MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1842: Steel Rising Star

Li Yao's phantom was projected into the air, his eyes were firm and confident, without any emotion that should have been revealed when the facts were revealed, his eyes only had the confidence of victory.

"This second, you will see it soon. At that time, your walls will be broken on the frontal battlefield. There is no need for you to waste time going out to fight. We will fight in. You will be attacked by the enemy, the second-ranked wheaten ogre. Grand Warlock, are you ready to meet your destiny."

Li Yao's words were too overbearing. He simply regarded the entire secondary face ogre as nothing. The great warlock was lifeless and his face was pale. Although Li Yao was young, he did not give him a chance to come back. His plan failed.

On the contrary, the other strong ogres looked furious and scolded Li Yao for being arrogant.

But the pride and domineering in the hearts of the players were also driven, and they were all looking forward to what would happen next. They were curious as to what gave Li Yao so strong confidence.

This scene was also seen by the big guys from all camps, and they sighed why such recruits did not have their camp, whether Li Yao was bragging or not.

But dare to face the leader of a race, and be so self-confident, and make the other party speechless, this kind of momentum and courage is enough.

"It's so courageous, so courageous." The troll leader sighed: "I just took an army to raid the Naga camp at his age. I killed 100,000 Naga and retreated three times. Now compare with this little guy, I am all pediatrics."

Chief Bull Head also said: "At his age, I was still lingering and panting with the people, avoiding the centaur's pursuit."

The warchief said: "At his age, I am still fighting in the human arena. I am not afraid of your jokes. It was my dream to become the king of the arena."

The regent smiled bitterly: "You still want to think that he was too loud. It's just that we can do our best to take this place without paying the price."

"The problem now is that our new warlord has actually subdued a tribe of ogres. This tribe has such rules. If we let the secondary wheaten ogres find out early, we might be in big trouble." The Chief Chief said.

The queen who had been silent suddenly said, "Now that our camp has an ogre tribe, can you win over an old friend of your warchief?"

Although the queen didn't say the person's name, everyone knew who the queen said was Rexxar who followed the way of the Beastmaster. He should be regarded as the most powerful Beastmaster hunter in the world.

Needless to say, his own strength, he has at least five or six world-class pets, which is what he revealed.

Rexxar can definitely top three, no exaggeration.

The warchief shook his head: "He has his persistence, but if Liaoyuan really occupied the main city, and stood firm, and gave the ogre a brighter future, then this old friend will take care of Liaoyuan after all. , It’s even possible to stay there."

Woking suddenly said, "You are really taking care of your disciple, and you will begin to arrange things for him in the future."

Several other people also suddenly realized that with the queen's cleverness, how could they not know that it was impossible to touch Rexxar, obviously they clicked, and put it next.

"I'll try my best to see what exactly Liaoyuan has. Is the so-called siege machine really that magical." The warchief looked at the illusory picture.

On the battlefield, the Zerg army gathers, the player's army is still fighting the ogre army on the wall, and the sky is also fighting endlessly.


A sharp metal percussion sounded, and Li Yao's voice spread throughout the audience: "Temporarily retreat. Our engineering machinery is ready. After the city is broken, we will launch a general attack."

The player's army retreated like a tide, and the ogre just released a few waves of arrow rain, but the damage was limited.

After more than one day and one night of the battle, even though most of the corpses were brought back to the structure space by Li Yao’s worker bees, they still felt the fierceness of the battle. A large section of the city wall was stained red with blood, and a section of it was blood red. Mottled on the city wall, it looks particularly solemn.

The land army retired, but the air force did not stop fighting, still fighting frantically in the sky.

But the battlefield surrounding the city wall became quiet for a while, and the ogres could only watch the players constantly summon their armies, forming armies one by one.

Although the staff does not direct how to fight, it is their responsibility to issue tasks and designate battlefields to plan battlefields.

Players can fight in such an orderly manner without chaos, everyone in Xinghuo can be said to have exhausted their efforts.

The ogres had no choice but to watch the formation of troops below.

With the increase in the army, even the ogres at the head of the city can’t see their heads at a glance, let alone the people below, what is the sea of ​​ This is, such a huge scale of battle is still in On the same battlefield, this is almost impossible in reality.

For nearly a quarter of an hour, army formations continued to appear, and many ogres couldn't help but clamor to kill them.

With such a long city wall, there are five gates, but despite this, it takes an hour for the ogre to emerge from the five gates if it wants to fully form a formation.

Otherwise, if the opponent launches a surprise attack, their line will collapse.

Just as the formations of the army were formed, the war machines were fully prepared, and the goblin engineers and the war engineering players of Xinghuo stopped busy.

One after another huge carts brought tightly packed things to the neighborhood, and the people near the tarp were pulled apart to see huge metal bumps over five yards in diameter that looked like metal wheels full of spikes.

A total of one hundred transmitters were assembled after a long time.

Everyone raised their heads to look at Li Yao's phantom, and the image of the Grand Warlock did not show any weakness. The collision of the two eyes seemed to produce countless sparks.

"That’s what you’ve worked so hard to assemble. It’s not that I underestimate you. My wall has no other advantages. It is tall and heavy. Even the magic cannon of your battleship can’t be shaken. This kind of thing I think that's the way it is." The great warlock said tentatively.

"You'll see it later, but I just hope your soldiers won't be scared and cry at that time." Li Yao turned his head and looked down: "My craftsmen, my Xinghuo war engineering members, you work hard. After so long, let them see your results now, pass our military order, and the new steel star will be dispatched."

"The new steel star is launched."

"The new steel star is launched."

A large number of sturdy wild boars sweated like rain and pulled the huge steel star to the huge war machine...

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