MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1849: Gain momentum

The complexion of the great warlock turned ugly in an instant. From his point of view, destroying a recruit is as simple as destroying a little mouse.

As a result, he personally made the opponent escape, and Nima was embarrassed, and the other leaders pretended not to see it.

But the more this happened, the greater the warlock's heart became. The opponent was too weak, and he would die when he touched his skills. As a result, he sent a pet and missed it. How could he feel embarrassed.

Hitomi continued to release one-off fireworks, and the fireworks bloomed, making the Grand Warlock's face darker.

"Ready to fight!" The Grand Warlock shouted as he looked at the Zerg who was already close to the ruins of the city wall.

"What are you waiting for, the Zerg army is about to attack the city wall. Kill!"

I don't know who yelled it to make the main force in a daze come back to their senses, right?

Li Yao's order was that the sound of the artillery was the signal of offense. Now the Zerg army strictly implemented the order, but they forgot about it because of the shocking scene.

As someone reminded, the main force also went out.

Li Yao didn't care, anyway, as long as they could defeat the ogre player, there were not many requirements.

As he said earlier, the dominant power of war is no longer in the hands of the secondary ogre.

And at the same time, the Gordok ogre also fought on the other side, attacking the second noodle ogre on both sides.

In other words, from this moment, the big battle that really affects the outcome of the war has begun.

The new steel star did affect the morale of both sides. At least the main force, the player, screamed and launched a charge, while the morale of the ogres was low, and the corridor of flesh and blood on the ground reminded them that what they had just done was not a dream.

"The morale is like a rainbow now, are you shaking your head?" Seeing Li Yao's dissatisfaction in the sky.

Li Yao said: "It's a pity that those corpses have become like this. How many Zerg soldiers can be produced. I originally wanted to have two more waves. Let's forget it now."

Li Yao's architectural space is an arsenal, producing Zerg all the time. When the war is fierce, the production speed will be far lower than the consumption speed, and there is not enough material, especially after the war is when he is at its most emptiness. The energy unit can recover quickly.

I wouldn't let the oriole take advantage of the void. If so, I had just captured the main city and turned around and was captured by players from the chaotic camp. That would have become a big joke.

The Zerg is like a tide, especially after smelting, it is full of metallic luster, and it looks like a mechanical weapon, but not like a Zerg.

Instead, the Zerglings at the forefront this time, when they are more than a hundred yards from the ruins of the ogre city wall and are about to enter the range of the ogre's long-range strike, the Zerglings jump directly. Rows of Zerglings jumped to the sky, and then rushed to the ogre's army like lightning.

The ogres don't understand the Zerglings' attack methods. It can be said that this is their strongest assault skill and also a killing skill.

Zerglings are very good assault units, not position units.

The ogre looked at the Zergling that seemed to be covering the sky, and was a bit at a loss for a while, not knowing whether to fight the Zergling or the Zerg army that came afterwards.

However, this was the battlefield, and there was no time to hesitate at all. After they hesitated a little, the Zergling had fallen into the ogre's army.

With the powerful impact, they pierced their blade-like forelimbs into the opponent's body and injected toxins.

In an instant, the ogre army that had just restored order was chaotic again.

Although Zerglings have low blood volume and are very crispy, they also have the characteristics of Zerg, that is, they can survive for a short time even if their body is torn.

In Li Yao's view, Zerglings are the cannon fodder regiment in the trump card army. The moment they jump out is the most brilliant moment of their lives, there is death but no life.

But the same, especially facing opponents who are not familiar with them, can often cause huge damage.

The Zerglings died very quickly, and they couldn't bear the attacks of the ogres, but the results they brought were also very brilliant, often reaching one for two.

When the Thunder Beast and the destroyers rushed up, the ogre's front line was in chaos, not to say how powerful the Zerglings were, in fact they were easy to target.

But this is the first time Zergling has appeared, and the panic of the ogre is more of a fear of the unknown.

With the impact of Leiju's long-range steel needle and the saboteur's acid magic bomb, the first layer of defense of the ogre completely collapsed.

The morale blow to the ogre could not be said to be devastating, but it was almost the same.

In fact, the strong can see that in terms of comprehensive ability, the Ogre Legion is better than the Zerg, Li Yao knows it, and the Great Warlock also knows it.

But Li Yao first broke the walls that they had never fallen before, making the ogres subconsciously think that their opponents are extremely and then use the corridors of flesh and blood brought out by the steel star, and they can retreat and deepen the whole body. With this impression, the opponent's extremely powerful seed was planted in the ogre's heart.

Then, using the ogre's unfamiliarity with Zerglings and Zergs, the first wave of battle between the two sides defeated the opponent's front line.

This not only caused the ogres to doubt their lives, but also greatly stimulated the main players, and strengthened their impression that the city was about to be attacked.

"Damn it, this recruit." The ogre commander slammed a hammer on the stone wall in front of him, and the stone suddenly shattered.

"This guy is calculating everywhere, step by step, so deep in his mind, really a terrible opponent." The great warlock said helplessly.

This is a shame. They know that the Zerg is not as good as their army, but is it useful to say it now?

Ordinary ogres believe in their own eyes and facts, not what you say or whatever, it doesn't work at all.

"Send the most elite guards of the temple and tell them that they must stabilize the situation." The great warlock said coldly.

Now the confidence of the ordinary ace army has been shaken. Before fighting, they can’t display their normal combat effectiveness at all. They can only send out the most conviction guards of the temple as the foundation. They are second-ranked ogres. The most powerful army, the trump card in the trump card, is not only strength, but also their firm belief.

"Understand." The commander personally mobilized the army this time.

At the beginning of the decisive battle, Li Yao took advantage of various conditions to play momentum, setting the tone for the victory of the war, allowing the players to dispel the last trace of doubt and hesitation, and start to fight for military merit.

They just saw the collapse of the ogre frontline army, but they ignored it automatically. None of the Zerglings that jumped over survived now, all died in the glory...

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