MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1850: pressure


The guards of the temple on the second plane came to the battlefield to stabilize the battle. With the battle, the ogres understood that although the Zerg was extremely tenacious, it was actually not invincible.

However, the price is the early sacrifice of the guards of the temple.

The leadership of the secondary face ogres is not good at all. As their strongest army, the temple guards actually lost a large number of them at this time.

Fighting until dark, the Zerg once invaded the city, but was slowly slowed back by the ogre, and Shuangfei fought endlessly in the ruins of the city wall.

Just as Li Yao expected, it entered the real consumption stage.

The forces of the Zerg are continuously thrown into the battlefield, consuming the ogre soldiers regardless of the cost.

More than half a day caused a lot of damage to the ogres, the battlefield spread out too much, such a huge gap, and the number of soldiers at war was also amazing.

Compared with the soldiers who hunted the opponent against the city wall, now it is a real hard fight. There is no skill, only a deadly battle.

It's not that the ogres haven't thought about tactics. They have sent out several groups of cavalry from other city gates, and then detoured to raid the Zerg in other directions.

Inflicted huge damage to the Zerg army, but the Zerg seemed endless. In the end, although a large number of Zergs were wiped out, all the army they raided were also killed. Three consecutive raids failed, even because the raid almost collapsed and there was no sign of retreat. .

Just like ten huge illusory portals with endless zergs, and Zerg soldiers gushing out of them all the time.

In the last wave, many of the opponent's most elite 100,000 ground dragoons broke into the structure space, but they never came out after they entered.

The ogres don't understand the structural space. When they see the densely invisible zerg and the massive lairs continuously producing zerg arms, they feel desperate in their hearts.

Many people have been numb to watching this tragic fight, while the main players are caught in a melee. This is a contest between the main players and the ogre players.

The huge battlefield is almost endless. Even though such a grand battle is not comparable to the battle of Uldaman, the meaning of this war is different.

This is a war waged by recruits. With this scale, it has a huge impact on players.

In particular, the websites and forums of the various administrative areas of the official channel are on the top, making this battle known to more and more players.

In order to achieve better publicity, in reality, various platforms advertise, and game TV stations even broadcast non-stop.

What is the gimmick, as long as you join the ancient gods, you will also have the opportunity to reach the top, leading countless players and epic battles of Legion Romance, what a thousand troops, it is simply weak.

The overwhelming propaganda of the game company directly on this matter is also remarkable. A war of this scale and a battle between such crazy player corps are not at all comparable to other super guilds and guilds that unite armies to attack small cities.

The name Liaoyuan is also known more. Now that Liaoyuan is the first person in the game, no one has any doubts. Even if a battle of this scale is successful or not, he will know his strength.

This wave of propaganda was also successful. The huge screens on the high-rise buildings and various floating car channels made many people want to join the ancient gods, and many people knew about Xinghuo and wanted to join Xinghuo.

At this moment, Li Yao's popularity has reached its apex, which is absolutely comparable to the most famous and super first-class stars, and it is also known to women and children.

What, you said that this is just a game, so people started out as a small commentary of failure, but within a year, through the ancient gods, he became the youngest major general in the Federation and the most proficient control master of the new mecha.

How the official incitement came, condensed the most shocking picture editing from the beginning of the war to the present.

The most shocking editing such as the battle of the sky fortress, the demigod, the breaking of the barrier, the steel star, etc., make the most shocking propaganda CG.

"Fuck, this CG is really burning up, with these, plus your personal close-ups, even though you have experienced it personally, you still feel passionate. I don't know why you started to reject the official. This is overwhelming. You and Xinghuo are completely overwhelmed. It's fire." Haikuotian said excitedly.

Li Yao shrugged: "Fame is useless for Xinghuo, enough. For me, my reputation does not need official propaganda."

"You don't need it, we need it. No, I should have prepared in advance if I knew it would happen." Haikuotian said in annoyance.

"You are by my side, shooting me, and no one will edit you off." Li Yao said helplessly.

The broad sea and sky suddenly drooped down: "I'll be angry when you say this. Look at those shots. Although there are us, but like your little brother, look at the two of us most shabby, then look at you, the shape of this outfit. Let’s take a look at the pets behind me and the three peerless dragon queens. The two of us are simply, meow, let alone, the more we talk, the more sad.

Setsuna Fanghua smiled and said, "This is why you asked your assistant to return to the guild to get the gorgeous armor?"

The sky and the sky rolled his eyes: "You are so embarrassed to You haven't changed the cool equipment, meow, it seems that I also want to learn from you women and carry beautiful equipment with me. I'm the same as my classmate."

The two of them laughed, their faces were wide and the sky was bitter, and they turned the subject and said, "It's getting dark again. I'm tired of standing all day, and I will fight tonight?"

Li Yao nodded: "The Zerg does not sleep for a few days, it is not the same as playing. The Zerg behind is already resting. This is also the advantage of the Zerg."

The two nodded. The fault of the wise race is also here. Although the ogres in the city have not participated in the war, it is estimated that they cannot sleep well either.

Li Yao was too strong, and even broke into the city during the day. It is estimated that the entire secondary noodle ogre is panic now, and it is naturally beneficial to them to continue to consume.

"How many ace army of the Zerg have you prepared?" Instantly Fanghua was also envious, their total ace army assembled guild strength did not exceed 100,000, and Li Yao personally had so many.

Li Yao smiled: "It's all up to now. It's okay to tell you. I have prepared a Zerg army of more than 20 million, and I plan to consume all of it here."

They naturally didn't know that Li Yao opened his mouth to increase the army by 10 million. Although they thought it was impossible, they saw the Zerg at no cost, and saw the ten void portals of the Zerg continuously emerging. .

For the main force, this is naturally a boost to their hearts, but it is a huge pressure for the secondary noodle ogres.

They don't know how many Zergs there are. After at least half a day's consumption, the secondary noodle ogres can't help it. The sacrifice is too great...


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