MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1864: Fierce confrontation

The distance was too close, as if Mars hit the earth, the dazzling silver meteor hit the **** of raven, who was covered in electricity.

The **** of the raven felt an extremely powerful force that could not be resisted at all.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

The arrows continued to bombard the ravens that flew out.

The arrow not only carried all the power of Li Yao, but also carried the power of excess blood cells, and then this power Li Yaoche stopped the instillation of blood cell power.

But it is this force that continuously destroys the defense and divine power of the God of Raven to form the structure of the body.

I don’t know how many arrows, the body of the Raven God hit the ground heavily for the second time, and the earth shattered, and the energy body of the Raven God was pierced by successive arrows, and there appeared a huge Hollow.

"Sacrifice my strength." The voice of the **** of raven was weak.

And Li Yao also put away the blood cells, and the black dragon dragon queen quickly recovered.

The two keenly felt a sense of extreme danger, which was also the reason why they did not pursue the victory.

Sure enough, when the Raven God took off again, a huge force exploded, and the extremely strong surrounding wall after the rune blessing collapsed like tofu.

In the temple, the priests of the **** of raven sacrificed a tearful bone again, which was obviously a rib.

With the sacrifice, the Raven God quickly recovered to its peak, but anyone could see that the Raven God felt extremely distressed.

"Very well, I really didn't expect you to have such rich combat experience, to be able to resist the chase of victory, and to have such a keen combat intuition. If you didn't know that you were a recruit, you would definitely be regarded as some old immortal body." The Raven God applied solemnly. Come up: "But this is more interesting. I haven't really fought for many years."

"Don't worry, today you will not only experience the real battle, but also the taste of failure." Li Yao's tone was flat, as if to state a fact.

"Arrogant, don't think that you can really win against me by taking a small advantage. Fighting is never a momentary advantage and the result is determined." The **** of raven absorbed all the power of sacrifice and returned to its peak again.

"I know, so I didn't chase you after hurting you twice. You have also seen that there is still a large part of the divine power contained in the blood banquet. I can stay in this state for a long time. And you should be your own strength. The bones left during your lifetime, how many such bones are there. For the worst, you still have a lot of bones like this, but what about it, you use one piece of bone less than one piece. How many times are you willing to use."

Li Yao was not in a hurry, waiting for the Black Dragon Queen to continuously absorb the power of the earth to replenish his obsidian armor.

The Raven God looked at Li Yao more cautiously. If Li Yao could only show off his courage, he would not be afraid even if his fighting power was overwhelming, but he was most afraid of this kind of person who kept rational and calculating all the time.

He once again warned himself that the enemy in front of him was not a recruit, but his own formidable enemy, an old monster, and he could never be calculated by the opponent again.

Li Yao spoke out the essence of this battle. Yes, his bones are running out. Even if there are a lot, they can't be used unlimitedly. Then, after this crisis, what should I do in the future? God's deterrence, the secondary face ogre still loses its status.

When the time comes, the Maul of Doom will become the root of the disaster. The ogres, demons, and the ancient elves of the Feathermoon Fortress are all terrible enemies. Without his deterrence, the ogres can never continue to occupy this place with peace of mind.

Li Yao was able to think so far-reaching about the opportunity to fight him, and seeing the essence of it really made him chill, because Li Yao was not only deterring him.

What would the ogre of the passage think?

At this time, after a short period of darkness before dawn, one day finally rises, as if the world has opened up, the light will disperse the darkness.

The dazzling light went from dim to dazzling, and Li Yao's entire figure in the sky was shrouded in sunlight, giving the main force unparalleled courage.

With such a domineering coach, they can even feel that victory is coming.

The big guys in the dark camp and the neutral camp are surprised, they can naturally see through the game in the verbal confrontation.

The big brothers of the bright camp are complicated. There is such a new recruit in the hostile camp. Now they have the means to fight against the ancient gods. Obviously, they can't be the opponents of the demigods. They can actually fight against the demigods several times. Make them anxious.

But the chaotic camp is frightened. If the ogre loses the main city, it will definitely be a heavy blow to the chaotic camp.

They suffered heavy losses in launching this turmoil, and now it seems that the place controlled by each main city is more important. If one is lost, it is not only the cause of the main city.

The more important thing is that this person among the recruits is really terrible. Who can contend with the other party for the recruit CNOOC, after thinking it over, can't find such a person at all.

This is especially true for the players. Compared with many levels and the halls that have not entered the game, the players feel the real gap with Li Yao more This is not to work hard or get any props. A person who can compete with equipment.

This is an all-round rolling, and the contrast can only make people desperate.

Take Ozawa’s explanation at this moment: “Liaoyuan is truly at the pinnacle of the player at this moment. He has formed a mountain that everyone does not want to recognize and does not want to recognize. As the game progresses, many guilds have gained one-off Props to obtain world-class combat effectiveness. It is estimated that many people have had the mind to challenge Liaoyuan again, but at this moment, it is estimated that many people are lost, not only as relieved without being overpowered, but also as breathless and suffocated by huge pressure. despair."

Liaoyuan fought to be a god, this is not his attainment of the godhood, but the **** in the player's heart, a milestone.

In the future, some people will say that I can challenge Liaoyuan as long as I am stronger. If I have the strength of Liaoyuan to achieve his achievements, I will be ridiculed and besieged by everyone.

The Raven God is now considering how to break the game. He already knows that he can't easily defeat the Liaoyuan, so it doesn't make much sense to keep fighting.

For them, the strong one who can't beat the opponent is that they lose.

In an instant, the raven **** had a decision.

The electric light around him suddenly exploded, and a ghost rushed towards Li Yao with endless afterimages.

However, Li Yao's expression changed and he shouted, "Brother Hai, be careful."

The sky is wide and the sky is fighting the ogre powerhouse of the second plane, and it is certain that he can continue to improve until now.

He simply couldn't pay attention to other places, and devoted himself to the battle against the strong in front of him.

Without knowing it, the voice of the **** of the raven hit the west, and the target was him.

Kill him and liberate a world-class powerhouse...


Genius remembers this site address in one second: .. : M.

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