MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1858: Boundless

Not killing the king is not a matter of thinking, but facing the king's suppression, there is only a dead end. The devil who signed the contract could have been resurrected, but if he was killed by the king, there would be no chance of resurrection.

In addition, compulsory hands-on strength will also be suppressed, and hands-on and death-seeking are almost the same.

Through the contract, the retired succubus also sent a message to the great warlock that although this succubus royal family was not directly leading her, it was also very famous, not only the royal bloodline was pure, but also the bloodline of a demigod. The two bloodlines blend together perfectly.

The great warlock finally put away his contempt. He has many demon pets. Although the succubus is one of his strongest pets, it is not without replacement. He immediately replaced the succubus with the demon mistress.

"Liaoyuan, as a recruit, or a hunter, there is a good fortune that we warlocks would also envy. You are really good, but you want to fight our **** with a dragon queen. It's just wishful thinking. , Your vision is too low."

Anyone can hear the sour tone of the great warlock, can it not be sour? Not to mention the capture of the royal family, even the demon with the blood of the lord will make the warlocks very envious, let alone the royal family.

How did they know that it was not luck that Li Yao got them.

It's the strength of the spiritual power, and it is difficult to change the summoning contract, so even the large warlock demon pets follow him from the beginning.

Not to mention that when the contract was signed at that time, it is now that he is allowed to sign the contract, and it is the lord's quality when he is the highest.

If it were not for the oppression of Li Yao's god-level spiritual power, the three royal clans would not be contracted by Li Yao at all, even if they were dead.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

With the sound of a whip, groups of hellhounds appeared, especially as the demigod hellhounds, although extremely weak, they can at least display world-class strength, which is also a powerful help.

"Little Warlock, you are crazy. You didn't regard this king as your opponent. Do you think you can summon helpers? There are more people than people. This king has never been afraid."

The succubus queen was enchanting, but her expression was extremely cold, and being ignored repeatedly made her extremely annoyed.

"Hakkar's whip, how could you..." The Raven God said in astonishment.

The succubus queen shook the whip again: "It seems that my dead ghost father is still quite famous, you actually know that."

"Daughter of Haka, no wonder the weapon that killed Haka had disappeared. It turned out to be a bloodline weapon." The **** of raven seemed to have solved some doubts.

In fact, they besieged Hakkar and killed Hakkar. Many demigods wanted this weapon that could summon hellhounds infinitely. Unfortunately, no one did what they wanted. They began to suspect that they were hidden by someone, and now they understand what happened. .

"You're good, I also had a copy for killing your father back then. You don't want to seek revenge from me?" The Raven God said lightly.

"I'm not your opponent, my master naturally has the means to deal with you." The succubus queen sneered: "And don't think that all fools under God, don't you just want this whip that contains my father's law. You are one The dead man is so greedy, god, but so."

"Presumptuous, you are looking for death." The great warlock raised his hand to the strongest curse as he spoke.

As a warlock, he can also summon Hellhounds. How can he not know the role of Hellhounds? Every Hellhound can absorb at least one spell from him. What's more, there is also a Hellhound demigod. The battle will be very difficult.

So many hellhounds, plus the succubus queen, is simply a nightmare for legal professions.

"I'm just injured, do you really think I don't exist."

The demigod hellhound said faintly, his other end opened a big mouth and sucked, and the curse was about to fall on the succubus queen as if he had been dragged by the hellhound demigod.

The **** dog's demigod breath suddenly grew a little.

"Yes, go on, little guy, I just need energy recovery. Especially your school girl contains my power. You absorb my power, and you should be back now." The half-god of the **** dog looked at the great warlock's eyes like Watch a good meal.

"You are too crazy, you want to attack me, huh."

With the chuckle of the succubus queen, a breath of charm spread.

"Not good." The great warlock suddenly shook his head, dispelling the addicted emotion in his mind.

"Be careful, master." The demon mistress's double knives were immediately placed on the head of the great warlock, and the demon guards summoned by the great warlock suddenly cut down and collided with the mistress's double knives.

"Damn it." As a warlock, he didn't know why the demon guard attacked him.

He usually likes to summon a succubus to charm opponents in battles, and he can also mentally control opponents, and can quickly dissolve the opponent's defense or offensive, but now he has tasted this trick.

Especially, the opponent is the succubus queen, even if he is prepared, he is almost charmed by the opponent, not to mention the weak will and mental power is very demon great warlock waved, covering hundreds of A yard of meteor fire rain covered, the low-grade hellhound was directly burned, only the high-grade hellhound absorbed the flame and continued to rush towards the great warlock.

At the same time, the great warlock continuously poured out spells, and pointed his fingers far away at the demon guard who had already fought with the mistress.

A ray links from the fingers of the Grand Warlock to the center of the eyebrows of the Demon Guardian. The Grand Warlock is mobilizing the power of the contract to release the control spell of the Succubus Queen.


The flame imps who were releasing fireballs to attack the Hellhound shook their bodies suddenly, and then the fireballs in their hands all changed their targets.


Although the great warlock knew that the succubus queen was extraordinary and very guarded, he did not expect that the queen would frighten him and control him a demon while also controlling the imp for a short time.

He was unprepared for this move, and he was using the power of the contract to release control, with mental arithmetic and unintentional.

The Grand Warlock was immediately hit by a dozen imps fireballs he had summoned himself. Although the little devil was very fragile, a dozen fireballs directly knocked the Grand Warlock away.

The spell that released the control naturally collapsed, the rays collapsed, and the great warlock suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground embarrassedly.

The Demon Guardian was even more frantic, and the binding force of the contract was at its lowest level.

The first wave of fireballs ended, and the second wave of fireballs arrived, and the Hellhound madly approached the Grand Warlock.

"Presumptuous!" The **** of raven finally couldn't help it.

Suddenly opened his eyes, two beams shot out suddenly, one rushed towards the succubus queen, and the other rushed towards the **** dog demigod.

"Your opponent is us." When Li Yao spoke, the storm had already started, and more than twenty shadows were also bowing and shooting arrows at the same time.

The Black Dragon and Dragon Empress also chuckled, the flames lingering all over her body...

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