MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1828: Fleshy bones

Li Yao completely resolved their nervousness and made them understand that they were not confronting an army of millions. After passing through buildings, Li Yao finally found what he was looking for.

The crowd was in a huge, broken hall, and the team was concentrated on a broken stone pillar in the hall.

"It's actually a goblin, how can there be a goblin here." The Tower saw the half-dead goblin in a cage, and there was a robot wreck next to the cage.

Because the roof collapsed in this hall, the number of ogres gathered was very small, only a few dozen, scattered in the hall, making the hall very empty.

And most of them are still asleep by the campfire, only a few ogres are busy, saying they are busy. In fact, a few people don’t understand what the ogres are doing. At least they are soldiers, especially the king’s. Guards, hunting is not their turn, so they don't have to worry about food or drink.

The two ogres wandered back and forth in the hall with sleepy eyes, looking like they were patrolling, but they didn't hold their weapons. Instead, they walked and ate with a meaty elbow in their hands, which was very pleasant.

Passing by the goblins, one of the ogres glanced at the bones with little flesh in his hands and threw them into the cage.

Seeing them drooling, thin goblins were half dead, but their dim eyes flashed green for a moment when they saw the fleshy bones, they rushed directly on and chewed.

"Damn, you guy, wasting food, this **** green skin, what do you care about him." The ogre next to him complained.

"It seems that the king let us imprison him, as if he wants his treasure, but he refuses to say that if he dies, the king will blame us. And we seem to have not given him food for two or three days." The devil scratched his head with his big oily hands.

"That's right, I almost forgot if you didn't say it. I remember his companion was made into broth, and I got a bowl, but the meat was rotten and smelly, awful, and disgusting. I didn't eat for a long time. It's a heinous crime, and I have hated this inedible waste ever since." The ogre said, taking another bite of the fat barbecue.

"Hey, who said no, only those who can eat are good ones, and those who can't eat should be eliminated."

The two guards then turned the topic to the aspect of eating, enthusiastically discussing whether the trolls are delicious or the orcs are delicious.

When the two guards walked away, the iron tower said: "My mother, it's so cruel, it's a foodie, there is nothing else in their world except eating."

Li Yao smiled and said, "They are gourmets who claim to be the world of ancient gods. Their dark cooking recipes are everywhere. Don't say you haven't exploded them. And here is rich in resources, and all kinds of creatures are inexhaustible. They naturally Study more how to eat."

"Okay, then what to do next." Blood Rose is completely uninterested in this dark cooking topic, especially as mercenaries, they often take their employers to do ogre missions, and once become an ogre. The devil's meal is really not a good memory.

Li Yao pointed to several places in the hall and said: "Look, this goblin has arranged a lot of things here, but it hasn't been triggered or lacks materials. Now that I have encountered it, I will meet with the goblin first."

Behind the goblin cage was a collapsed stone pillar, and it was close to the wall. Everyone went to the cage and hid behind the stone pillar.

"Give him a bag of water." Li Yao said.

The mage in the team immediately began to release the water making technique, and then threw a bag of magic water.

The goblin almost screamed when he saw the water bag at his feet, picked up the water bag and drank happily, then whispered: "Undead, demon?"

Li Yao canceled the sneak, then went sneaking again, and said, "Wrong, it's the high spirit."

"Oh, my goodness, I finally saw a living person. I thought I was going to die in this **** place. I saw with my own eyes that my poor guard was made into a broth. Oh my goodness, that was hired for two gold coins. , He died before it expired." Although the goblin lowered his voice, it was still sharper.

"If you don't want to become broth yourself, you'd better speak a little more quietly," Li Yao said.

"Well, I'm so excited." The goblin said in a low voice: "Adventurer, save me, if you rescue me from this **** place, then I will give you three gold coins, oh no, Compensation for two gold coins."

Everyone was full of black lines, and Li Yao shrugged: "Very well, then you continue to enjoy the meat bones every three days."

"Ah, you can't do this. Those are two gold coins, two cute ones, my lifeblood, how can you refuse." The goblin was incredulous and looked at Li Yao's direction like a fool.

"I'm not in the mood to play with you." Li Yao said lightly; "I'll give you another chance to speak. If you are not satisfied, then I am sorry."

"Damn, you are a profiteer more terrifying than a The goblin muttered: "Well, next to me is the cargo robot. As long as you can fix it, this robot and the goods inside will belong to you. This is all my property. "

"You goblins have a good saying. The goblins who don't want to be the prince of trade are not good goblins. As long as the price is right, even your mother can sell it. Naturally, I won't have much hope for how many gold coins you give. But this deal, I agreed." Li Yao said.

The goblin looked at Li Yao triumphantly. He didn't think Li Yao could repair his robot. When the time came when the other party asked him, he still had to give him a satisfactory price.

Li Yao didn't expose it, but said: "The traps you prepared in advance are not bad. The limit is frozen. It's a pity, but it's cheaper for me. You all wait, don't move, I will activate those traps."

Li Yao said that he started wandering in the hall. Li Yao found that the goblins were not bad, and they had set up many traps near the door, but they were not activated or damaged.

As a hunter, Li Yao is also a master of engineering, repairing extreme frozen traps is trivial.

In about a quarter of an hour, most of the traps were repaired. This time he came and started to prepare well, with all kinds of materials.

This goblin seems inadvertent, but it is actually the process of the dungeon. Naturally, it doesn't care about the task rewards, but some kind of props in the cargo robot.

"Okay, the hunter went to the back door and used eagle eyes to watch the movement outside. Other flexible professions were scattered. Hear my order and assign all the ogres in the hall to this side. Tower, you come to this stone pillar. Seeing the leader of the great king's guard team, he grabbed the hatred, and the two treatments were on one side, taking care of the people who had problems."...


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