MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1841: Radical

Not only Ozawa is curious, but they are all curious.

However, Li Yao did not continue this topic, but said: "You can put the live broadcast on the official channel or live broadcast at close range. The main force will not attack you, but I hope you did not bring official vices. You can start. Otherwise, you will miss the wonderful scene."

Ozawa smiled helplessly. In fact, when the official asked her to come, she was asked to inquire about all of Li Yao's plans in advance. In this way, the first-hand information would be better for the program.

But Li Yao directly blocked her conversation. What else could she do? With her understanding of Li Yao, if she asked more, it might be worse.

Moreover, with Li Yao's assurance, she was considered to have confessed, and nodded to indicate that she boarded her little griffin again.

"This Griffin looks different from the Griffins of other players in the Bright Camp. It looks more beautiful and quicker." The sea wide and the sky pointed at Ozawa's Griffin and said.

Li Yao glanced at it and said, "This is a silver-crowned griffin, a type of royal griffin. It is characterized by flying like electricity and dodges amazingly. It is the most suitable type of griffin to be a mount. It is not yet open. Although the official cannot change the data, it is very easy to give her a clue so that she can get a better flying mount..."

"Meow, that's okay. My air mount is still a two-footed flying dragon flying at 100% speed." Haikuotian said painfully.

"It's okay. At the end of this military service, some military two-footed flying dragons will be released. And I also got ten dragon eagles from the Withered Sun Legion as a reward. If you want, I can deduct one for you in private, but You need to pay for how much military merit you need." Li Yao said: "The military two-footed flying dragon is only inferior to the silver-crowned griffin, and the battle mount that the dragon eagle controls the wind has its own merits."

Broad sea and sky brightened: "Ahem, can you have more..."

"No, it's okay to keep one for you privately. There are only a few mounts in total, everyone wants. If they are given to your guild, how other people will think of me." Li Yao didn't wait for the sky to finish. Denied.

"Well, then I will order a dragon eagle." Haikuotian said helplessly.

"Then I will also order a dragon eagle." Instantaneous Fanghua said.

Li Yao nodded: "When the time comes, you will bring a head to Xiao Yudi and my sister. This is my gift. It is not a military merit. Dragon Eagle is not among the ten, but I got it separately."

The sky is wide and the sky is speechless. Others can't control or say anything when their brother gives their sister something.

"Didn't you say you want to launch an offense? What are you waiting for now?" Susuna Fanghua asked.

Li Yao said: "Don't worry, the war machine is almost complete."

Following Li Yao's sight, the two of them realized that the main force's army did not know when several huge war machines were erected, and a large number of goblins and Spark war engineering players were quickly busy.

"Is this going to break the city?" Hai Kuo Tian asked uncertainly, knowing that the main city wall of the secondary ogre is very huge, and extremely thick, it is basically impossible to break the wall.

Li Yao said softly: "There are no unbreakable barriers in the world. Even if there are, it is not the one in front of you. My great engineer designed a new war machine. Just look forward to it."

What Li Yao didn't say was that after more than a day of battle, the opponent's elite troops were almost consumed, and now the trump cards have begun to play, it is also a good time for a decisive battle.

Li Yao waved his hand, and all the portals of the structural space opened to the fullest extent. A large number of insects rushed out of the portals, and then divided into their respective formations to quickly converge in the distance of the city gate.

This scene is too shocking. Compared with the steel cockroach, the new bugs are much more shocking, whether they are Thunder Beasts or Destroyers.

In particular, there are countless Zerglings with great momentum.

If it is just a few hundred thousand, that's fine, but the bugs are endless, constantly pouring out.

What's more frightening is that the insects did not make any noise other than the sound of neat steps.

On the city wall, the ogres looked solemn and they were about to launch a general attack. The Zergs were too ferocious, and their eyes were endlessly indifferent, which put tremendous pressure on the ogres.

"Liaoyuan, I have to say that you are very capable. Now you have counted me as my true opponent." The great warlock said in a condescending voice: "You Zerg is not good at siege. You should know this, but I can give you fairness. Chance of World War I."

Li Yao sneered: "I'm afraid you have made a mistake. Now the dominance of this war is no longer in your hands. Only I will decide the direction of this war. You have lost this qualification."

"Hehe, my ace army has just been dispatched, and your so-called main force is vulnerable. You dare to speak wildly. But you are a junior, I don't care about you. Since you want a decisive battle, I will do it for you. It is better to stop the war for the time being. Give me an hour, I will bring my army out of the city, your ace army and my ace army will fight to the death, and the winner will be determined dignifiedly. Why let these cannons sacrifice in vain."

Although the Grand Warlock seemed to be a challenge, it was actually a provocation.

Sure enough, hearing Li Yao's words, many players showed strange looks. After all, the great warlock said that up to now, Li Yao's own army has not lost much. On the contrary, it was them, fighting day and night, losing too much.

"Despicable and boring provocations and unacceptable aggressive generals, your second-level noodle ogres are really unbearable. They have dominated a plane for ten thousand years, and they are not even comparable to your distant relatives." Li Yao sarcastically: "You are determined to lose. I still want to use this method to come back, not to mention your clumsy tactics, it is too naive to have this idea."

"Hehe, no matter how you quibble, you can't change the fact that you let them be cannon fodder, and you still want to use them as cannon fodder and consume our trump card army." The great warlock was not angry at all: "And you are still a cowardly rat, Don’t dare to fight us head-on, you don’t even have the slightest confidence to defeat us."

The eyes of the players are getting more and more unpredictable. It is not enough not to participate in the battle, but they will definitely have some ideas for Li Yao.

"Since you want to clarify the matter, I will reply you clearly." Li Yao stretched out two fingers: "First, the real reason for your so-called decisive battle out of the city is that my clone is carrying a four million trump card legion. You want to launch an attack on your other city wall. You go out of the city for a decisive battle. You want to limit me with a decisive battle to prevent you from being flanked back and forth. And you will send millions of your army and several world-class powerhouses back to the front battlefield."

The players were a little surprised, but they also knew very well why Li Yao did not fight for the second time...

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