MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1843: Decisive moment

The main force of players is looking forward to looking at the huge and incomparable war machine scattered. The war machine is very large, each of which occupies a distance, and it is fixed by many iron ropes that are thicker than the wild boar. A height of tens of yards.

It looks like a weird cannon from the outside, but it is not the same as a cannon. In short, it looks very weird and different, like a four-different cannon.

The shells are several yards in diameter, and they look weird. Although they look like war machines at first glance, there is no experimentation, which makes people worry.

This kind of war machine appeared because of a version many years later, but Li Yao asked him to appear in advance, and because there was no such kind of drawings, he only proposed a concept.

It was made by the master craftsman he summoned himself, so it is very different from the previous life. Even so, it is just a difference in craftsmanship and materials, and the specific power is certainly not weak.

On the contrary, the ordinary ogres are full of confidence, they don't believe that the other party can break through their extremely tall and thick walls.

To launch a cannonball, dozens of strong boar men and a dozen craftsmen need to work together to load the cannonball, and then a few craftsmen need to calibrate it, and then a dozen boar men need to pull the heavy chain for specific debugging.

In general, a war machine requires hundreds of people to operate.

"No. 3 star is ready."

"Rising star number 9 is ready."


As the reloading was completed one by one, and with the roar of hundreds of training, everyone saw hundreds of huge cannonballs that looked like metal flywheels spinning wildly to the sky.

Just looking at such a heavy iron knot weighs at least a few tons. Throwing such a heavy thing away, everyone finally understands why the war machine is so huge, even so the war machine is shaking.

Although the steel star is in the sky, it still spins crazily, with dazzling sparks flickering.

Hundreds of new steel stars traversed a great distance in the sky, flew over the head of the main force army, and landed when they were hundreds of yards away from the city wall.

However, the new star of Steel did not stop, but was really speeding on the ground like a wheel, and in a blink of an eye he had reached the front of the city wall.

The new steel star and the city wall crazily impacted together, but the new steel star did not explode, but continued to spin wildly.

Numerous spikes continued to rub against the wall as they rotated, mud and rocks splashed, and the ogre slowly stretched its head and looked down.

I saw that with the crazy training of the new steel star, the new steel star has already penetrated into the city wall by half.

The ogres laughed at what they could do even if they got into the wall. The wall was so thick that it was at most inlaid with spikes, and the wall was too long, endless. A hundred new steel stars are fundamental to the length of the wall. It's trivial.

In the ridicule of the ogres, the new steel star seemed to have punched a hole in the root of the city wall and penetrated completely. Only the harsh rubbing sound reminded everyone that the new steel star was still spinning wildly.

Then, just as the main force expected, a muffled sound came, the light was covered by the city wall, there was no too glaring light, and the explosion sound was not strong.

Just when everyone was disappointed, everyone saw the bombed section of the city wall trembling suddenly, and then it collapsed.

Numerous ogres fell off the wall with screams, caught off guard. Everyone's complexion changed wildly, and the city wall was showing a tendency to collapse with just one shot. If it was the second shot, then the third shot.

Not only the players thought of it, the ogres also thought of it, and the great warlock roared: "Damn, how can such a ghost exist in this world, continue to send air forces, raids, and destroy those monsters. "

The ogres wake up like a dream, don't they, if they can't destroy the war machine, their strong walls will be a joke.

Countless ogre air forces lifted off again, this time it was a crazy impact at all costs.

At this moment, the second steel star is also preparing to launch with the cooperation of engineers and wild boars.

Li Yao looked at the rising air force in the sky, his eyes flickered: "I said, the decisive battle is coming, are you ready?"

Following Li Yao’s words, countless flying dragons and hunters also emerged from Li Yao’s portal, while the lawbreakers were on standby. They were special units. Although they were of no use at ordinary times, they encountered magic forces. Will play a key role.

The time for the pairing was brought. It was this time that Li Yao and others were waiting. From now on, Li Yao has thought that all the more than 10 million ace Zergs he has accumulated these days have all been killed in battle.

From this moment on, the war will become dim.

Although the wall didn't fall, anyone could tell that it was a matter of time. It was either two or three. Didn't you look at the ogres? Are you crazy? He wanted to destroy the war machine.

"This war machine, do you sell it?" This is the first sentence of Susuna Fanghua's recovery. Such a machine is simply a siege weapon. This is the thickened version of the main city wall. If it is the wall of the player's residence I'm afraid it would have been destroyed as soon as it was Li Yao smiled and said, "Sell, why not sell it. War Machine is 20,000 gold coins, and Steel Nova has 1,000 gold coins."

"Fuck, you are grabbing money." Haikuotian almost peeed when he heard Li Yao's offer.

Although 20,000 working capital is not unavailable for the current Super Guild, it is not so easy.

Twenty thousand light machines and one thousand rounds of shells are almost...

Li Yao smiled: "You think it's expensive, no one buys it. And I remind you, this is faster than grabbing money."

The two smiled bitterly, seeing such a terrifying power, they had to be sold at a price, but there was still no market.

"Of course, as a hard-core ally, I can give you a separate machine for free, which is one of the benefits of your full support for me to win the main city, but the shells cannot be sent. The cost of this thing is too expensive."

Li Yao's words made them happy, but the shells were not free, and they suddenly suffered again. One shell was 1,000 gold coins.

The ogre dispatched this time is Qing Yishui's ace air force, still equipped with mounts and riders, even though they are all ace soldiers of the same rank, and flying dragons are also very strong, but after all, without the rider, one-on-one will definitely fall behind.

The legion is also at a disadvantage when fighting. If a normal army is killed and collapsed, the flying dragons are Zergs, and they have no gratitude for surviving. Obeying orders is their highest life creed. Their lives never belong to themselves, they are Killing machine.

I don't know the fear and the killing tools to retreat, so even though the Flying Dragon Legion is downwind, the Ogre King Air Force still cannot break through the blockade of the Flying Dragon Legion.

The fierce battle between the two sides is not comparable to other aerial battlefields...


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