it with a roar. This roar more than killed the Wanjun. It was a clearing of the field. The air force of the intermediate leader was basically dead and injured.

After the shock, everyone began to notice the extremely huge Void King Insect in the sky.

The King Chong's body is like a giant, like a small city, covered in uneven jacquard. The jacquard is wrapped in metal and has countless spikes.

The last time I saw such a huge thing was the molten mountain dragon, and this was a giant flying in the sky.

"What the **** is this?" the great warlock roared.

No one can answer his question, everyone stared at the monster in the sky blankly.

I thought I was winning, I thought I was in control, but now there are such huge variables.

Look at Li Yao, who is still extremely calm, and think about what he said before, obviously this thing is stronger than a battleship.

In fact, the functionality and combat effectiveness of this king worm really surpassed the battleship, the only weakness is that the defense is not as good as the battleship.

The battleship is extremely stable because it has a defensive enchantment. If it weren't for the formation of battleships on top of the king insect, the king insect would be even more terrifying.

Of course, to say that the king's insect defense is not good, that is compared to a battleship. The place where the king insect is not as good as the battleship is that it cannot continuously resist the powerful impact and attack of the demigod.

But if it is war and war function, the king insect is more aggressive.

Moreover, the king insects carry more troops than battleships. Not to mention the troops they carry, they are the call of the void insect itself, which is both offensive and defensive.

"What is this, such a huge bug, my God." The sea and the sky thought everything was over, but now seeing this huge creature see hope.

Li Yao smiled: "How can I attack the main city without complete preparation? The two battleships have been exposed too much. Because they are too strong, they will naturally arouse the enemy's fear. Naturally, I will study the methods of restraint. How can I do it? Unexpectedly, what to do after the battleship is gone."

Setsuna Fanghua glared at Li Yao angrily: "You are such a terrible person, you almost played it to death."

Li Yao shrugged: "You have a big ambiguity in what you said, so you can't talk nonsense."

Susuna Fanghua also thought about it, and his face blushed slightly, but he instantly recovered: "You, everyone is extremely tragic and tormented. It's good for you to calculate everyone. Now you are satisfied. So many people have withdrawn from the battle."

The sky and the sea also said, "Isn't it, if you reveal a little earlier, there won't be so many people."

"I still said that, there are a lot of people, do you treat me as a joke?" Li Yao sneered: "There are always people who make bad ideas, and a little frustration becomes a wall of grass. Is the main city so easy to occupy? I can’t say there will be any twists and turns in the future. Instead of waiting until then they lose the chain and affect others, it is better to kick them out before the real war begins. I will only earn military merit and fortune with people who believe me and obey orders. As for These walls are grassy, ​​ha ha."

The two sighed, and the newcomer Muzi flashed to Li Yao's side: "Boss, the staff is making noise again."

"How." Li Yao raised his eyebrows.

"It's not the people who quit. Now some are clamoring to accept the task again, and some are not convinced to cancel the military service." The newcomer Mu Zi said helplessly.

Li Yao smiled and looked at the two of Shi Na Fanghua: "You see, what is the use of these scum. If you see the benefits, you will go up, and if there is no benefit, you will withdraw."

What else can the two of them say, don’t these people understand? When did Li Yao compromise, typically eat soft or hard, if you have something to say, you still have the opportunity to make trouble if you don’t understand, will Li Yao be used to you? I'm afraid there is no way to be kind.

Sure enough, I heard Li Yao continue to say: "These people are really spies bought by the ogres. I will deploy one hundred thousand flying dragons to you, kill them all, and imprison them all after resurrection, and **** them to the main city for the chieftain to deal with. "

"Good." The newcomer Muzi was full of excitement.

"Is this a bit too cruel, being regarded as a traitor, it is estimated that the guild will not be better off, I am afraid that it will be light to demote and confiscate the resident." Haikuotian exclaimed.

"That's the matter of the warchief, I can't control it." Li Yao finished speaking and continued to look at the battlefield.

The two of them were speechless, and they were really cruel enough. This time these guilds would suffer a lot of vitality if they didn't die. There were still several super guilds in them, and it was estimated that they would be hit hard.

Especially, if Li Yao really wins the main city, those people will really die.

"Damn it, at any cost, shoot down that monster for me." The Grand Warlock was also anxious.

Needless to say, the opponent will save this thing until the end to use the incomparably powerful force. Originally, the ogre could do well, if there were more aerial strikes, it would be really dangerous.

"My god, can you solve this monster?" the great warlock prayed.

The **** of the raven sighed: "Divine power is limited. It is the limit for me to suppress a battleship all the time. I can fight against the opponent's strong, but it is impossible to kill this monster. Now a dragon queen always Above the monster's head, if I shoot, I will consume energy quickly, are you sure you want me to shoot now."

The great warlock smiled bitterly and shook his head, but it was reliable to suppress a battleship: "I understand."

"This is a calamity. The prosperity and continuation of a race is definitely not God, but you. I can make you believe and give you hard will, but I can't help you solve everything. Mud can't help you. The wall."

"I understand." The great warlock sighed. He was just angrily attacking his heart. Now that he recovered, he understood that now is definitely not a good time for the Raven God to take action.

"Grand Warlock, it has been arranged, and this monster will definitely be destroyed in one fell swoop." The air force commander said.

The great warlock waved his hand: "You are also ready, always take the most elite people to fight."

"Yes." The Air Force suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart at the same time, is it really that difficult to deal with monsters in the sky.

Another dense air force lifted off in the Ogre City, and this wave of air force was even more elite.

Their task is only one, and that is to destroy the monsters in the sky, and sink the opponent at the worst...

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