MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1829: Tactics

Li Yao quickly arranged the tactics, and finally said: "The tower chooses a favorable position, as long as the team leader is held, so as not to arouse the hatred of other ogres, other long-range professions will look at my position, and will follow me to follow the command card perspective. "

Everyone had a tacit understanding, and soon dispersed. First, the ogre on patrol discovered something was wrong, and then he yelled.

Then the sleeping ogre guards were also sober, and they attacked the mercenary group members who attacked them.

The members of the group used their skills and pulled these ogres to run in the direction of Li Yao.

The members of the team have a very clear division of labor. The legal professions with multiple controls use their own spells to slow down melee combat and kite them.

Classes that are not very flexible are to attract long-range hatred, dodge simple spells through constant card perspective or rolling.

Soon, dozens of ogres gathered towards the gate.

Click, click, click...

It still runs fast in close combat, and the long-range only needs to ensure that the target is in range, and the natural distance is relatively long.

The head of the ogre wearing a half-length armor was obviously the captain of this group. The tower directly released an iron fist impact, knocking down the captain, and the hatred of the captain of the ogre’s guard was on the tower, and the tower leaned quickly. On the back of a stone pillar, a healer is also ready to add blood to the iron tower around the stone pillar.

The melee ogres rushing to the forefront stepped on the traps and turned directly into a pile of solid ice.

This kind of trap is a work of goblin research, it is a large trap, and it is an engineering item. After freezing, it will basically be frozen to death. The frozen one cannot move and can only die slowly, and external attacks are also isolated.

To put it bluntly, it is the same as the Master's refrigerator, but this type of refrigerator is irreversible.

In a moment, most of the melee ogres were frozen, leaving more than twenty ogre magicians and a few ogre shamans.

"Come here, card perspective."

The group members arrived at the door one after another, and then dodged outside the door. The priest hurriedly released spells to several people to restore their blood.

A few more cannibal magicians were frozen, and the captain roared: "You idiots, there is a trap ahead, don't rush, come and help me kill this iron lump, and then rush out to ring the alarm bell."

Those cannibal magicians suddenly woke up and turned around.

"Death knight, group pull, don't let them pass."

Following Li Yao's words, the death knight hiding behind a pillar quickly ran to a suitable position and directly activated the group grip. Suddenly all the ogres were pulled to his side, and then the blood boiling plague spread.

Li Yao rushed up as he spoke, kicking an ogre shaman into the air. When the ogre shaman flew out, he smashed the totem he had just inserted. Li Yao had already judged where he had fallen. The Frozen Trap had been waiting there for a long time. An ogre shaman was controlled by the Frozen Trap. As long as he did not attack and suppressed it with Li Yao's rank, the ogre would basically be frozen.

Then Li Yao's tentacles danced and shot another ogre shaman into the air: "Two mages, and one shaman who knocked them off."

While talking, Li Yao had already kicked his second kick, and the third shaman was kicked. The two wizards exchanged a glance and assigned the target, using the Sheep Transformation technique to transform the two shamans.

There were only two ogre shamans left on the scene, the mist around the blood rose suddenly disappeared, and then the blood mist enveloped a shaman and turned into a blood-colored lotus, trapping the ogre shaman.

"First gather the fire shaman." While Li Yao spoke, the touch of darkness danced, smashing the various totems inserted by the shamans.

Everyone immediately began to gather fire. Although these are ace troops, they can withstand two rounds of blows in the face of strong players.

With the continuous killing, all shamans were quickly solved.

"No, these **** warlocks have summoned too many demons, and I can't stand the attacks of so many monsters."

The death knight shouted, his blood volume was fluctuating up and down, very unstable. In fact, he was already very tough. It was very strong to block the attacks of a dozen cannibal magicians and the demons they had summoned.

"You can control the opponent's respective targets and control one. The paladin and the priest are swapped." Li Yao ordered. He is now a pet and can't be tuned out. All of them are on the frontline to increase the power of the strong. It's dangerous, so if you encounter difficulties, you still have to carry it yourself.

"My necromancer pet can barely be summoned to fight, but because it has not been completely refined, the summoning after forced refining will leave the pet in a tired state and cannot be summoned for a short time." Blood Rose said loudly.

"Then summon, you won't need your pets anymore," Li Yao said.

"Understood." The blood rose chanted a spell, and the hideous undead villains on her shoulders seemed to come alive, turning into blood and falling to the ground.

The undead appeared one by one, and the demons called by the warlocks rushed Then a huge ogre skeleton also appeared, and his joining immediately accelerated the pace of hunting the ogre magicians.

"Boss, change the milk ride back, I can't hold it anymore, this captain is too abnormal." The Tower smiled bitterly.

The milk rider is the king of a single plus, it is the first milk of the tank, and the priest is a group. It is not that the milk ride is better than the priest milk, but the function is different.

Li Yao glanced at it. At this moment, the iron tower was full of marks of gloves, pitted.

The captain of the ogre had fists in both hands, fists like the wind, and every punch would bring out a fist mark, and the iron tower steel arms had been twisted.

"Milky ride protects him, and the blood skull goes to hold the captain." Li Yao adjusted his tactics.

The blessing of protection immediately emptied the hatred, and the faction-level blood skeleton stood in front of the captain. Because it has not been completely refined, even if it is reluctantly taken out for battle, it will not be able to exert its full power, but at least it will last for a while. Can do it.

However, it was enough. This period of time gave Li Yao and the others time to eliminate those warlocks, and it also gave Iron Tower time to recover their bodies.

When all the ogre magicians are killed, the fate of the ogre captain is also doomed. What the ogre captain does not have is that the attack is fast and the attack is high, and it can also stack damage.

However, when two tanks alternated to resist his attack, his damage stack was not so great. After a quarter of an hour, the captain of the ogre guard finally fell to the ground.

This ogre is also good. He dropped three pieces of dark gold and three pieces of gold. Although the things were not bad, Li Yao didn’t like it and let the blood rose distribute directly. The mercenary group was beaming, while Li Yao focused his attention. Put it on the cargo robot...


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