MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1830: bargain

"Hey hey hey, let me out soon, **** it, I'm going to suffer to death." The goblin hurriedly shouted when Li Yao came over.

Instead of opening the cage, Li Yao walked to the cargo robot and started inspecting the cargo robot. The damage was not serious enough. It was just that the ogre roots did not understand the doorway and couldn't manipulate it and damaged some. Master Li Yao's technique can be done completely, that is, ten minutes.

"Let's talk about it, how did you get here? I don't believe that the stupid ogre will take prisoners when you meet in the wild, and you can also show you their king." Li Yao said while cleaning the cargo robot.

"Hmph, this is my trade secret, how can I tell you easily. I'll be released soon, and you don't touch my robot, damn, you will make him worse, don't open it." Seeing Li Yao opened the case, the goblin quickly stopped.

"That's right, that's your secret. It's my secret if I don't let you go, and when I let you go. Also, I will say it carefully, this is already my robot." Li Yao ignored the goblin's shout Shouting, skilled repair robot.

"Well, the robot is yours." The goblin said unwillingly: "But you can't violate the contract, so let me go."

"Then please take a closer look at the contract. The contract states that I will defeat the ogres here and resolve your risk of being eaten, but it didn't say that I must open the cage. So you should just shut up and quarrel you. Stay here forever." Li Yao scolded.

"God, you cunning elf, you deceived the shrewd goblin, **** it." The goblin muttered softly, he really didn't dare to speak loudly, for fear that Li Yao would not zoom in. Then he watched Li Yao repairing the robot with dismay.

Ten minutes later, the robot was finally repaired, and Li Yaoneng opened the robot warehouse.

"Yes, finally there are more mobile warehouses, and it will be much more convenient in the future." Li Yao said with joy.

"The robot is yours. The contract doesn't say that the goods in it also belong to you. The continuous goods belong only to the great Galio." The goblin said unwillingly.

Li Yao frowned and said blankly: "Goods, what goods, you can't cheat me. I still want to ask you, are you a walking businessman? You don't even have a single thing with a robot, because your things are too popular. It was sold out, but it was snatched by the ogre."

"Damn, you black-hearted elf, it's obviously full of goods, there are a lot of my materials and parts, and even precious source ore. You actually lie without blinking your eyes. God, why don't you come down? A thunder smashed this **** to death." Galio continued: "Also, Galio is a great trade tycoon, just one step away from becoming a trade viscount, second only to the existence of a trade prince."

Li Yao straightly took out what he wanted, and of course he received the robot into the mechanical space, and said admiringly: "Amazing, as far as I know, the lowest standard for becoming a trade viscount seems to be worth millions of gold coins. It seems you have a lot of wealth."

Galio looked at Li Yao annoyed: "You are the devil, how do you know about our goblin. Okay, there is no goods in the robot, and the material in it is worth tens of thousands of gold coins. You put it in later, and the priceless source material inside. The ore belongs to you too, so can you let me go? I really can only pay so much. I would rather die with one more copper plate."

"Wrong, wrong, wrong, there is nothing in it, no goods. For your sake, answer a few questions, and I can let you go." Li Yao said.

The goblin was about to cry: "Is it because I slept with the wife of the prince of trade that made me suffer retribution and met you, the devil? Well, what are you going to ask."

The people of the mercenary group looked at each other. I didn’t expect Li Yao to deal with NPCs in this way. He would give an NPC to K. It’s completely different from the player’s mentality. Players generally please NPCs to accept tasks. A shrewd goblin twirled around, really opened their eyes and gave them some inspiration.

"Fuck, the game can still be played like this, I will try it in the future," said the tower.

Blood Rose gave him a white look: "Try to use your own tasks. You can be honest with me for team tasks. Can this method be tried casually? Liaoyuan can not care about NPCs, but we can't."

Everyone nodded, it seemed a good way, but it was not suitable for everyone.

Everyone heard the goblins say: "I belong to Hotsand Harbor, **** it, in order to prevent me from becoming a viscount, my competitor contacted the bloodsail pirates and attacked my merchant ship, but the great Galio is not that easy to defeat. I still use land trade to earn gold coins. No one can stop me from becoming a viscount, and one day I can become a prince of trade. In the eyes of other stupid goblins, ogres are stubborn, but in my opinion, Their money is the best to earn. A fish can be exchanged for a silver coin worth of"

"You are very sincere. You told all your business secrets. In that case, how did you get caught by the ogre?" Li Yao asked curiously.

"It's not because of the stupid ogres of the second plane. Their arrival made the ogres here martial law. I don't know which idiot said I might be a spy and my guards were killed. But thanks to my lack of space Rotten tongue, I have already moved the king, but in the end I don't know which **** led the legion to attack the next noodle ogre, the king changed his mind again, **** it," the goblin cursed.

Li Yao touched his nose: "If you mean the commander of the main force of the Dark Alliance, then I am the bastard."

"Oh my god, I didn't mean that, I mean, that wise leader who led the army of the civilized world to spread the brilliance of civilization is just my bad luck..."

"Well, I'm not listening to your flattery. I have a suggestion. My main city lacks a senior wealth management master who is used to manage the dark camp auction houses, neutral auction houses and warehouses. You also want to become a viscount, so-so. It's qualified." Li Yao said.

The goblin instantly understood what Li Yao meant, and his eyes lit up: "Really, which main city."

The goblin's eyes were bright, and he was confident that if this were the case, he could become a trade viscount within a year.

"This is the Mall of Doom, including the main city of the secondary face ogre, will become my territory." Li Yao said confidently.

The goblin's eyes dimmed suddenly: "You have to be able to take it, too."

"Then it's settled." Li Yao opened the cage: "You can go out first, and then wait a few days nearby. The result will be soon."...


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