MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1834: War lion

On the front battlefield, Li Yao still stood quietly on the high slope, his handsome flag flying, watching the battlefield.

They had come back from a rest and saw that Li Yao was still there.

"Brother, you are really good at fighting. Anyway, it's also in the offensive stage. You are useless here, why don't you rest?" Haikuotian asked.

Li Yao smiled and said, "You don't know, I'm doing two things with one heart. What's the use of this rest? I'm still busy over there."

Instant Fanghua suddenly said, "How is the situation on the other side."

"You just wait and see, I said you won't believe it." Li Yao didn't give a specific explanation.

Although the two were curious to die, but seeing Li Yao didn't say anything, they were too embarrassed to ask questions and could only press Curiosity.

"It's been a day of war. How is the position behind? When will the general offensive be launched? Our army has been consumed too much." Haikuotian changed the subject.

"It should be fast, the loss of the ogres is not small. If you have aerial vision, you will find that the trump card army of the ogres will be dispatched." Li Yao said.

The expressions of the two changed. They suffered such a great loss in the face of the elite army. They all depended on desperately consuming the ogre army. Although they didn't say anything, they were also smart people. They probably knew that Li Yao clearly made them. Consume the army of ogres.

However, the two of them didn't know Li Yao's specific plan, so they didn't break it to avoid embarrassment. And they believed that Li Yao would definitely not use the calculation of consuming the strength of their guild, or to win, but they couldn't figure it out.

"Our army faces the opponent's elite is the limit. If the opponent's trump card is dispatched, our army formation may be defeated in one blow." Haikuotian smiled bitterly.

Said this, it is not that he is reluctant to consume, since he reached a cooperation with Xinghuo to bring the guild's heritage, it is a gamble, he had no intention of not paying the price to share the benefits.

There has never been such a cheap thing in the world. If you want to get it, you have to pay first. And it can't be the icing on the cake.

But he was unwilling to sacrifice in vain, because it would not have any effect. After all, in the face of the ogre's elite, although the loss is huge, it can also consume a large amount of the ogre's army.

But facing the trump card army of ogres, there is no power at all. Although the absolute number can surpass the advantages brought by the strength of a single body, the number of their troops is much smaller than that of others, and the absolute number is simply impossible to talk about.

"Don't worry, I will never arrange impossible tasks for you. I will not make fun of my future. What you have given is only some background, and I have taken out all my wealth. After this failure, I am very It will be difficult to turn over for a long time." Li Yao said seriously.

The two thoughts too, the consequences of Li Yao's failure were very serious.

At this moment, a dark ranger jumped off the bat: "My lord, the master craftsman asked me to tell you that everything is ready and you can start the ultimate blow at any time."

Li Yao nodded: "Tell him to be ready for the final assembly at any time and wait for my order."

The Dark Ranger took off again and went away.

The faces of the two people were happy, and they fought hard for a day. Is the real decisive battle finally coming.

At the same time, the Doommaul Arena seemed to have been separated into the arena, and countless people roared. The nine people in the arena can see the excitement of a large number of gladiators and slave gladiators behind the iron fence of the arena.

This was a warm-up battle, and it was also King Gordok's test of Li Yao. After all, he didn't know anything about Li Yao and could only learn about Li Yao's strength through Li Yao's hands.

Of course, this is just a preliminary test.

This kind of battle is still very difficult for players. Even the arrival of the core people of Xinghuo is also a certain danger, so Li Yao found an experienced top mercenary group.

After experiencing the battle on the side of the temple, they also had experience in fighting against the ogres on this side.

The routine is very simple. Two tanks attract hatred, but these ogres are obviously smarter and have no obvious hate mechanism.

It is impossible to surround all tanks, so the role of tanks is more to resist damage and limit opponents.

Ogres want to kill their crispy skin and treat them first, and they are also not very keen on attacking tanks, and they also intend to let people limit each other.

The battle entered a fierce melee right from the beginning. This kind of battle is not a tank pulling hatred, a kind of team pve battle, but similar to a battle with players.

The test is the cooperation of the team and the combat awareness of the members. Set fire, dismantle the fire, break out, etc., eighteen people compete in the wide arena.

Two small teams come and go, the cheers in the arena are wave after wave, and the cooperation and tactics of the two teams are very clear and clear.

Especially as the guards of King Gordok, they are the best in gladiatorial battles. As a mercenary group, they did not take their employers to brush the arena and battlefield honor and conquest points.

Both the team consciousness and cooperation are top-notch, and they also bring their employers to drag oil bottles. They like the battle of defeating the strong with the weak.

The battle was very fierce and exciting. The battle lasted for half an hour, and finally the last ogre fell. In the scene, only the blood rose changed ogre had less than one-third of the blood left, and the rest were all Died in battle.

But she also tried her best, her life-saving skills were basically used up, and she won a tragic King Gordok laughed and clapped his hands while saying: "Yes, your guard is very tenacious. , Very good, you are indeed qualified to challenge me."

Li Yao coldly snorted: "Your guard is also good, can you fight me now."

King Gordok smiled: "Your **** is good, but you have not taken a shot yet, and a faction level will challenge me. Even if I think it is possible, everyone will probably doubt it. Then, you can fight the Lion King. If I win, I will fight with you, so that no one will be convinced, otherwise any cat or dog can challenge me, then I won't have to do anything else for a day."

"The king is afraid, I still have to see my flaws." Li Yao sneered.

"I promise that this is the last one, and if you want, I don't have to watch this battle. The king said nothing." King Gordok sneered.

"That's not necessary, let you see how I fight, as long as you are willing to play in the next game." Li Yao coldly snorted, "Let your lion king play."

Li Yao said that as soon as his wings spread, he flew to the sky above the arena, then converged his wings and fell like a cannonball.


Li Yao landed suddenly, a strong shock wave spread, the bluestone under his feet shattered, and the traces of the crack spread like a spider web.

Cheers suddenly, this overbearing method made the ogres suddenly enthusiastic, but they knew that this was a real fall, and they didn't use any skills. Most of them jumped down like this and probably became meatloaf.


As a gate opened, a sturdy lion came out. Its eyes were blood red. It was obviously hungry for a long time. When he saw Li Yao, his saliva flowed out...


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