MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1816: Dragon Slaying Compendium

The tower directly transformed into a Titan Steel Battle, and then directly charged forward, thundering and slashing.

"It can be exported. These monsters have relatively low intelligence, and their hatred should be very stable."

At the same time, the death knight also activated the group pull skill to attract several arcane deformities.

These monsters were originally arcane guards, the power of the well of eternity that was originally attracted is pure arcane creation, but because the energy has turned into fel energy, they have absorbed fel power for a long time and have also undergone abnormal changes.

The melees just stepped forward to output, and the long-range also began to cast spells.

"Don't kill them together, set fire to the monsters I marked first." Li Yao said.

In fact, the most difficult thing among the ancient gods is to encounter monsters with high wisdom. Even at the leader level, if the high wisdom hates unstable, then they may unexpectedly take a shot and lose the crispy skin in seconds.

This is the most troublesome situation for tanks. On the contrary, they face low-intelligence monsters and hate steady.

But players still don't like low-intelligence monsters, because the corresponding low-intelligence creatures will have lower profits after killing them, unless for certain materials.

Otherwise, they will risk the danger to kill high wisdom, after all, in this way, you can gain more, especially equipment and special props and skills books.

Of course, there is no choice here, it is an action with a goal, cleaning monsters regardless of profit.

When the marked monster had about 5% of its HP left, Li Yao said: "The mage controls the water element to freeze, and all close combats stay away. You can also go behind the tower and stand up a shield in defense."

A big shield suddenly appeared on one arm of the iron tower, and he stood the shield on the ground with a sound, lowered his body and leaned behind the huge shield, moving away from it, and directly behind the iron tower without displacement.

Li Yao said that he took a big leap and stayed away, and with the remote fire concentration, the first arcane deformity was killed.


The arcane deformity exploded directly, and the arcane elements spread violently. The durability of the magic tower dropped for a short while. The blood volume of other arcane deformities has also dropped a bit, but as an arcane deformity, it has a certain immunity to the impact of power, and the amount of blood lost is not too much, but it is not a lot.

Zi la la!

Arcane impact pushed the tower back more than a dozen yards, but there was not much loss in blood volume.

"It's a powerful explosive force." The Tower was astonished, that is, he, if he is estimated to be blown away in close combat with a small size, maybe he will be killed by a spike.

"Continue with the previous rhythm." Li Yao looked at the death knight's blood volume and said still very stable.

Having mastered the correct rhythm of the battle, it naturally became simpler. As the top mercenary group, a team that makes a living by mentioning others to kill the boss, in this case, there will be basically no mistakes.

One by one, the arcane deformities were killed, and the magic tower was basically destroyed. Li Yao directly put the super magic crystal on the top of the destroyed magic tower into his backpack.

This is a good thing, football-sized crystals are rare, and they contain a huge amount of evil power, which can continue to adjust the magic power, serve as the core of the magic circle, or directly use it as a magic bomb.

There were a total of three magic towers here, and everyone smoothly cleared the three magic tower monsters, and all the crystals were in Li Yao's hands.

"It's not right. It depends on the situation. There should be four. Why is there only three here." Blood Rose frowned, "And I seem to have seen this magical light elsewhere."

Li Yao nodded appreciatively: "Sure enough, the observation is meticulous, yes, there are a total of four magic towers outside, and one is in a courtyard we passed. But there is an armory with a large number of armed upper elf ghosts. , We can’t get it. And a magic tower is no longer a threat to our actions."

Li Yao didn't say one more thing, that is, he didn't want to completely destroy the structure of the magic circle here, he kept it and it was useful. Repairing after damage and rebuilding are two different things, and the materials consumed are also worlds apart. After all, this is his future.

"Well, do you want to kill the undead on the opposite side next?" Blood Rose asked.

Li Yao nodded: "This is a must kill, otherwise we go down and alarm the monsters below, and this guy will be in trouble when he comes down to support us."

Everyone nodded, and the blood rose asked: "Then what strategy does this leader have."

Li Yao helplessly said: "You really think I am a god. I have never played this boss. But the opponent is obviously a hunter, so I don't need to say that. Moreover, the opponent is carrying a knife, and the melee is not weak. Fortunately, kill the opponent's pet separately from her."

"Although it is a ghost, it is different from ordinary ghosts. It seems to have a body and a clear appearance. It seems that it retains the high wisdom of life. Such a boss, even if we temporarily pull away the opponent's pet, she can continue to command The pet attacks the crispy skin at the back." Blood Rose frowned.

"So this requires our cooperation. After a while, the tower is responsible for pulling the war bear and restraining the war bear. Try not to let the war bear attack other Don’t use the death grip of the death knight. Keep it and listen to my orders. Other people pay attention to your surroundings, stay away from the war bear, and try not to let the war bear attack you. As for the boss, it depends on everyone's consciousness. After all, we don't know the skills of the boss." Li Yao said.

He was naturally very familiar with this copy. When he was hunted down that year, the reason why he could make money was because of this copy.

Back then, he worked tirelessly to make money from the Dragon Slaying Guidelines. This was a melee weapon task.

The first one to complete the task can get a top-level legendary weapon, and after becoming a dungeon, to obtain the Dragon Slaying Compendium is to get a top-quality legendary weapon. Although the attributes are not as good as the first completed one, it is definitely a player. We are pursuing the best weapons.

It's a pity that the drop rate of the Dragon Slaying Compendium is touching, and the follow-up missions are also difficult to complete.

So, in the end, there were very few players who got this weapon, and it was hard to get it even in the late game. It became one of the weapons of resentment.

Because the follow-up task needs to find a black dragon to quench and burn the weapon, and then the heart and blood of a powerful black dragon can be poured into it to finally complete and obtain a peerless weapon.

And there are very few black dragons in this world, and the quality of finding general black dragon weapons is not too high, and it doesn't make much sense.

Therefore, the best choice for the players at that time was the Black Dragon Princess entrenched in Dustwallow Marsh. As for the Black Dragon Prince in the Blackrock Spire, it was unnecessary to think about it.

Naturally, the Black Dragon Princess will not obediently help people use her dragon's breath to temper weapons, and she will not use her heart to infuse weapons.

This is the biggest difficulty of the task. It is not that you can get weapons by killing the Black Dragon Princess...

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