MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1812: Siege

The air force commander has entered a violent state, and his attack and agility have been upgraded to a new level.

But the great warlock in the far distance changed his expression: "Damn, you won't come after the mount has been sacrificed."

"Great Warlock, you will be incompetent at the end, I hope to find out the weakness of this monster with his life, you can be optimistic."

The air force commander roared, and also leaped far to the Void King Worm.

The two javelins in his hand were directly connected together, and then turned like a propeller to block him.

A large number of dimension insects rushed over, and a secret explosion unfolded in front of the ogre.

Soon the ogre was swallowed by the light of the explosion, exploding all the way, and finally fell on the Void King Insect.

Puff, puff!

Two javelins were pierced through the most unprecedented metal armor, and the figure of the air force commander appeared. Although it was stained with charred black, it was not very serious.

"Damn it, what kind of monster is this." He attacked himself, knowing from his sense that his javelin didn't hurt the bug at all.

He took out the warhammer behind him, but at the same time, the surrounding bugs had gathered and rushed from all directions.

But the air force commander ignored it, just raised the warhammer in his hand.

"Asshole, your sacrifices like this are meaningless, as expected, they are all the same stupidity." Although he said that, the voice of the Grand Warlock was a bit sour, and his eyes flashed moist.

"Commander, we will help you."

Many members of the Ace Army approached here. They couldn't break the defense, but seeing the air force commander so desperately, they suddenly gritted their teeth and jumped off.


They chose the place where the void worms gathered, and with the explosion, their bones disappeared.




When the ogre saw his guards blocking his death, his eyes were blood-red, and the warhammer in his hand slammed on the metal armor frantically.

The metal armor was dented, however, it was nothing to the king worm.

It is like a mosquito taking a bite, or a person holding a hammer and smashing an extremely strong city wall.

There are depressions everywhere, however, it has no practical significance at all.

The ogre leader went mad, however, a large number of dimensional insects appeared in the crack again, and the surrounding insects also gathered, madly impacting.

Even if the ogre guards jumped and blocked them, they couldn't keep up with the addition of bugs.

The continuous worms exploded on the air force commander, the air force commander paid no attention to it, and continued to attack, with one hammer and one hammer!

All seeing this scene were shocked, shocked by the persistence of the ogres, the undauntedness of the commander of the Air Force, and the loyalty of the ogres' guards.

Although the world-class powerhouses are very strong, they can't bear such intensive attacks.

He shook the Dimensional Worm's self-detonation attack for nearly three minutes and finally turned into a coke.

All the ogres who saw this scene felt uncomfortable and their eyes were red.

"Although it is only an npc, he is also a good man." Haikuotian sighed.

"Just like those heroes in the long history, they sacrificed without hesitation for the continuation of the race." Instant Fanghua also sighed.

"Hey, hello, on which side of you you guys, it seems like I'm the villain." Li Yao said helplessly.

"We were originally villains, attacking people's main city for no reason." Haikuotian said.

"Damn, why is it for no reason? In the final analysis, this incident was caused by a chaotic camp. We are just fighting back. But what you said makes sense. If I send you over, you will definitely become a big meal. "Li Yao said.

"Cough cough cough, forget it, I just laughed. Isn't it just a sigh, are you as for." Haikuotian took a step back.

"I said, are you paying attention to the wrong point?" Li Yao said, pointing to the Voidworm.

Instantly Fanghua rolled his eyes: "Doesn't it matter how powerful the Void King Insect is? It's a metamorphosis when it looks so huge, even a world-class boss can be killed, it's too abnormal."

"I also think it's too perverted, so strong, how can it have the shortcomings you just mentioned." Haikuotian looked at the Void King Insect enviously, and it was too strong to kill even world-class leaders.

Li Yao helplessly said: "This world-class leader has no defense at all. Let's not say that this kind of attack is easy to defend and easy to dodge. It's just that they want to study the weakness of the king worm. As long as they don’t fight hard with the king worm, the king worm has nothing to do with them."

The two thought for a while and agreed with Li Yao's statement, isn't it? If you have a tower shield and don't work hard and focus on dodge, the simple self-detonation attack of the Dimension Worm is indeed not so powerful.

"Wait, I almost walked in for you." Haikuotian woke up: "This king worm is a powerful siege beast, okay? Just like now, if they want to stop the king worm from attacking the city, they must shoot it down. They want to shoot down. You have to shake it hard, this Nima has no solution at all."

"Yes, the strong attack and defense almost made him siege the city." Suddenly Fanghua was also suddenly.

"Then you can look forward to it, Siege is the specialty of the Void King insect."

The Void King bug has approached the wall and the Ace Army is still standing in front of it.

Void collision!

Everyone saw a large number of Void King Insects forming a huge shield in front of Forget Charge.

Then the king insect's speed suddenly increased by countless times, moving a distance like a teleport.

The air force blocking the front was completely crushed, and the speed of the explosion in an instant, coupled with the king insect's huge body, crushed those air forces into fragments by relying on the huge body alone.

Biochemical Breath!

The ogres can feel the hugeness of the Void King Insect more clearly. When they see the King Insect opened its huge mouth, they can see the green energy gathering in the mouth.

"Damn it, the soldiers under the monster quickly abandon the wall." The great warlock saw at a glance that he was about to breathe.

But it was too late, as if a dam collapsed and a huge amount of green liquid was poured out.

The green biochemical breath covered the city wall for hundreds of yards.

Zi Zi Zi Zi!

Wherever the ogre can be seen from the extreme corrosion, only some bone fragments are rapidly dissolving.

The city wall was constantly being dissolved, and in an instant, the city wall was short by a short length.

But this is just the beginning, and countless green dimensional bugs appeared in the dimensional crack.

They seem to have formed a bridge, and dense worms continuously impact on the wall.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

Waves of explosions continued uninterrupted, and in conjunction with the breath, others could not perceive it, but the great warlock knew that this was simply the existence of a special restraint of the city wall.

The runes attached to the city wall to reinforce the city wall are also being constantly corroded. If this continues, no one can stop this section of the city wall from being damaged by corrosion...

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