MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1857: All out

"That is, we are pressing up all the way, the other side certainly does not have enough strong people to deal with us, only if someone slaughters the other side's army victory will belong to us. And with the power of the great warlock and the god, they will definitely not be able to check and balance."

The senior leaders of the second noodle ogre asked for a fight.

The great warlock looked gloomy, and said after a moment: "Okay, you continue to fight, I will see how many strong they can take over."

Afterwards, the powerful ogres played one by one, and Xinghuo consumed the guild's heritage, and a world-class leader could also appear.

In fact, there are many world-class powerhouses in the secondary noodle ogres, but not too many.

At the beginning of the battle, due to recklessness and arrogance, the second-ranked ogres had already died in the battle.

Then the ogres of the Maul of Doom were dispatched, and the secondary face ogres sent four, plus two guilds to contain them, there were already eight, which was already the vast majority of the secondary face ogres.

Then appeared a warlock. This time Xinghuo, headed by the Balanced Druid Variety Baby, used a strange fruit to summon a huge world tree phantom, giving Variety Baby temporarily the power of a world-class leader. .

At the same time, with the emergence of the World Tree, a large number of treants and ancient war trees were activated and transformed, gradually forming a scale.

This time the movement is not too big, and it is not too vast, but the green fluorescent phantom of the World Tree makes people feel the steady flow of natural energy.

"What is this?" Instant Fanghua asked curiously.

Li Yao smiled and said, "Our guild naturally also has a deep foundation. You should know that our guild has raised a world tree."

"Naturally knows it. In fact, the race of the World Tree is not hard to find. Many guilds are tempted and want to cultivate. Unfortunately, looking up information and cultivating the World Tree consumes more materials than the guild mission. The consumption is really too big. Many world trees can’t even grow seedlings. The current scale of your guild’s World Tree Zhang Cheng consumes not knowing how much resources, and many guilds ridiculed it.” Instant Fanghua sighed.

"Just raising the world tree naturally consumes a lot of money." Li Yao did not continue the topic: "Our guild's world tree has reached the growth stage. After its infancy, it has naturally begun to give back benefits. The fruit of this origin is one of the benefits. . The number is very small, but each one can give a druid a world-class combat power."

What Li Yao has not said is that the restrictions are not small. Only one origin fruit can be activated at a time. Otherwise, Li Yao will not use other guilds and other methods to help distribute the profits.

The tenth world-class leader of the secondary face ogre is also a warlock, which is why the ogres choose this place. Relying on the Fel Node, they have cultivated a large number of middle-level and high-level warlocks and super strong.

It can be seen that Li Yao's destruction of the Doom Maul array has a huge impact on the ogres. If not, Li Yao absolutely has no chance of winning.

This time it is Viscount Water Elemental. Although being a pet weakened a certain amount of combat power, as a Viscount, his strength is still very powerful, and he can deal with warlocks who can summon pets.

Otherwise, world-class leaders who can summon pets are very, very difficult.

The eleventh strong man has already reached the opponent's commander, he is a pure warrior, and this time he is the blue dragon dragon queen body.

This is already the highest combat power Li Yao can use. At this stage, the Blue Dragon Queen is slightly better than the Black Dragon Queen.

But now, the opponent still has the Grand Warlock and the Raven God.

The great warlock teleported directly to the open space in the battlefield and looked directly at Li Yao. Although it was extremely dark, both sides could see each other clearly.

"Your strategy surprised me again. I thought the Blue Dragon and Dragon Queen would be my opponent. I probably know what you think. You want to use the strongest subordinates to defeat your opponents that are close to you. The strategy is good, but unfortunately it doesn't work. I am not a general leader of mad fighting, but a person with a special bloodline. The strength may not be worse than mine. Now you don’t have many cards in your hand."

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "I don't think so. In my opinion, you don't have many cards in your hand, otherwise, you won't start a decisive battle now."

"I have to say that, as a recruit, you are amazing enough to be where you are now, and let my clan go all out to take you. I really can't think of how you can deal with me. Sorry, you have a black dragon queen. But even if there is a **** who can deal with me, how do you deal with our god. Don't be afraid to tell you, you a recruit can't imagine the power of a demigod." The great warlock said lightly.

"Really." Li Yao didn't specifically refute. He could tell the other party that he himself was the top demigod in the previous life. Is he one step away from being a **** at the quasi-god level, and he wouldn't tell him his spiritual power at the moment. Already reached the level of the main god,

"You are very strong, maybe the average world-class leader can really cope with it. You should shoot early. You made a wrong arrangement, and now it is too late to wake up." Following the words of the great warlock, a succubus appeared beside him. , A demon guard, and the flame imps that appear one after another are all world-class. Although the blood is not high, the rank has reached this level with the promotion of the great warlock: "Forget it, as a You are strong enough as a recruit, and you will inevitably make mistakes. Now how do you deal with me. Deal with my god."

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "You don't know me at all. It should be said that I know you well, but you know nothing about me."

Following Li Yao's words, the beauty queen appeared from the void, and the succubus queen knelt on one knee: "Great master, is this my opponent?"

"Don't lose." Li Yao said lightly.

"Follow your will." The succubus queen said, walking towards the great warlock: "It turned out to be a stupid and ugly ogre."

The great warlock was taken aback, and then smiled: "You really don't have a hole card. You want to stop me with a succubus alone. It's naive."

However, Li Yao had already turned his gaze back to the **** of the raven, and his contemptuous attitude made the great warlock a little bit ashamed.

Li Yao's meaning is very clear, he wants to deal with the black dragon and dragon queen together, the **** of raven.

"The ogre is really stupid, you dare to summon the lowly bloodline, relying on the contract to increase the strength to use the waste to deal with me." The succubus shook the bone whip suddenly, and said coldly with an explosion, "Waste, Still not retreating."

As soon as the grand warlock's expression changed, he saw the succubus behind him crawling directly on the ground, glanced at the grand warlock apologetically, and quickly disappeared into the summoning formation.

The great warlock has an ugly face, and the contract with the devil and the clan can be killed. This is the law. There is only one situation that can make the devil retreat, and that is to face the royal family...


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