MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1835: overbearing

"Challenger, I admire your courage. The faction level dare to challenge me. This lion king has the same rank as yours. As long as you can kill the lion king, I will fight with you." King Gordok's The voice overwhelmed the cheers.

Everyone knows the rules of fighting between humans and beasts. Generally, beasts will be hungry for several days. At this time, beasts will be the most violent, and they can often exert 120% of their combat effectiveness.

The Lion King's momentum at this moment is violent and sturdy, and the majesty of the Beast King is undoubtedly displayed. This kind of momentum alone will make people miserably overcome the huge pressure of heart.

With the ringing of the bell, the duel had already begun, and Li Yao didn't intend to take out any weapons, standing still and watching the Lion King quietly.

The Lion King tried to pounce on several times, but Li Yao was as steady as Taishan, and the Lion King gave up the opportunity several times, but he kept spinning tens of yards away from Li Yao.




There was a neat scream in the arena, this lion king is a general Yum.

To be the king of the arena, just like people, win one hundred gladiatorial fights, and this lion is such a king, victorious in all battles, has a high popularity in Gordok, no one does not know the lion king Ida.

The ogres were so excited that they clamored for the Lion King to tear Li Yao into pieces.

This kind of shouting seemed to give Ada extremely courage, and as a camp-level beast, he also possessed a certain amount of wisdom. Knowing that the people above were shouting for him, his momentum immediately rose again.


The Lion King gave a low roar again, his figure suddenly turned blood red, his body size also increased a circle, he directly launched a violent rage.

Then he rushed out like a sharp arrow. He was behind Li Yao's side and the target was Li Yao's neck.

The arena again erupted with a loud cry, and the ogre screamed and waited for the **** scene of Li Yao being torn by the lion king.

However, Li Yao still stood there without any movement, and Li Yao took a gentle step just when the Lion King arrived in front of him.

Time slows down!

In Li Yao's eyes, the whole world became extremely slow. The violent Lion King opened a huge mouth of blood, and he had reached his front. He could clearly smell the stench in the mouth of the Lion King.

Li Yao clenched his fist and punched out.


Time returned to normal, the battle in the arena was frozen at this moment, and the shouts of the audience stopped abruptly.

At this moment, everyone saw that Li Yao's entire arm was submerged in the mouth of the Lion King, and the eyes of the Lion King and Li Yao were less than 30 centimeters.

The ogre audience looked forward to the scene where the Lion King tore Li Yao's arm apart. However, this scene never appeared. In the eyes of everyone who could not believe it, the light in the Lion King's eyes dimmed, and then fell to the ground.

The whole arena was silent. It was not that the ogres had never thought that Li Yao would win. He would dare to challenge the king, but they did not expect to win in this simple way. The extremely powerful Lion King couldn't bear his punch.

Not to mention the ogres, the same is true for the people of the mercenary group. This is the leader of the camp. He was killed by Li Yao with a punch. This is too exaggerated.

If Li Yao used any technique to turn the Lion King around, they would not be surprised, but in this way, even the members of the mercenary group would be unbelievable and accept it.

Facing the leader of the faction level, they need a lot of hard work, and the leader of the faction level who consumes precious props and has a greater probability of failure, but can't stop a punch in Li Yao's hands. This scene is really shocking.

King Gordok also stood up abruptly. Although he was a world-class leader, he couldn't be so simple to kill the lion king. He was a lion king with extremely strong vitality.

The entire arena fell into a strange silence, only Li Yao took out a bag of water to wash the blood on his arm.

How did they know that Li Yao's seemingly simple punch contained mystery. First of all, the deceleration of time gave Li Yao plenty of reaction time, and at this time the Lion King also opened his mouth, revealing a very fatal flaw.

The leader of the camp, as a beast, the fur on his body has a strong defense power, whether it is physical or magic.

But the mouth is still fragile, of course it is relatively fragile.

If this were the case, Li Yao could not kill the Lion King with one punch, but Li Yao still had the touch of darkness.

Don't forget, Li Yao's Touch of Darkness has long been not a simple auxiliary grabbing tool, but a powerful attack and characteristic weapon, and it is definitely a sly.

Li Yao’s fist is naturally heavy, but at the same time, countless dark touches have spread wildly, taking root directly in the internal organs of the lion king, plus Li Yao’s incidental corrosion, curse, and fire of life. The internal organs spread, let alone a faction-level boss, even the world-class can't stand it.

Within one second of time slowing down, the touch of darkness had spread to the lion king's internal organs, draining his vitality.

"Now I have the qualifications to challenge you to the throne."

Li Yao's voice was not loud, but it spread to everyone's ears, and his words brought everyone back to reality.

", that's interesting. I thought my blood had cooled, but it burned again at this moment."

King Gordok walked off the arena step by step, his eyes gradually becoming sharp.

"Let's fight then." Li Yao is also inexhaustible at the moment. To be honest, it is also very challenging for his mechanical clone to challenge a world-class leader. He dare not be the slightest intention.

After all, this is not only related to the victory of a gladiatorial fight, but also related to whether or not to become the king of Gordok ogres.

"You fought a battle, I give you time to rest, lest you lose and complain about unfairness, oh I forgot, everyone who loses in my hands will become dead, and you have no chance to complain." Godot King Ke said confidently.

"No, if a punch consumes my physical strength, then there is no need to challenge you. I will just kill myself." Li Yao is also inexhaustible.

"Very good, then fight." King Gordok held it with both hands.

Kaka Kaka!

His fist was covered by a layer of metal, and then a fist spiked out, which turned out to be an odd-shaped glove.

Li Yao looked more cautious. Although the gloves had a short attack range, they were all powerful guys who were quick to react and attack.

Li Yao Energy faces aggressive opponents who attack and react slowly.


In front of Li Yao, a lion king roared like a roar. Li Yao's figure was huge and his whole body turned blood red.

This is the bloodline ability that the Touch of Darkness absorbs the blood of the lion king, and the blood of violent blood has increased Li Yao's attack and agility by 20% within one minute.

Li Yao grabbed the lion king’s tail and watched as the king Gordok came striding forward, dancing the lion king like a propeller...


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