MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1862: Calculation

Violating the sacrificial rules, although he will be restricted by the laws of heaven and earth, he is confident that with his methods, even if he robs the power provided by the sacrificial, he is confident that he can pass the punishment on to the bloodline inheritors.

If the kinship simply understands the manipulation of blood, it would be too superficial. Manipulating the blood is his strongest means.

Now that the talk with Li Yao broke down, he didn't want to give up the power provided by the blood banquet, and the last time Li Yao calculated that he kept his memory fresh, Li Yao's mental power was very strong.

Especially now he feels that the other party's mental power is stronger, not even weaker than himself, making him even more jealous.

Before he was sure, he would not take action against Li Yao, and in his opinion, as long as he took the fruit of the blood feast and let Li Yao's abacus fail, the raven would naturally deal with this kid, and he had no need to take action.

He figured out the joints as soon as his thoughts were transferred, and wrote down the second account. He is a treacherous man who will not take risks, but he will not let go. As long as the opportunity is naturally calculated.

A satisfied look flashed in the eyes of the **** of raven. In his opinion, Li Yaohaihui Temple was too young. This is called stealing chickens and not eating rice. A mere mortal does not know the treacherous blood ancestors.

Before he wanted to come, this war was over.

The blood ancestor opened his mouth with a sneer, and the blood in the blood feast suddenly gathered and quickly formed a blood cell, which seemed to cross the void to the blood ancestor's side.

"Blood Ancestor, you still don't know me enough. I have been preparing for so long, and you are still thinking about grabbing food from the mouth. You broke the rules first, so don't blame me."

It was this time that Li Yao was waiting. While speaking, endless tentacles poured out of the entire circle.

The blood cells were entangled in an instant, but more of the phantom that entangled the blood race and blood sea.

The blood ancestor's complexion changed drastically: "Damn, I don't believe that you can completely control the power of the ancient gods. It's impossible. Break me!"

The sea of ​​blood turned into claw shadows and cut off the large tentacles, but the tentacles were endless, constantly entwining his phantom, and in a moment he lost the blood cells.

"You are known as the blood ancestor. As everyone knows, the ancient gods are the source of blood creatures. If there is no curse of flesh and blood, where did your blood ancestor come from. If you violate the rules, then you don't leave."

Li Yao mentally controlled the endless tentacles to besiege the phantom of the blood ancestor.

The blood ancestor roared again and again. If facing any opponent, his blood magic can be used for miraculous effects, but facing the ancient gods, his bloodline power is useless, and other powers are naturally not useless, but he is only a ray of soul, mobilization His power is really limited, and the connection with the blood feast is cut off. He can't adjust his power, and relying on his spirit alone can't break free from the entanglement of endless tentacles.

Moreover, the blood cells have been absorbed by the tentacles and will only get stronger.

Of course, if it is any opponent, he can use his soul to inflict heavy damage on the opponent's soul, or he can retreat calmly, but Li Yao's mental power is not weaker than his body, and his remnant soul impacts Li Yao's spirit and death faster.

"Ant, you have calculated me again and again, and one day you will pay a heavy price for your stupidity." The blood ancestor's soul has no power to supplement, and it becomes increasingly weak to resist.

"You said the same last time, I'm afraid this day will not come." Li Yaosi didn't care. He is really troublesome, but he is not afraid. Up to now, there are many gods who are worried about him, and it is no less than one blood ancestor.

"Raven, you continue to watch the show, you just wait for him to defeat you with my power." The blood ancestor was frightened and angry.

He is already weak, if he loses another ray of spirit, he will be injured more severely. This and his strong morale are two concepts, so now he has to put down his body.

The Raven God also saw that something was wrong, although on the surface it was calm, he was actually ready to do it, waiting for the words of the blood ancestor.

People fight for a sigh of relief and receive a stick of incense. They said to the gods and spirits that the face is greater than the sky, and if this matter spreads out, he can definitely crush the blood ancestor.

So the moment the blood ancestor spoke, he launched his own attack. The eyes of the **** of ravens seemed to have lost their focus. The two mini ravens disappeared in a flash, directly submerged in Li Yao's eyes.

"Damn it, don't."

The blood ancestor's complexion changed drastically, he wanted the raven to take action, but not with mental power.

He understood the idea of ​​the **** of the raven in an instant. He understood, but Li Yao is different. If his mental power can deal with Li Yao, would he ask for help?

However, he and the Raven God didn't deal with each other in the first place, and there was no time for them to communicate, Li Yao arranged too cleverly.

In an instant he wanted to understand a lot. What Li Yao basically waited for was this moment and counted everyone in. From the very beginning, it revealed his true purpose of layout, that he was just an object of use.

However, I understand that everything is too late now.


The blood ancestor is also a determined generation, knowing that things cannot be changed, he also decided to give it a go, a ray of soul turned into two bats and also fell into Li Yao's eyes.


With Li Yao's city house, he couldn't help laughing.

A wisp of spirit dealt with him just kidding. The Raven God only claims to be able to fight the Lord God, but it definitely does not mean that his mental power has reached the level of the Lord God, let alone whether he is also called, the soul is the main body.

Li Yao was already ready to go, and the moment the two spirits came in, he launched a counterattack.

Everyone saw Li Yao's eyes bursting with blood and deep blue light, and then the ghost of the blood sea and blood ancestor collapsed and dissipated.

And the **** of the raven uttered a scream.


The Black Dragon Dragon Empress and Li Yao each shot a beam of light and hit the body composed of the energy of the Raven God.

The spirit of the **** of the raven shook into the energy body, then was knocked out by two beams of light, and then crashed into the city.

And the Queen finally escaped and returned to the main plane.

No one reacted, and the situation changed dramatically.

This blow not only caused the raven spirit to be damaged, but fell into the hearts of all the ogres. Just like Li Yao broke the myth of the black dragon, the demigod and invincibility, this blow also severely hit the ogres. The invincible belief of the **** of raven in the devil's heart.

In the field, a huge sphere of blood became a beam of light covering Li Yao and the black dragon queen.

The bodies of Li Yao and the Black Dragon Dragon Queen continued to swell, and their auras soared crazily, as if they were suffering tremendously.

Just like two inflated balls, they may explode at any time.

"It's impossible, how could your little ant hurt my soul, what exactly did you use."

The Raven God flew to the sky again, but anyone could feel that his body had actually fallen a bit, and his body had become a little illusory. It was obvious that the blow just now was very uncomfortable.

The horror and weakness in his eyes can be seen at this moment, he is calculated

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