This monster is really too strong, killing and wounding is second, but it seems to be born for the purpose of siege. At such a rate of corrosion, this city wall will become corrupted.

If it continues to corrode, any siege machinery can destroy this place.

"Do you really think I am an ogre without anyone?"

A light flashed around the great warlock, a fixed-point portal appeared, and then the great warlock floated in the air, directly blocking the middle of the city wall and the orbit of the dimensional worm.

Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch...

The great warlock maintained his magical shield, and the dimensional bug kept bursting.

"Great Warlock!"

All the ogres' eyes were red, and they were really shocked by the situation in front of them. If it weren't for no way, how could they meet their mana to put themselves in such a dangerous situation.

"Damn, kill these bastards."

The ogre commander roared, and as he spoke, he ran to the wall that was being attacked, continuously beheading the climbing main force.

The ogre turned grief and anger into strength, and the morale was like a rainbow, and the sky-shaking battle became extremely tragic.

The main force here is because they saw the power of the Void King Insect, so they started to go crazy and saw the hope of breaking here. The ogre is because of the great warlock and sacrificed people.

"It's a bit abnormal, even for a world-class leader, this shield is too strong." Li Yao frowned.

The blue dragon dragon queen said: "The master doesn't know anything. In addition to the magic net coverage, there is also a fel node, which should be artificially created. I can control and isolate the magic net, but when it comes to evil energy, I can't do anything."

"You mean, the Fel Node actually covers this place?" Li Yao was taken aback.

"Well, it can't be wrong. Although I can feel that this node does not have much fel energy and has no other effect, it can still be done to enhance the magic power of the warlocks." Blue Dragon Queen said.

The black dragon queen frowned: "I can also feel this node, but I haven't found the source of energy in this city, and I haven't felt the portal of linking the void. If I feel that there is no error, a force of power will imprison this place. The void, make this place more stable."

"Yes, the space here has been reinforced, it should be to prevent the outside world from perceiving the abnormalities here. Obviously to prevent the invasion of the void." The blue dragon nodded.

Setsuna Fanghua said puzzledly: "This doesn't make sense. According to what the two said, there should be a source of evil energy. We have received many tasks from demons. Those demons are to weaken the space barrier and build the source. , The establishment of a demon portal is the reason why there is a source of evil energy here, but the space here is confined."

Li Yao smiled and said, "I know a little bit."

"Oh?" Everyone looked at Li Yao.

Li Yao said: "Aren't you curious, what did my mechanical clone do with the blood rose mercenary group."

"Does it have anything to do with this matter?" asked the blue dragon queen: "that should take me there."

"No, you have to be here in the town. Otherwise, this great warlock might go crazy. Our manpower is not enough. It is not good to be killed by the other party and destroy our plan." Li Yao smiled and watched now. It seemed that the attack was fierce, perhaps in the eyes of the ogres, it was just an attack that had some effect.

But Li Yao was just trying to cover people's eyes and ears. He was trying to delay time. Even the Void King Insect was not his true support for siege.

The heroic engineer he summons is not a joke, there are many powerful methods, but it takes time to assemble the machinery.

In the distance of the position, several positions are busy quickly. Compared with ordinary construction machinery such as trebuchets, this is the real big guy.

"What the **** is there on the other side?" Haikuotian couldn't help asking.

Li Yao sighed and said, "In fact, on the other side, my original plan was to conquer the ogres there, but the problem was that when I saw these sorcerers casting spells, I thought of a way to weaken the sorcerers. The prince here should be ancient times. The elven prince. He actually has no royal blood, but is the most trusted arcanist of Queen Azshara, and is ordered to build a secret magic city here."

"Unfortunately, after the sky and the earth broke, the well of eternity collapsed, and the source of magic disappeared. In order to continue to gain power, the arcanist who proclaimed himself a prince used the remaining energy to imprison a demigod demon, and then extracted his power to supply the city. "

Everyone took a breath, this is too strong, imprison a demigod.

"Don’t think that the demigods are so invincible. Even the gods can fall. What's more, the demigods and the ancient battles, so few demigods died in the hands of the strong, they were basically overwhelmed by the human tactics. "The Black Dragon Queen said.

While speaking, the fel shield supported by the great warlock on the city wall appeared densely cracked under the attack of the dimension insect.

"Great Warlock, come back quickly." Everyone exclaimed.

"Don't worry about me, I know in my heart, I can still support it." The great warlock was sweating profusely and his body trembled. From his point of he would support for a while, and their opponent would not be able to threaten them. City wall.

Click, click, bang!

The fel shield finally couldn't hold it and collapsed, and the dimensional worm also impacted the great warlock's body and burst directly.

The Grand Warlock quickly launched a fixed-point teleportation and returned to the location where the teleportation point was just established.

But his body has been blown into darkness by the dimensional insect, and his blood volume has dropped by a tenth, causing all the ogres to change color, and he also realized that the crispy skin cannot directly bear the impact of the dimensional insect.

Moreover, this green dimensional worm self-preserving acid liquid has strong corrosive properties, and the skin of the great warlock is constantly blistering and black smoke.

After the shaman's dispersal, he recovered. Seeing the crowd around him, the great warlock said hoarsely: "Don't worry about me, hurry."

"We understand."

Another warlock learnt from the great warlock's Fangfang and blocked the attack.

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "Do you think they are stupid."

"Obviously, it is to protect my homeland. I would rather sacrifice myself. Didn't you see this move boosted morale? How can you be stupid." Haikuotian said.

"Ha, it seems that you are stupid. I am not saying that their behavior is stupid, but that their behavior is meaningless. They are mentally retarded and think of me as mentally retarded. The reason why the warlock was consumed just now is I want to see how strong the Fel Node can increase him. As a result, they really thought they could resist it."

Li Yao shook his head slightly. Just as Li Yao was speaking, everyone saw that the Dimensional Worm was flying and kneeling down. It directly bypassed the other warlocks supporting the fel shield, but burst beside him, continuing to corrode the city wall.

Everyone looked at this scene stupidly, especially the ogres, their eyes staring out...

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