The iron tower touched his head and said: "It's our eldest sister who touched her head. Whoever lets her luck and character last, she can always touch the good things we want."

Li Yao was happier, and looked at the blood rose and said, "Then touch the corpse."

Blood Rose said: "The point is that we are not on the same team, and if we are hired, the employer usually touches the corpse to avoid any disputes."

"Our goal is not this, and most of the spoils go to you. I don't care what we find out." Li Yao said.

The Blood Rose said suspiciously: "I heard that the Great God of Liaoyuan is a famous black hand, isn't this rumor true?"

Li Yao said calmly: "You also said that it is a rumor, and the clear ones can clear themselves. Okay, don't talk nonsense. We still have the main goal, hurry up."

"Then I'm welcome." Blood Rose didn't bother with this matter, and directly touched the corpse.

Then several items appeared in Li Yao's distribution slot, and everyone's eyes were straight when they saw the equipment.

Three things with legendary light, four things with golden light, can be said to be a super harvest, in addition to an inconspicuous book and a bag of gems.

Irina's Attachment is a legendary necklace. The special effects can be immune to physical damage, and increase shadow damage, and can summon Irina's soul to help fight. The attributes are also very strong. Several law systems look drooling.

Irina's saber is a very high attack, and it converts the damage into a shadow damage weapon. Several melees watched drooling.

After all, it is a legendary equipment. It can be said that a weapon is a necklace, and there is no fault in this drop.

The third legendary item is a pet egg gleaming with gloomy light, with a faint ghostly breath, but it seems to contain vitality.

This is a pet egg that has not been hatched. The advantage of a pet egg is that as long as the hunter hatches, this pet can be said to be loyal to the hunter and will not betray for a lifetime. It is the most loyal and the most favorite way for many hunters to obtain pets. Unfortunately, the quality of the pet eggs that can be obtained is generally not good, and the potential is limited.

And this pet egg called the Ghost War Bear is even more commendable. See the introduction. After hatching, it will be a leader-level monster. It can reach the race level at an early age, and it can reach the camp-level intermediate level at the peak of adulthood. Of course, it takes at least several months to fight to develop adulthood.

And wanting to reach the top requires special conditions and tasks, but no matter what the trouble, as long as you do well, you will eventually become a camp-level leader.

"It's actually still a soul beast. It's fucking, it's actually out of this kind of top quality." The hunters in the team slobbered. At this moment, his pet is still a senior leader-level goshawk that the team helped him tame. Although it is a rare monster, Compared to this pet, it is simply scum.

War bears have outstanding defenses, and soul beasts are immune to high physical damage, and can heal themselves and their owners. They are one of the hunters' favorite pets.

Now players have discovered the refresh points of three soul beasts, and they have to be refreshed once a week at the earliest. Around these three refresh maps, there are countless hunters every day. In order to compete for soul beasts, it is simply corpses all over the field.

And the highest limit of the three soul beasts is only at the high-level race level. There are too many people robbed, and he has also taken a fancy to the soul beast leopard, but it took four days to refresh.

What's more terrifying is that the hunters fought, and as a result the soul beast was also killed, and no one got it, he gave up.

Blood Rose coughed slightly and said, "Is there something the Great God Liaoyuan wants?"

She was not greedy, and with her knowledge of Li Yao, Li Yao didn’t care about these equipment. Li Yao hunted and killed bosses everywhere. The faction level didn’t know how many he killed, and there were a few at the world level, Spark Warehouse. They all looked drooling. Although the equipment dropped was good, she believed that Li Yao would not like it at all. She should have a hunter pet, she thought.

Sure enough, Li Yao glanced at the equipment and put it down. Instead, he picked up the soul beast egg and glanced at it: "A good pet, it's cheaper for you."

Li Yao said to put down the pet eggs.

"You don't want such an excellent pet. You are an employer. Don't worry about us. We don't have any opinion even if we don't give us any prizes, let alone there are so many military exploits." Blood Rose said quickly.

Li Yao shook his head: "This pet's development limit is too low. It took a few months of hard work to reach the camp level."

Only camp level, everyone was speechless. Meow, you know that Blood Rose got a camp-level pet. They don't know how happy they are, but they can only look up.

Now when it comes to Li Yao, the upper limit of development is too low, and only the camp level.

If it weren't for Li Yao who said this, they would have already started spraying directly. Do you understand the market of the game? Do you know that hunters find it very difficult to find a job? No one wants it. Do you know that now the wild group is calling for a certain type of powerful pet, accompanied by an immortal hunter with a brain, it does not matter whether there is output ~ For better employment, being accepted by the team, all suffering After struggling to find a good pet, it is now a big guild race level and also a super pet, you can join the group.

At the current camp level, what Li Yao said was nothing, and he didn't like it at all. Everyone was very injured, especially the hunters in the team, who silently disbanded their pets and couldn't afford to lose this person.

If it were not for Li Yao to have two dragon queens as pets, they really could not help but spray, but they also knew that Li Yao’s pets were all powerful, and the worst was the advanced race level. There was still some tireless discussion on the forum. , When did Li Yao evolve all his pets into faction level?

He is indeed qualified to say such things.

"Okay." Blood Rose was also speechless. I really don't know how to pick it up, because her contracted pet has no growth potential.

Li Yao took the book "Flor's Dragon Slaying Technical Outline" in his hand, and took the jewel bag: "I want these two. You can distribute the remaining roses."

Li Yao set the distribution authority of the remaining items to the deputy commander level. The distribution of trophies is a matter for the team. He does not need Li Daitao to be stiff.

"That's too bad for you." Blood Rose was speechless.

"Loss?" Li Yaoyang raised his hand in the Dragon Slaying Program and said, "Let's put it this way, this thing is a hundred times more precious than the rest. No, it's not as good as this book if you add it a hundred times."

"Is it a mission item?" Seeing that Li Yao stopped talking, the Blood Rose was not easy to ask. In her opinion, even if it was a mission item, it was only a legendary equipment item, even if it was good, it could be better.

She didn't really understand what Li Yao said until Li Yao made this weapon.

I also agree with that sentence, let alone a hundred pieces, even a thousand legends is no better than a priceless perfect legendary weapon...

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