MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1815: Tactics

"Two tasks?" Blood Rose wondered: "Has the difficulty increased?"

"The difficulty hasn't increased, just waste some time, but half a night is enough." The mechanical clone took a deep breath and glanced at the other nine people: "I always put the ugly words first. This action will take Follow my command and kill a few bosses during the period. Except for the special items, the rest of the loot is yours. And completing the mission, you will not only get massive military merits, I guarantee that it will not be lower than the military merits of large guilds The degree. And there is a chance to start a first kill of a copy, and complete a glorious deed."

"Liaoyuan, rest assured, our mercenary group has always been unparalleled in reputation. Now that you have accepted the task, even the artifact will not destroy your reputation in front of your eyes, and you are the head of the group, you have the right to distribute, it is not your decision. "The Tower promised.

Li Yao nodded: "It's the best way. I'm not afraid that you will swallow the spoils and you won't be able to swallow them. I'm afraid that you will be upset, disobey the command, and delay my plan. To put it bluntly, if it weren't for my guild, I wouldn't be able to get it. I won’t hire a mercenary group if I get out, after all, glorious deeds are still very important."

"Just look good." Blood Rose promised.

Li Yao smiled and didn't continue to say that they didn't understand this dungeon. This dungeon had been glorious for a year back then. The first year of the 60th grade has been popular for a year.

There are countless good things produced here, especially professional legend missions involving several professions.

Just brushing the box here is the most abundant dungeon, and it is the fastest dungeon to improve after reaching the full level. Of course, this dungeon is also more difficult.

Not to mention the Dragon Slaying Compendium, the Warlock’s Nightmare Mount, etc.

This dungeon can be said to be enduring, even after the upper limit of the level is increased, the player who reaches the sixtieth level, this dungeon is a must.

Brushing this dungeon, especially if there is a large belt, is one of the fastest and most rewarding ways to improve from level 60 to 65. Of course, it is still early to increase the upper limit of level.

But it also suffices to explain the popularity of this copy. The most important thing for the main city to be prosperous is its popularity.

Feralas is too remote, and the popularity of choosing the main city from here and there is naturally dependent on this dumb copy.

After Xinghuo took over here, a copy of it was developed, and the main city would endure for a long time.

In the last life, after the development of the copy, each race of the chaotic camp sent a legion to garrison here.

And the chaotic camp even directly has a large number of teams occupying the door of the dungeon. Every time you want to brush the dungeon, you must gather enough people to rush in.

Throughout the year, the tombstones and bones here are full of mountains and plains, and they are very popular.

"The terrain here is too complicated, let the thieves find the way." Blood Rose said.

"No, I checked the terrain here from the library. I just looked down at the entire terrain with eagle eyes, so you just follow me. Let's go over the roof." Li Yao said.

Everyone nodded. Since the goal is clear and they want to complete the task quickly, it is natural to jump off the blame, otherwise it will take a long time for the ten of them to clean a city.

Li Yao's mechanical clone's three skills engraved the Dark Ranger's passive, pet summoning and traps. He flew directly to the top of another building, let the warlock pass, and then opened the portal to pull others over.

Of course, it can be used when reclaiming wasteland, and it will not be able to form a copy.

These buildings are too huge, if there is no eye equipment, even if there is moonlight at the top, it will be blurred.

Especially in the middle of the night, even most of the creatures here fell asleep, so the group went very smoothly.

Finally, after nearly half an hour of moving buildings one by one, they finally came to the first goal, the central garden area.

At the top, you can see a few special magic spires surrounded by corroded arcane creatures. The magic tower is shining with weird light, just like a guiding light in the night.

"What are we going to do." Blood Rose asked: "Destroy these magic towers?"

"Well, the magic tower must be destroyed, otherwise we can't go down. And there is a powerful hunter ghost here. Let's clean up the arcane creatures here, and then kill the hunter. Maybe we can drop good equipment, lock armor. The gospel, of course, also drops one-handed weapons." Li Yao explained.

"I saw that hunter. It is the ghost of the hunter with a bear. The good guy is actually a middle-level camp leader. Now he is cruising on our right. Then we will clean up the monsters on the left first, and finally kill the ghost. "Blood Rose proposed.

Everyone followed the rope to the bottom and probed the monster under the tower. Everyone took a breath.

"Good guy, there are a dozen monsters in a brood, and the lowest is at the leader level. This is too abnormal." The Tower sighed.

"This is land reclamation, naturally the highest difficulty. To put it bluntly, this is a forty-person difficulty Ten people are under a lot of pressure, but you are all challenging, and it is not impossible to fight, but Need a strategy." Li Yao thought for a while and said; "In general, the tower must resist at least ten or so, the death knight will pull the rest, everyone will focus on the target I marked. After a while, the warlock will pull the monster in the tank. Place a two-way teleportation in place to save your life when it is critical. The two most threatening tricks of this monster are arcane explosions that have a strong range of damage. Except for tanks, other melee combats try to avoid or reduce damage, otherwise they can't bear it."

"Monsters will explode after they die. The damage is amazing and cannot be resisted. When the monster is about to die, just follow my command to evacuate, and be controlled to move closer to the teleportation point to protect its life. Tanks can't resist either. Pay attention to the two ice methods. You take turns using the elements. The ice ring is freezing, and that's probably it. You just have to know it in your heart, and I will remind you when that happens. You understand."

"Understand!" everyone answered together.

There are not many opportunities to open up wasteland with Li Yao. After Li Yao said about the configuration of the team, in order to compete for the position, they did not even take the task, but competed internally.

After all, three of the ten people have decided on their own. Needless to say, one Li Yao and one blood rose needless to say. The first tank of the Iron Tower is even more indispensable. The remaining sub-tank battles, healing battles, warlock battles, and output battles.

They all want to join the team. In their opinion, learning technology from Li Yao is the most important thing, and the others are secondary.

"Okay, let's get on the two tanks. The death knight pulls a few arcane monsters to the wall and stands against the wall to prevent knocking off. The iron tower transforms directly. Your huge size will not trigger the knock-up, you control the monsters Near the magic tower, their self-detonation will also destroy the magic tower, saving us a lot of time." Li Yao ordered...

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