MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1846: Mighty torrent

In fact, Li Yao said that this so-called lottery not only made the main force crazy, but also made people who watched the battle go crazy through the live broadcast.

Especially those players who could have participated in the main force but did not participate, or were eliminated because of the awkwardness in the front, the bowels of regret are all blue.

What's more, now that the battle situation is gradually clear, it is obvious that the main force has a great possibility of occupying the main city.

This is truly a fame and fortune. If it succeeds, it will inevitably become a glorious deed of the ancient gods, not only a title, but also a practical benefit.

And now that the practical benefits are added to the flying mounts that are both practical and cool, they regret it.

Now the full level is about to become the mainstream. Learning flying and riding with flying mounts will be a long-term goal for players. In fact, players who are not very good at mixing have not even learned advanced riding, let alone flying.

Therefore, the air mount is absolutely cool and practical. Even if you don't need to sell it, it will be a lot of money. Of course, no one will sell it.

Especially in the official live broadcast, following Li Yao's words, the screens were specially switched to show the military two-footed flying dragon, especially comparing the ordinary two-footed flying dragon with the military one.

That's the comparison between a tractor and a car. The armored military two-legged dragon is awesome.

Then there is the Dragon Eagle, which is the comparison between Rui and Lali. No one knows that someone has got a unique mount to stand on the way out of the city for three days and three nights, not to gain the envy and hatred of others. Look?

But in any case, they can only become spectators. Compared with the excitement of the main players, they are envy and jealous. Although they did not say it, it is impossible not to regret it. In particular, many super guilds have seen the cities they desperately occupied gain taxation rights.

People's main force can easily be obtained, and they can also gain massive military exploits to increase their strength. As long as the war is won, they will be separated from them and surpassed them for a period of time.

Because the main force's rewards and military merit exchange items are all opened as an exception, I don't know when I have this opportunity next time.

In this world, it is never more than how much you get, and you will feel satisfied if there is no comparison of meat.

But when you compare it with others, you can compare it to the opponent, especially in a competitive environment.

In comparison, the sea and the sky and the instant Fanghua have undoubtedly gained the most from these super guilds, but the object of their comparison is Xinghuo.

Listening to Li Yao, there are even more amazing gains. They have incomparable contradictions in their hearts, they want to know the answer, but they don't want to be hit. The entanglement in it is incomprehensible without experience.

"The truth is that this area is rich in horned eagle beasts, and after a long time of accumulation of secondary professional experience by the trainers and breeders of Xinghuo, many people have reached the master level." Li Yao said.

"You mean, you can already train Hippogryphs as aerial mounts by yourself?" Haikuotian took a few steps back.

Li Yao nodded: "Almost, it can be mass-produced, although the quantity is limited."

Setsuna Fanghua suddenly woke up: "Doesn't that mean that the pterodactyl on your pirate island is also OK?"

"Yes, the pterodactyl can only be similar to the bipedal flying dragon, far inferior to the horned eagle beast." Li Yao said.

"Damn!" The sky was wide and the sky couldn't help cursing.

In fact, every super guild will cultivate such sub-professionals, but they do not have their own biological origin. Only relying on guild mission capture will make the progress much worse.

Unlike Spark, the breeders and trainers own the entire pirate island, where the creatures cannot be said to be endless, but they also provide a steady stream of experience.

There is almost one Starfire Raptor mount and hunter pet each.

Now when everyone lacks flying mounts, they have stepped forward and gained control of the horned eagle gathering place. With the addition of pterodactyl, it is impossible for Xinghuo to lack money.

Both of them are relatively speechless. They have already understood that it is impossible for Xinghuo to be underdeveloped. After this war, Xinghuo will once again improve the welfare of its members and will be the biggest winner.

Originally, their excitement gradually faded. This is snowballing, and they can't imagine how far the spark will develop after sitting on a main city.

I am afraid Xinghuo will become a guild that many players aspire to join.

Even the two of them thought of a deeper level. Judging from the current situation, they also understood that the real main force was actually Li Yao's personal army.

Is there really only one way to break through the city wall?

However, Li Yao and Xinghuo's high-level officials chose this method and mobilized everyone in Xinghuo. Everyone was struggling to win the main city, and even let them experience the hardship of capturing the main city.

What is the advantage of this, naturally, the members feel that this main city is the result of their concerted efforts.

This is the same as directly giving them a main city so that they can take advantage of the benefits to be more effective. I don’t know how many Actually all know this method, but Xinghuo is more extreme from the beginning, and it costs a lot of money to build residential areas. , I was ridiculed by people before, but now I have gained the loyalty of tens of thousands of members, who regard Spark as their home in the game. It has also gained countless players yearning to join Spark, as evidenced by the fact that there are so many Spark Sub Guilds.

Now that there are too many members of Xinghuo, the main city incident has occurred again. After they win the main city, they will regard this as the result of their hard work, and the cohesion of Xinghuo will increase again.

Welfare enhancement is necessary to keep them, but if they recruit members only by material, then they will betray when the temptation is more.

For example, there are so many deputy professional bosses of Xinghuo. I don't know how many guilds are willing to ask them to pay liquidated damages and draw them to their own guild.

It can not be said that no one left, but this kind of people is a drop in the bucket. They really like the Spark system and the atmosphere of Spark. This is the role of the guild's strong atmosphere and direction.

There are many aspects. Not everyone is as headstrong as Li Yao. Some people have followed suit to build the best guild warehouse, but there are things you can't get if you have money. It's not that everyone's guild does not allow any consortium to settle in, and it can run freely by relying on the output in the game.

It's like a flying mount. Once someone puts it in the guild warehouse, can you get it from other guilds.

These things were extremely scary after careful consideration, so that the two of them did not dare to imitate and could not imitate them.

Just as their thoughts were flying, finally, Gears of War was ready again.

In another quarter of an hour, several war machines were destroyed by the ogres this time, but more than 80 war machines were fired in the unwilling eyes of the ogres...


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