MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1817: Confrontation

The black dragon princess is too strong, even if it is not as good as the black dragon queen at the peak, but at least among the world-class leaders, it is basically on the same level as the camp chief.

And in her lair, it doesn't mean killing or killing, there are also a lot of black dragons and black dragons, at least for the players.

This one alone is so difficult, and the other party has to be quenched and enthusiastic, and the difficulty can be imagined.

That is, after becoming a copy, the difficulty is reduced a bit, but the difficulty is reduced, and the weapon obtained will not reach the best state of the weapon.

The attributes of weapons have a limit, the worst is Golden Legend, the best is the attributes and special effects comparable to artifacts. According to the difficulty and luck of completing the task, three to four special effects will be randomly generated from them.

The perfect thing is the four special effects, super high attribute and super high attack. After getting the weapon, you can see the minimum and maximum limits of various attributes, and the special effects that can be generated.

It can be said that each of the weapons that were only obtained in a small amount in the previous life is different.

Moreover, the team that was the first to kill the Black Dragon Princess did not get the task of the Dragon Slaying Compendium, resulting in no one in the previous life with any weapon at the top.

Now that Li Yao has a mechanical clone, he naturally wants a copy, but now he has no time and can only take a chance. It is also the real reason why he started to say that he needs special props and that all the spoils are given to Blood Rose.

He is still a little eager, even if he is unlucky, isn't he the one with the blood rose?

While talking, not far from the boss that the hunters in the team had ran to, it was an arrow. Then the hunter suspended animation.

The hunter misled the death knight. Irina Darkwood blew his whistle directly, and the war bear screamed and rushed towards the death knight like crazy. Irina was not slow, and rushed to death behind the war bear. knight.

When the war bear came to the tower, the tower taunted directly, and then hit the war bear with a punch on the head.

Zhan Xiong let out a miserable cry and launched a charge on the tower, and the two fought together.

"Invaders, you will pay a heavy price for your crimes."

Irina Darkwood yelled, an arrow shot, arcane shot.

It's just that her arcane shooting is not arcane energy, but the power of fel and undead. It should be called fel shooting.

The green-lighted arrow shot like a meteor, and the death knight directly activated the bone shield, and then the rune sword in his hand bounced the fel arrow away.


The ordinary arrows fired by the fel smashed a bone shield, and the priest in the team set the shield directly.

Li Yao shouted: "Irina, you are dead, this place does not belong to you anymore, don't defile the once holy city, rest in peace."

Irina, who was about to use her attack violently, suddenly stopped and was directly released by the death knight into the plague.

"It's actually a member of my former clan, haven't you all died yet, **** it." Instead of feeling any joy, Irina was full of hatred.

"Most of them died, but some survived the disaster," Li Yao said.

"Hahaha, since there is no extinction, then why abandon us, we were trapped in this **** place for thousands of years, and in the end we all died here, why are you alive and well, why don't you die." Irina There was a frantic look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but you should know that even the existence of this city among the high elves is a secret. Unfortunately, the queen and even the king sank the sea during that disaster. Everyone who knows this secret It doesn’t exist anymore. It wasn’t until the enchantment disappeared and the planes merged to find this place. Unfortunately, this place was occupied by ogres and satyrs, and there was another ogre kingdom in the second plane. We were powerless. I came here this time. To save here." Li Yao said half-truth.

"Save this place, haha, save what, save us lone souls, or redeem the Sartre here, or rule the smelly ogres. You are late, because you are my clan, high-level elves You can leave, but all the others are left. No foreign race is welcome here. No foreign race is allowed to know here." Irina restored some clarity.

"Then I'm sorry, I have to go through here, and I can't watch you make mistakes again and again." Li Yao said regretfully.

"You will not be the prince's opponent, and I will not allow you to destroy our energy." Irina's eyes turned red again: "Since you are stubborn, then stay with us. I believe the prince will treat you. Soul is very interested."

Li Yao deliberately changed the mechanical clone into a high elf form, but in the end he still couldn't persuade Irina, Li Yao was slightly regretful.

Irina turned around, and a lot of arrows shot.

Everyone's complexion changed wildly, rolling, dodge embarrassed.

The blood rose is the seal on both hands, and the blood-colored weapons are gathered in front of them.

And Li Yao continued to move forward, standing behind the death knight, without any lag, and continued to move towards Irina.

At the same time Irina disappeared and appeared directly on top of Li Yao's head. The blade in his hand fell from top to bottom.

"Huh, I will kill you first."

Li Yao's figure paused, and the long sword in his hand suddenly rose: "You want to kill me, but it's not so easy. Get out of me."


The two weapons collided, Li Yao's figure remained unchanged, while Irina's complexion changed wildly.

Li Yao is also the leader of the faction level. Below the same level, he is invincible, not even a wild dragon, let alone a ghost.

The slicing knife in her hand almost broke out, but fortunately, her combat experience was extremely rich, and she rolled out following the force of the impact.

In this guild, the Blood Rose released two curses on Irina.

"Death grip!" Li Yao shouted.

It is not that he releases, although he can release now.

The death knight subconsciously activated Death Grip, and Irina was trying to adjust her figure in the sky, and she couldn't guard against this move at all.

And Li Yao had reached the left of the death knight, and with strength, Irina's body tumbling in the sky was captured.

Li Yao completed the second level of power storage: "Death to me."

"Damn it." Irina had only one weapon, it was impossible to resist the attack of two people. She was very wise to resist Li Yao's attack again, and chose to withstand the attack of the Death Knight Rune Sword.

Clang clang...

There was a gap in Irina’s weapon, and Li Yao’s weapon was also notched. Irina’s weapon was knocked into the air, and she also hit the ground and flew upside down like a rag bag until it hit the wall. , There was a dull crash.

If she were not for the ghost light, it would paralyze her, but it is not light now, and the soul body is rippling, as if to dissipate and collapse...

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