MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1844: broken

Zerg, like the undead, has a shortcoming, that is, they will not be affected by morale, and they will not be stimulated to increase their combat effectiveness.

Of course, they are talking about ordinary troops. Senior Zerg lords and royal worms have very high intelligence, but ordinary troops are fighting.

However, this is also their advantage, even if they fight to the last one, they will not be affected by low morale.

Smoothly exerting combat effectiveness is their greatest feature, and flying dragons will not be affected in any way because their combat effectiveness is not as good as the opponent's air force.

They still fight, fight, and fight in an orderly manner, even if they are dying, they will be backed up and fight to the last moment of their lives.

But this is also the biggest headache for the ogre air force. Although the ogres are brave and have received the death order, they have very high wisdom after all.

The common feature of high wisdom is fear of death. This is natural and lacking courage. It is not that there is no fear of death, but that is very rare.

It is the same in reality. Unless someone is irritated and a special group of people, if someone tells you that he is not afraid of death, it is either neurotic or bragging.

The acid corrosion of the flying dragon brings great pain, and the tail of the flying dragon will often give a fatal blow as soon as the flying dragon is killed.

Dying attack They will fall off the object when their tail attacks, pouring all the venom into the final blow.

Therefore, even if the flying dragon is not as good as the ogre riding a Chimera as a whole, it is basically equal to the ogre air force in terms of momentum and results.

This is also the most terrifying place. The worst thing about the Zerg is the quantity.

In spite of the crazy impact of the ogre air force, the dragon army can still break through from time to time, and the fighting was extremely fierce. At the same time, countless air force groups collided.

It can be said that in just a quarter of an hour, the death rate was several times higher than that of other air force battlefields.

The densely packed air forces fought and howled, covering the sky and the sun, and the sun's rays in the sky were all blocked.

A quarter of an hour later, the second shell was finally ready, and in everyone's expectation, one hundred shells once again traversed the sky and rushed towards the city wall.

The great warlock was about to split. He had thought that the war with the Zerg would have a lot of casualties, but he did not expect that the ogre's most elite ace air force would not be able to break through the line of defense and destroy even a war machine.

"No matter the cost, to intercept this monster shell, you have to know that the city is your home, your old and young, and the city is there."

The great warlock's passionate voice spread throughout the battlefield, and anyone could hear the grief and anger contained in his voice, if possible he even wanted to rush out to fight the opponent's strong.

But reason told him that it was not the time yet. They all mobilized and could only fall into a passive state. There were many strong opponents, and they could not destroy the war machine either.

Instead, he entered the edge of life and death in advance.

The words of the great warlock are still very encouraging. Some ogre air forces would rather bear the attack of flying dragons to break through the blockade.

Each air force is covered with blood, the red blood is their own, and the green blood is that of a flying dragon. This blood has strong corrosion, just like strong acid.

They rushed down in black smoke, and they desperately intercepted the flight path of Steel Nova.

All kinds of attacks and magic fell on the steel star, and the main force's expression changed wildly.

But Li Yao’s complexion remained unchanged. If Steel Nova was so easy to crack, then he would not spend so much effort to build them. There was a trace of mockery in Li Yao’s eyes. Did they think Steel Nova was just destroying the city wall, then Li Yao would be there. The ensuing battle let them understand the true role of the new steel star.

He doesn't care about the city wall anymore, instead focusing all his attention on Dua's body and the great warlock.

Li Yao knew that with the break of the city wall, the battle between the strong would begin at any time.

Especially if the ogres are down, the battle of the strong is the best way for them to save the battle. This is also the most critical place.

If Li Yao couldn't sustain the opponent's attack in the battle of the strong, then everything that he did before would be meaningless.

In the battle of the strong, Li Yao is not demanding. As long as he remains undefeated, the ogre will always be unable to withstand the consumption of the army. After all, as the great warlock said, there are still a lot of old people in the city. Young, if all the warriors are killed in battle, then their next race of ogres will disappear and be swallowed by other ogres.

Li Yao fought all the troops with more than ten million yuan, but the warlock did not dare to do this.

Really ruthless scenes are constantly being staged in the sky. The ogre air force or their Chimera attack simply cannot make the steel star change its trajectory. A few tons of weight plus extremely high speed and inertia are not so easy to break.

So a tragic scene was staged, one by one ogres riding their Chimera and hitting the steel star.

However, it was still useless. The moment they hit the steel nova, they were torn to pieces by the rotating steel nova, and those spikes were not decorations.

Masses of blood fog poured the steel star into blood, and then it was evaporated by the high The whole sky was filled with a burnt smell.

A hundred new steel stars still hit the wall in an unstoppable trajectory.

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

This time it was shocked much more than last time. With the explosion of the new steel star, the wall that had been destroyed by the first wave of explosion suddenly collapsed.

With the steel star as the center, the city walls that stretched almost a hundred yards on both sides collapsed, with nearly a hundred gaps, and the original towering city walls had become riddled with holes and dilapidated.

In particular, several new steel stars impacted on the city gate, which had long since disappeared and a huge gap appeared.

At this time, a large number of ogres were stoned to death.

At this moment, the city wall was no longer an obstacle to the main force, and the main force of the player uttered a heaven-shattering cheer.

"Grand Warlock."

"Grand Warlock."

The ogre generals looked very ugly. They didn't know whether they should fight or not, they were all waiting for the decision of the great warlock.

The great warlock was almost anxious, but he must be calm and not show any unprofitable emotions.

"Why, don't we always seek a decisive battle? Now the city wall does not exist. Isn't it the time for a decisive battle, assemble the army, kill! Let these recruits understand what despair is, and tell our recruits to intercept the other recruits? Legion, let's not useless ogres." The great warlock's words were very firm and domineering, calming the flustered ogres.

Ogre players have also received more stringent orders. In fact, they are also anxious. This is their main city. If they are lost, they will become bereaved dogs and will lose a lot of benefits. Not to mention that they will lose face. They can't make it through...


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