MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1861: Confrontation

The Raven God didn't care about the cracks appearing when he opened his eyes this time, and also gave the Queen a chance to get out of trouble. Just staring at the blood that gradually emerged.

"Damn, you actually launched a blood banquet, you are a believer of that monster, you actually want to wake him up, you will bring endless disasters to this world, rely on him to win, even if you win, you will become this The public enemy of the world." The Raven God said coldly.

Li Yao sneered: "Don't pin me down. I have always believed in power without good or evil. If you follow your standards, then the warlock who controls the devil is not the spy of the Burning Legion. Besides, did I awaken the blood ancestors? You know it best in your heart. In the end, I just used him."

"It's ridiculous, you little ant, if you want to take advantage of that monster, you really don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick." Seeing the phantom gradually appearing in the blood, the **** of the raven didn't dare to act directly to avoid being misunderstood. Ancestral war.

"Blood, strong bloodline strength, yes, 100,000 bloodstains. My bloodline inheritor, your sacrifice surprised me this time, it's that bloodline person."

Just listen to the sound, this sound is obviously very useful. A phantom appeared, and in front of everyone was a sea of ​​blood rushing to the sky, and a stalwart and evil figure in the sea of ​​blood was immersed in the sea of ​​blood.

He is very handsome, with his eyes closed, but he exudes a fatal attraction to women. Not only the women on the scene, but also the female audience watching this scene through the live broadcast, have forgotten everything, and only this figure is left in his eyes.

And even if a man sees this evil figure, he will feel ashamed, as if he feels inferior.

"Old monster, are you blind, put away your **** charm set, you open your eyes to see who is calling you." The raven god's figure swayed with an aura, dispelling the power of charm .

The evil figure opened its eyes, and suddenly everyone's mind roared. What a pair of eyes made everyone deep in it, and the world-class people and the audience seemed to have fallen into the best nightmare.

But when he saw the situation clearly, the evil spirit soaring to the sky surged and the blood boiled.

All the beautiful and all the illusions collapsed at this moment, and everyone's heart was shaken and their clarity was restored. Looking at the sea of ​​blood, there are no perfect people and beautiful eyes.

I saw an indescribable monster floating in the sea of ​​blood. He was like a huge bat covered with blood-colored hair, only wings flashed with silver runes, and his eyes were scarlet, violent, evil, and cruel.

Coupled with the monstrous sea of ​​blood and evil spirits, it makes people shudder.

"Junior Raven, it's you, no, you definitely wouldn't use a blood banquet to summon me, and it's still a high-level blood banquet of 100,000 people, you are not so kind." The blood ancestor glanced around, and concentrated on Li Yao for a moment: "Damn it, it's you ant and you again."

Li Yao nodded and nodded with a smile. He had the same evil charm: "Blood Ancestor, it's been a long time since you left. Last time you left in a hurry, I haven't had time to thank you. If it weren't for the original blood beads, I wouldn't have received it. What about multi-blood followers."

"Mortal, you are looking for death." The blood ancestor lungs are about to explode. The last time he was calculated, it was not the loss. The key is that his hall master **** was actually calculated by an ant and played between the applause, which made him lose face, especially Still telling it in front of so many people.

Li Yao is also not hungry. If he does not show his blood ancestors' festival, he is likely to be labelled by someone who is caring and besieged by the three major camps.

"You should thank me. I want to talk about our grievances later. This time I want to make a deal with you."

"Hmph, you are an ant, and you want to make a deal with me. It's ridiculous." A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the blood ancestor. Although face is important, interests are more important: "I understand, you want me to give you strength and raven. Let this kid fight, it's not impossible, you offer a blood banquet for millions of people, and I even took him down by myself."

The expression of the raven's face changed: "Blood Ancestor, your hall master god, was provoked and used by a mortal, and does not punish the other party. Now he still wants to cooperate with him."

"Why do you have to say something about the original ancestor, ants, how, a million blood feast, I can even completely annihilate the raven kid for you." The blood ancestor said seductively.

"You are too crazy, you want to annihilate me, haha." The **** of raven is also full of anger. He has been rebellious throughout his life. What he said just now is the limit, but the blood ancestors did not put himself in the eyes, how can he bear it? Of it.

The great warlock and the others secretly cried out, saying bad things in their hearts, but they all had opponents and couldn't be distracted at all.

Everyone looked at Li Yao and wanted to see what choice Li Yao made.

"I refuse." Li Yao shook his head without hesitation.

"You actually refused, very good." The blood ancestor's eyes were full of anger. If it were not for the blood banquet, he could not disappear without the other party's condition. He would have left with things already: "That said. If the original ancestor can meet your requirements, it will definitely satisfy you."

Seeing the unpredictable light in his eyes, Li Yao felt like Ming Jing. It would be strange if the blood ancestor could meet his requirements. It was the original sentence that he could not express the relationship of sacrifice, but trade.

This is a big difference. Calculating the blood ancestors and stating their position is important. Defeating the God of Raven is not the key to sin, otherwise, even if the God of Raven is defeated, the chaotic camp can use its own sacrifice and worship of the evil **** as a reason to defeat itself.

Occupying the main city can't keep it, let alone defeating the raven, what is the point of killing the **** of raven.

"This is a deal, and this must be made clear. If you are willing to inspire the bloodline power of me and the Dragon Empress, this blood banquet will treat you as if I entertain you. If not, you can go away." Li Yao said unceremoniously. Even with contempt, everyone's eyes fell to the ground.

I thought Li Yao was crazy. If the blood ancestor is also going crazy, you still play a fart.

"Laughter." If the blood ancestor still does not understand that Li Yao has no sincerity to sacrifice, he would have lived in vain for so many years. In his measurement, he took the blood banquet to supplement his own strength and stimulate the other's bloodline power. This sale is very cost-effective.

The blood clan in the ancient gods was dangerous, and he couldn't start much blood banquet at all. He didn't know how long it would take to recover. He has always been pragmatic. If Li Yao doesn't stimulate him, this transaction can be completed.

But what Li Yao said is like a charity to him. If he accepts, he will be laughed at by all the gods. What majesty does he have.

Even though he knew that Li Yao was rushing to make the blood banquet impossible, he still couldn't accept it.

"Mortal, I have taken this account, but I have also accepted the Blood Banquet."...

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