MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1819: End salvation

This move is like a thousand arrows, and it is even more terrifying than a bullet storm. Crazy arrows carry endless strong winds, and Irina is the center of the storm.

The death knight hurriedly released the shield for himself, but because this move was too sudden, it was launched like a thunderstorm. Even Li Yao didn't expect it. It was the first time that other people hit this leader, and they were completely defenseless. .

When the death knight was in the sky, the shield broke without holding for a second, and without the bone shield, it was suddenly penetrated by a large number of arrows.

In addition, the iron tower pulling the war bear in the distance is also not immune, even his huge body is constantly retreating in the wind.

"Invincible Iron Wall."

His arms turned into huge shields, and the bottom of the shield, his feet and the ground magic produced intense sparks.

But the powerful arrows with strong wind attributes have very strong penetrating power, and the iron tower of the arrows all over the body is eventually cleared of life and crashed to the ground.

The blood rose also dropped sharply, even if it turned into a blood mist to reduce damage, she could not withstand such a violent attack, but fortunately she was not far from the magic tower, and barely got to the back of the magic tower while reducing damage.

As for others, unless they are players with invincible skills, the others basically hang.

The two mage refrigerators saved their lives, the hunter feigned death to escape, and the balance De was the closest to the priest, so he was dragged to the bottom of the magic tower by the priest using the leap of faith, and all the others died in battle.

Even Li Yao, who was wrapped in the wings, looked very miserable. The feathers on his wings were almost all burst, like a big bird without feathers, the golden wings looked particularly ugly.

And if it weren't for the special way the feathers resist damage, they probably wouldn't be able to resist penetration.

In the distance, the Zhanxiong was lying on the ground with his paws holding his head, crawling on the ground and shivering. Irina was also panting, and this move was not a small load on her.

"You can actually survive this trick of mine, I have to say, you are good." Irina saw Li Yao who spread his wings unscathed. Of course, a little embarrassment is nothing to her. .

"Irina, how much combat power you can have after releasing this trick, it must be no longer as good as your peak state, you are seeking your own death." Li Yao was also slightly angry.

His previous experience was all dungeon experience, and now it's not a dungeon. It's not an exaggeration to say that it was the first time to open up wasteland. I didn't expect this Irina to have such a high level of wisdom, so difficult to deal with, and play cards out of common sense.

It is that in Li Yao's deduction, the opponent's chance of releasing a big move does not exist, but the opponent still chose this move.

Let the team almost destroy the group, the loss of half of the people, the two tanks have also died, and the battle resurrection of the balance is still cooling down, the death knight's death call, the death knight is also dead.

"What kind of threats can you wandering soldiers pose to me? I'm giving you a chance to kneel and die. When your soul is loyal to the prince, you may be able to win the prince's trust and become the prince's servant, otherwise Even if you die, your soul will endure endless torture." Irina slowly stood up and said.

Li Yao took a deep breath and said, "Sadly, you are still loyal to the so-called prince. You have forgotten something subconsciously, then I will remind you. You died because of your so-called prince. Your energy is insufficient, and the prince wants to continue. Absorb the energy and kill the clansmen in this city in batches. In the end, even the most loyal of you will not be spared."

"Presumptuous, you lied." Irina's face changed drastically, as if she was thinking of something, but she didn't want to accept this fact at all.

"Is it a lie? You already know it, but you don't want to subconsciously forget the reason for your death because you believe it." Li Yao sighed, "I am not repulsive to the undead. My mentor is forgotten and is the undead. Queen, she is the inheritor of the Windrunner family. If you choose to recognize reality, I can introduce you to the queen. With your strength, you will definitely have a place in the Undercity."

"Shut up, the Windrunner family is just a small remote family. How can I compare with the prince, the queen's most favored nobleman, let me take refuge in her, a joke." Irina sneered.

"You really have been eliminated by the world. Do you really think I can't do anything for you? Since you choose to die, I will fulfill you." Li Yao coldly shouted, "Hunter don't fake death, sky flares."

The mechanical clone came out this time with a cloak of shadow, just to prevent it from being kite remotely, where the moon was shining, and the silver smooth illuminating the earth.

As a result, it was cloudy in this place, the moon was not up, and there was no shadow at all.

Although the hunter didn't know what Li Yao wanted to do, he still stood up and released the flare directly into the sky.

The dazzling light rose to the sky, and in an instant, everyone reflected in their

Li Yao's figure disappeared and appeared directly in the shadow of Irina, and the big sword in his hand was directly cut down.

"Little trick!"

Irina, who had already picked up the saber again, sneered, and her figure fluttered like the wind when she was attacking.

However, this attack was not as heavy as expected. She was not lucky, but her expression changed.

Then she saw several Li Yao appear at the same time, attacking her around her, she suddenly fell into a passive state.

"What are you waiting for? Set fire to him." Li Yao said.

Everyone was regaining their senses and saw that Irina, who was very embarrassed under the siege of several Li Yao, began to attack.

Irina really panicked. She couldn't withstand Li Yao's powerful strength and attacks in close combat. She had no advantage. With other long-range curses, pain and other injuries, she was not Li Yao's opponent, and she couldn't tell. Which Li Yao is true and which is false.

She can only summon the war bear, but Li Yao directly released the frozen trap. As the leader of the camp, Li Yao's frozen trap can be frozen for one minute. As long as he does not attack the opponent, the opponent will be frozen.

And without the diminishing level of suppression, the War Bear simply cannot get rid of it.

Irina frantically wanted to pull the distance away, but after being close, with the sky flares, she couldn't get rid of it.

She can only be attacked constantly, she can only parry.

Everyone was even more excited. The only depressed thing was the two treatments. They found that Li Yao's blood volume had not been reduced at all, and that the blood volume of Li Yao had been reduced and was full of blood quickly.

Five minutes later, Li Yao fell to the ground amidst Irina's unwilling roar, and everyone rescued.

Then the nine people all looked at Li Yao, Li Yao helplessly said: "Look at what I am doing, who of you usually touches the corpse."...

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