MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1847: The second model of horror

Some doubts arose from the ogre. They didn't understand why the walls were flawed and the main force did not launch a general attack. This was the best chance.

And in their opinion, the city wall has been breached, this war machine has lost its function, what is the point of continuing.

Where do they know? Li Yao clearly knows that the Zerg’s strength is weaker than that of the ogres. Under a stable army, it is the limit to be able to consume each other without being breached. He wants to break through the opponent’s army and destroy the enemy. It is almost impossible.

The frontal battlefield competition is the comprehensive capabilities of the army. Without any strategy, the constant consumption of the opponent is victory, and the zerg that Li Yao now summons is biased towards defense.

Of course, because of the presence of Zerglings, you can still fight fiercely, but that is to show determination, and it is still not enough to break through the opponent's line of defense.

Li Yao’s goal is to consume more than 10 million troops. Even if it’s two for one, it’s enough for Li Yao. Moreover, after yesterday’s confrontation with the cavalry, the Zerg is not as good as it is, but it’s definitely not two. Change this to lose money.

After all, the Zerg is still too tenacious, even if it is cut off, it will not die immediately. This is terrifying.

With the roar, more than eighty steel stars passed the main force's army and galloped toward the city wall.

The exclamation of exclamation could be heard faintly, making everyone very surprised, not knowing if this was a special effect.

"Why would anyone shout?" Susuna Fanghua asked.

Li Yao looked at the speeding Steel Star and said: "Because this is the second model, we call it Manned Steel Nova. There are people in it. It may be too exciting to shout."

Nima, can you not stimulate it? It's not too exciting to be launched like this.

In the curious eyes of everyone, the new steel star fell not far from the city wall, and according to the route of the cannonball, the ogres had already sent a large number of Void Guards summoned. The pets commonly known as Fat Blue formed a human wall.

Fat Blue is the tank legion among the demons, the most resistant to beating, and the defensive demon pet that a warlock can summon.

In the eyes of the ogres, there is nothing to say about this kind of shell destroying the city wall, but it is a bit funny to want to kill.

However, the facts are often unexpected. The new steel star rushes on the ground at a very fast speed, and in an instant has rushed to the first line, which is the line of defense composed of the blue fat guys.

There is no explosion, no splendid effect.

In the eyes of everyone, the Blue Fatty Legion did not form any blocking effect, and this new steel star, several times larger than the project, directly crushed it.

The mantis arm as a car, the Chinese players immediately came up with this idiom.

The new steel star smashed past, without any stagnation, and what remained behind was the collapsed void element.


This was not an explosion, but the new steel star had crushed the Blue Fatty's army and contacted the ogre's army.

When the forefront is naturally the tank professional ogre who formed a wall, they formed a wall, and the large shields combined to form a huge wall-like barrier.

This layer of barrier is their plan, the blue fat man resists the steel nova, and then the steel nova stalls after the explosion impact, so as not to hurt the army behind.

The two sides collided with each other, this time there was no feeling of a praying man's arm as a car, but everyone imagined playing bowling.

With a bang, the huge shield wall of the ogre to the extreme collapsed, and in an instant, countless ogre corpses and broken shields sputtered and galloped.

The new steel star broke through this wall of people in an almost savage way. The scene was so spectacular that words could hardly express the feeling of breaking through the shackles.

The expressions of the great warlocks changed drastically. They had never thought that this thing was so violent, they reopened the shield wall without any explosion.

The consequences will be catastrophic. The speed of the new steel star is too fast, and what remains behind his trajectory is a corridor of flesh and blood.

Those strong shields would be broken, not to mention the flesh and blood of ogres.

The new steel star broke through the ogre army formation in a moment, and the ogres near the orbit looked stupidly at the reaction, and they turned into the fleshy companions and the corridor of flesh and blood left by them. It's endless fear.

However, something even more frightening happened. The terrifying new star of steel broke through the ogre's army and turned around and rushed into the ogre's army again.

The same result is still the same. If you look down from the sky, you will see more than 80 new steel stars like mowing grass, each time they rages in the army, they bring out a corridor of flesh and blood.

The panic of the ogre spread, and what was seen through the live broadcast was extremely shocking, followed by incomparable nausea and nausea.

The scene was too bloody, and the truth and cruelty increased again after reaching the full level. Many players watched the live broadcast while eating snacks, and the results can be imagined.

Not only was the ogre high-level shocked, but the main force was also shocked.

Haikuotian swallowed, and said grimly: "This cannonball has the same price as the one just now."

Li Yao smiled: "How is it This is specially made for killing soldiers, and it is not the same as the siege type. It was originally impossible to sell, but our relationship, your two guilds If you want, one five thousand gold coin."

The two are speechless, how much is a war machine, and one shell actually dared to sell for five thousand. What is the concept of five thousand? Five thousand gold coins is a gap that prevents countless masters of the full level from learning riding.

Now that he can learn flying riding skills, he is either a local tyrant, a guild boss, or a super master.

If five thousand gold coins are bought with credits, it will be a burden to petty bourgeois families, let alone ordinary people. It is not a question of whether they can't afford it, but whether they can afford it.

The price is too expensive, but seeing the new steel stars bring up a ravine in the ogre army formation, the ogres roared in horror at the panicked ogre army formation, the two of them are really itchy. I really want it.

"Although I know you are pitting us, but I want three shots." Haikuotian gritted his teeth.

"Don't, you can't force it. You think it's expensive, I don't want to sell it yet, but I can't cheat you, just forget it." Li Yao said.

Setsuna Fanghua also gritted his teeth and said: "It's not expensive, not expensive at all. I think the price is very fair and it's worth the money. I want four shots."

"Yes." Li Yao was in a good mood. Although Sparks spent a lot of materials in this battle, most of them were provided by the faction. In addition, they produced a lot of materials on the spot, and they could make money even if they were sold. Don't be too cost-effective.

However, the great warlock's mood didn't get any faster. He didn't irritate the panic of the ogres, because this was normal. Facing unknown irresistible affairs, this was an instinctive reaction...


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